constipation from antibiotics

Can Antibiotics Cause Constipation? Constipation From Antibiotics Facts

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Can Antibiotics Cause Constipation

Constipation From Antibiotics

Constipation from antibiotics is very common, although it is often overlooked. The main reason is that the most common side effect of antibiotics is diarrhea and not constipation. Using antibiotics however, can cause constipation as well.

How Antibiotics Cause Constipation

Antibiotics are used to treat diseases caused by bacteria. During the process, they often kill the good bacteria in the gut as well. This is known to disrupt the delicate gut flora balance and lead to many digestive issues. Comprised gut flora after using antibiotics is one of the main reasons that antibiotics cause constipation.

Constipation From Antibiotics: Treatment

Treating constipation from antibiotics may be a little different than other types of constipation. The main difference is because the gut flora is also compromised. This means that it may take the body more time to rebuild the gut flora and recover. According to research, this time can be anywhere between a few weeks to a few months to recover (1).

A few important things you should know:

  • Digestive Issues: During this time, you may notice additional digestive issues such as bloating and gas. Since the body depends on a healthy gut flora to properly digest the foods you eat, digestion may not always be ideal.
  • Constipation medicine and laxatives are often used, but they are not designed to restore the damaged gut flora. So when you stop with the constipation medicine, you may get constipated again.
  • Treatment: For these reasons, when you treat constipation from antibiotics, it is important to address both issues: relieve the constipation when needed and rebuild the gut flora.

How To Relieve Constipation From Antibiotics

When it comes to constipation from antibiotics, it is always best to see your doctor. Especially if you have had the constipation for more than a week, or you notice more issues.

If you are looking for a natural safe way to try at home, below is our 3-step natural protocol for compromised gut health and constipation from antibiotics.

Step 1 –  Constipation Relief

One of the best safest natural ways to relieve constipation, is to help your body flush out the stool buildup by doing an oxygen colon cleanse.

Oxygen colon cleanse (Oxy-Powder) as its name suggests, releases oxygen in the entire digestive tract to soften and loosen the dry hard stool buildup so it can be flushed out naturally by the body through normal bowel movements. Unlike laxatives and other constipation medicine, oxygen colon cleanse works in a completely natural and safe way. It doesn’t force your body to make a bowel movement or cause laxative dependency. For this reason, oxygen colon cleanse is considered safer and is the preferred choice of many natural health practitioners.

To use oxygen colon cleanse:

  • Take 4 capsules of Oxy-Powder with 8 oz spring or distilled water on an empty stomach before bedtime away from any food or other supplements.
  • Expect the next day to have a series of bowel movements with a big portion of the stored waste being eliminated. Most people feel a significant relief when the stool and waste buildup is being flushed out.
  • If you have never taken oxy-powder before, start with 2 capsules and gradually increase if needed.
  • Adding the juice of ½ organic lemon to the water can increase the effectiveness.

To learn more about oxygen colon cleanse: Oxy-powder for a safe natural colon cleanse.

Step 2 – Restore Gut Flora With Probiotics

Taking probiotics to replenish the good bacteria after antibiotics is widely accepted as a common best practice. The concept of using probiotics after antibiotics is extensively studied and suggested by many published studies as a natural effective way that may help to restore the gut flora faster. This is especially important, considering it make the body anywhere between a few weeks to a few months to recover by itself (1).

Best Probiotic For Constipation

Bacillus laterosporus probiotic strain (Latero-Flora) is a great example of a probiotic strain that was suggested by research to be very effective for constipation, bloating and other digestive issues. According to one study, 90% of the participants in the study reported a relief from their constipation symptoms (see study results). It is one of the best probiotics for constipation we use in our natural protocols to restore compromised gut health after antibiotics. It is also considered very gentle and safe. Safety testings have found that Latero-Flora is completely safe with no indications of toxicity, even at extremely high dosage.

Can Antibiotics Cause Constipation
This probiotic strain is highly stable and can easily pass the stomach acids and become very active in the body. The fact that it is stable in room temperature and doesn’t need to be refrigerated also means you can take it with you wherever you go.
To lean more, see: Latero-Flora for a healty colon.

3. Diet For Constipation

Adjusting your diet until you have regular bowel movements is also very effective.

  1. Avoid eating foods that cause constipation.
    Especially: processed or junk foods, dairy products, gluten, grains, dry or hard consistency foods, foods that are hard to digest (beans, legumes), foods that are high in iron or calcium (such as red meat or dairy) and fried foods.
  2. Eat enough fiber.
    A good amount that works for most people is 25-30 grams of fiber a day from fresh whole ripe fruits and vegetables. When it comes to fiber, more is not better. Avoid eating too much fiber, since it can add bulk to your stool and make it too large and difficult to pass.
  3. Stay hydrated.
    Drink enough water and try to avoid stimulants and caffeinated beverages as they have a diuretic effect on the body and can make the constipation worse.
  4. Digestive Enzymes for Digestive Issues.
    If you experience additional digestive issues such as bloating, gas and others, you are not alone. This is very common.
    Taking full spectrum digestive enzyme with your meals can help to improve the digestion and nutrients absorption from the foods you eat. Since different enzymes are required to digest different type of foods, it is important to make sure the formula you use contains all the enzymes needed to digest most common foods, especially the ones that you typically eat and include in your diet.
    VeganZyme by Dr. Edward Group is the digestive enzyme we use in all our gut health natural protocols. VeganZyme is designed to support the digestion of a wide variety of foods, making it ideal for many different foods, cuisines, and meals preferences. This helps to keep things simple and minimize digestive issues.

To learn about diet & constipation, see: diet for constipation.

How To Prevent Constipation From Antibiotics

If you need to take antibiotics, a few facts you should know that may help you to prevent or minimize the risks:

  • Do I have to take antibiotics? Always confirm with your doctor that antibiotics are necessary. According to the centers for disease control and prevention (CDC), at least 30 percent of antibiotics prescribed in the United States are unnecessary. These are 47 million excess prescriptions each year! (2).
  • Taking probiotics with antibiotics may help to reduce the negative impact of antibiotics on gut flora and immune system. This option is extensively studied and suggested by the medical literature as a promising natural safe way in these cases where you do need to take antibiotics. If you consider this option, always consult with your doctor before.
Candida Specialists

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