Untreated yeast infection
Untreated yeast infection is a very common problem that can lead to serious health complications. Many people that skip the yeast infection treatment, hoping that the yeast infection will go away on its own, end up with a long term yeast infection damage as a result of having untreated yeast infection for years.
There are 2 main concerns when you don’t take care of a yeast infection and leave the infection untreated:
- Untreated yeast infection usually cause the yeast infection symptoms to become worse. What starts as a mild case of a yeast infection that can be easily managed at home, may turn into a complete nightmare as the infection grows out of control causing many unpleasant symptoms and discomforts.
- When left untreated, yeast infection can lead to serious health complications as the infection spreads to other parts of the body or affect other body systems.
In this Guide
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When a yeast infection is left untreated:
Do yeast infections go away on their own?
To treat or not to treat
It is possible for yeast infections to go away on their own without treatment if the reason that caused the infection stopped to occur and your body is strong enough to heal the infection by itself.
This is quite common in cases where both of these happened:
- You have mild yeast infection symptoms that appear as a result a short physical event your body may not used to, such as exposure to hot humid weather, public pools, use of a new feminine product, and others (see more examples).
- The infection only affects one area of your body.
On the other hand, if you have multiple yeast infection symptoms in different areas of the body, this usually an indication of a systemic candida yeast overgrowth in your body. This requires treatment. A systemic candida yeast infection problem that is left untreated can cause many complications including long term yeast infection damage as the infection grows and spreads to other parts of the body.
- To see if you your symptoms may be related to candida yeast overgrowth: candida overgrowth test.
- Learn more about systemic candida yeast overgrowth.
When yeast infection is left untreated – Risks
what happens if you don’t take care of a yeast infection?
There are 2 main concerns when you don’t take care of a yeast infection and leave the infection untreated:
Untreated yeast infection may become worse
Untreated yeast infection usually cause the yeast infections symptoms to become worse. What starts as a mild case of yeast infection that can be easily managed at home, may turn into a complete nightmare as the infection grows out of control and causes many unpleasant symptoms and discomforts. A few common examples:
- Recurring vaginal yeast infection that become chronic and more severe, causing more discomfort such as burning and irritation.
- Additional new symptoms may appear as the infection spreads to other body areas or affects other body systems. What started as a common vaginal yeast infection, skin rash or oral thrush may evolves into digestive issues, new food allergies, mood swings, brain fog, mental confusion, unexplained weight gain and many other symptoms.
Untreated yeast infection can cause health complications
Overtime, untreated yeast infection can cause health complications. Many of these health issues might be very easy to prevent but much harder to treat.
One of the known concerns with a systemic yeast infection, is the damage caused by the candida yeasts to the gut’s wall as the infection grows. When left untreated, the candida yeast overgrowth can lead or contribute to a leaky gut syndrome.
Leaky gut is a condition where the permeability of the membranes in the gut is impaired. As a result, substances such as undigested food particles or toxins can leak from the gut into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, the leaked undigested food or toxins are identified by the immune system as invaders resulted a response by the immune system, causing many issues such as food sensitivities, allergies, a weakened immune system and more health complications.
Untreated yeast infection symptoms may re-occur when you least expect them
This is a known problem not just with yeast infection, but with many other conditions that are left untreated.
When you have an underlying issue that is left untreated, in many cases the symptoms re-occur when you least expect them such as when you are stressed, which acts as a trigger. Flights, weddings, job interviews, big presentation at work, exactly the times we need and hope to be at our best.
The fact that you have mild yeast infection symptoms that stay consistent without causing too many discomforts doesn’t guarantee that the yeast infection doesn’t evolve under the surface. In most cases, the opposite is the case. Something to consider.
Yeast infection treatment
Are you treating the symptoms or the cause?
A common problem with many yeast infection treatment plans, is that they only treat the symptoms and do not address the root cause of the symptoms. The one plan fits all rarely works for yeast infections since each case may be caused by a different reason, and therefore the needed treatment may be completely different as well.
When the root cause is properly addressed, many yeast infection symptoms go away on their own without treatment needed on the affected areas. On the other hand, when only the symptoms are treated and the source of the problem is left untreated, the symptoms usually keep coming back and become worse as the infection evolves and spreads.
This is the most important step in the yeast infection treatment: find and treat the root cause of the yeast infection. Only treat the symptoms if you need relief.
Untreated yeast infection due to a wrong treatment
leave no stone unturned
Many people that tried to treat their yeast infection issues are surprised to learn that despite their best efforts, they still have some symptoms as a result of underlying untreated yeast infection issues that weren’t addressed during the treatment. In many cases, they were completely unaware of some of these issues. This is the main reason why so many people experience stubborn chronic yeast infection symptoms that keep coming back.
Help the body to naturally fight the infection on its own
To avoid the risk of having certain issues of yeast infection left untreated, and to make the most out of the yeast infection treatment, here is a quick summary of the core steps to include in your yeast infection treatment.
Notice that steps 1-3 are designed to help your body get stronger and fight the infection on its own. As a result, it is common for mild yeast infection symptoms to go away on their own after steps 1-3 are completed.
- Find out what is the root cause of your yeast infection. See if these common yeast infection causes apply to you.
- Check if there is an underlying issue that prevent your body from naturally fighting the infection on its own. See our expert guide: What is preventing your body from healing on its own to learn more.
- Do an oxygen colon cleanse. Accumulated waste buildup in the colon can feed the candida yeast and cause excess yeast growth in the body. Systemic yeast and candida overgrowth is one of the main reasons many people end up with untreated yeast infection issues.
- Become aware of all the yeast infection symptoms you have. This is a very important point since a systemic yeast infection can cause symptoms in different areas in the body that sometimes are missed during the treatment. Untreated yeast infection symptoms can become chronic and become worse as the infection evolves.
- Start the candida cleanse plan. A candida cleanse typically includes:
- Candida diet.
- Anti candida supplements: colon cleanse, probiotics and enzymes.
- Topical candida creams may be used for yeast infection relief in cases of fungal skin or nails infections, vaginal yeast infections, male yeast infection, oral thrush and others external discomforts.
- Antifungals are not always needed in order to treat yeast infection issues.
- Make sure your yeast infection treatment is tailored to your individual condition, lifestyle and body’s needs. What worked for 9 people may make the 10th person condition’s worse. To make sure you avoid common mistakes that can lead to untreated yeast infection issues as a result of the wrong treatment, see our expert guide for: How to tailor the candida treatment to your body needs.
Can a yeast infection go away on its own?
Common examples
A yeast infection can go away on its own if the reason that caused the infection stopped to occur and your body is strong enough to heal the infection by itself. This is quite common as long as both scenarios occur:
- You have mild yeast infection symptoms that appear as a result a short physical event such as exposure to hot humid weather, public pools, use of a new feminine product, and others (see more examples below).
- The infection only affects one part of the body.
Here are a few common examples where a yeast infection can go away on its own if left untreated:
- Jock itch can develop after being in hot and humid weather conditions for a few days, where the inner thighs were wet or moist for long hours. This is common in athletic or other activities in wet conditions. Once you get back to your normal drier (and cleaner) conditions, the jock itch infection can go away on its own without any treatment.
- Vaginal yeast infections can develop after using some feminine hygiene products. A common problem with these products is that many of them contain chemicals that can disturb the balance between the good bacteria to the candida-yeast in the vagina. As a result, a vaginal yeast infection develops. Once you stop using the product (the cause of the vaginal yeast infection), it is possible for the infection to go away on its own.
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