Yeast Infection Home Treatment

Yeast Infection Home Treatment – Natural Relief without the Risk

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Yeast Infection Home Treatment

Yeast infection home treatment is very common and preferred by many to treat yeast infection either by using medication or natural home remedies.

Before you start any yeast infection home treatment however, it is important to know the right way to do so.
Many yeast infection treatment options, medicine, pills and even natural yeast infection remedies are problematic and in a lot of cases do more harm than good.
With that said, there are some yeast infection home treatment and remedies that are well known to be both safe and effective and can provide a quick relief.

In this experts guide, we’ll cover the top yeast infection home treatment as well as the risky ones, so you can learn about the safe and effective natural yeast infection home treatment remedies, and avoid common critical mistakes that can make your yeast infection worse.

Common Natural Yeast Infection Home Treatments

Which Yeast Infection Home Treatment Is The Right One For You?

The most important step before you start any yeast infection home treatment is to identify the cause of your infection as the treatment you may need can be completely different.

  1. Find out what are the reasons you got the yeast infection to begin with. Certain medication, antibiotics or poor diet are common causes of yeast infections.
  2. Check whether there is an underlying condition that makes it hard for your body to get rid of a yeast infection naturally, as the body does on a normal healthy state.
    For more info, see our expert guide: What is preventing your body from healing candida by itself.

What can cure a yeast infection at home?

After you identify the source or cause of your infection (see previous section), yeast infection home treatment typically includes the following steps:

  • Candida diet – eliminates foods that can overfeed candida yeast or weaken your immune system and body.
    The diet includes foods & recipes that can help your body to heal and naturally balance the yeast overgrowth.
  • Anti candida yeast supplements can make a big difference as a part of the yeast infection home treatment when used correctly, and typically includes:
    Oxygen colon cleanse removes obstacles preventing the body from naturally healing, optimize the body’s natural waste/toxins removal function, and minimize yeast die off symptoms (healing crises).
    Probiotics – restore healthy gut flora with probiotic strains that are specifically effective against candida yeast.
    Enzymes – help transition to the candida diet by improving digestion and nutrients absorption of the foods, as well as breaking down candida’s cell wall.
  • Antifungals contain ingredients that directly or indirectly can kill candida and yeast in your body. While this can be very beneficial in certain cases, it can also backfire if not used correctly. A common problem with antifungals (natural or medication) is that many people use them in order to artificially “kill the yeast” where what you really want to do is to restore the natural balance in your body, so your body can safely eliminate the excess yeast naturally – two completely different things. In fact, many people are surprised to learn that antifungals are not always needed to cure a yeast infection. Learn More.
  • Topical candida creams may be used for yeast infection relief in cases of fungal skin or nails infections, vaginal yeast infections, oral thrush and others external discomforts.

To learn more, see our yeast infection treatment protocol.

Common Yeast Infection Home Treatment Mistakes

Below you will find the most common yeast infection scenarios that must be considered before you start your yeast infection home treatment.
Each of these cases may require different treatment.

  • Candida die off symptoms – you started a yeast infection home treatment and notice worsening symptoms such as flu-like symptoms, digestive issues, skin rashes and others. A common misconception about candida die off symptoms is that having them is a sign that the treatment is working. When you have die off symptoms, it means that the amount of toxins released by the dying candida yeast is more than what your body can safely handle. The high level of toxins put a lot of stress on internal organs, especially the colon, liver and kidneys that are involved in filtering toxins in the body. Learn More.
  • Male yeast infection– the yeast infection affects the penis. A common misconception about yeast infection is that only women get it where in fact yeast infections are common in men as well.
    In fact, a lot of men have fungal infections and male yeast infection symptoms all over their body for years as a result of a systemic candida overgrowth. In many of these cases, the candida overgrowth problem is only identified once the symptoms become more severe. Learn More.
  • Vaginal yeast infection – when the yeast infection affects the vagina, common symptoms may include abnormal vaginal discharge, itching, burning, pain, soreness, rash, vaginal bleeding and others. A common mistake that often causes recurring yeast infections is to only treat the symptoms in the vagina without addressing the source of the yeast infection which is usually in the gut.
    In addition, many people use risky yeast infection home treatments directly on the vagina that can cause more irritation and discomforts. Learn More.
  • Multiple yeast infections symptoms – when you have multiple yeast infection symptoms in different parts of the body, this usually indicates of a systemic problem of excessive candida yeast overgrowth in the body.
    Treatment for systemic candida and yeast infection issues typically include transitioning to candida diet with anti-candida supplements in order to balance the candida yeast overgrowth in your body. Learn More.
  • Oral thrush treatment – oral thrush is the most common oral infection of the mouth. The most common symptom of oral thrush is the thrush mouth or tongue thrush – a white coated tongue, often with redness or soreness that can also spread into other parts of the mouth. As mentioned above, it is very important to understand what is causing the oral thrush infection; in many cases, the thrush is only a symptom of a much bigger problem and as such the needed treatment can be completely different. Learn More.

Yeast Infection Home Treatment FAQ

Do yeast infections go away on their own?

It is possible for yeast infections to go away on their own without treatment if the reason that caused the infection stopped to occur and your body is strong enough to heal the infection by itself.

This is quite common in cases where both of these happened:

  • You have mild yeast infection symptoms that appear as a result a short physical event your body may not used to, such as exposure to hot humid weather, public pools, use of a new feminine product, and others.
  • The infection only affects one area of your body.

On the other hand, if you have multiple yeast infection symptoms in different areas of the body, this usually an indication of a systemic candida yeast overgrowth in your body. This requires treatment. A systemic candida yeast infection problem that is left untreated can cause many complications including long term yeast infection damage as the infection grows and spreads to other parts of the body.
Learn More.

Can Apple cider vinegar cure a yeast infection?

Using apple cider vinegar to cure a yeast infection can be beneficial as a part of a natural yeast infection home treatment in some cases. By itself however, apple cider vinegar will not cure a yeast infection. In addition, apple cider vinegar can cause unpleasant side effects when used incorrectly, especially when used undiluted, topically or vaginally, all are known to cause issues and are not recommended.  Learn More.

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