Skin Fungus
Skin fungus is a very common fungal skin infection caused by fungi, usually by a yeast-like fungi called candida.
Often overlooked, the most important step in the fungal infection treatment is to identify what is the cause of fungal infection on skin, as the needed treatment may be completely different. Treating fungal skin infection using antifungal creams or other fungal infection medicine without knowing its cause is the most common mistake and the main reason why the fungal infection symptoms keep coming back or become worse.
In this experts guide, we will cover how to identify the types of skin fungal infections you may have, their cause, and the proper way to treat the fungal infection. Special attention will be given to common critical mistakes in skin fungus treatment you should avoid.
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What is a skin fungus?
Skin fungus is a common fungal infection of the skin caused by fungi. Many skin issues are actually different types of skin fungal infections, where the fungal infection symptoms can appear all over the body, head to toe: common examples are toenail fungus, athlete’s foot, jock itch in the groin or inner thighs, fungal rash on skin with redness, itching or burning, even fungal infection on face.
Skin Fungus Causes
The most important step in the fungal infection treatment is to identify the skin fungal infection causes and types of fungal infections as the needed treatment may be completely different.
The 2 most common causes of fungal infection on skin are:
1 – Dermatophyte Fungus
Dermatophyte fungus are common fungi that can cause fungal skin infection as well as foot fungus, nail infection and toenail fungus. Dermatophyte fungus can spread by direct contact with other people, objects, soil or animals.
Since direct contact is the way they spread, Dermatophyte fungus usually occur when a body part is exposed to the fungi. For this reason, foot fungus or toenail fungus are very common when using swimming pools or public showers.
2 – Systemic Candida Overgrowth
One of the most common causes of skin fungal infection issues is systemic candida and yeast overgrowth in the body. There are usually very clear signs of yeast infection on skin such as itchy skin, fungal skin rash (also known as yeast rash), dry peeling flaking skin, fungus on feet, nail fungus or toenail fungus.
The difference between skin fungus caused by candida-yeast overgrowth to Dermatophyte fungus, is that the source of the yeast infection on skin is a systemic excess yeast overgrowth in the body. This means that the fungal skin infection issues are only symptoms of a much larger problem, usually due to issues in the gut.
This leads to many mistakes in the fungal infection treatment, where only the skin fungus issues are treated topically, without addressing the root cause of the candida overgrowth. As a result, the yeast infections symptoms keep coming back and in many cases become worse as the infection in the body left untreated and evolves.
Candida Overgrowth Self Test
- Systemic candida overgrowth occurs when the balance between candida yeast and the good bacteria in the body is being disturbed. The good bacteria that typically limit candida from overgrowing can’t do its job for some reason, so you end up with excess yeast overgrowth in your body.
- When this happens, candida changes into a more aggressive fungal form that spreads and releases over 80 different toxins. These toxins can get anywhere in the body, suppress the immune system and cause a wide variety of health issues all over the body. Nails and skin yeast infection issues (also known as candidiasis of skin and nails) are one of the most common signs of candida overgrowth. Most candida overgrowth and yeast infections are caused by a strand of yeast called Candida Albicans.
If you have a systemic yeast overgrowth, there are usually multiple fungal infection symptoms in the body both externally and internally. These symptoms may include:
- External yeast infection fungus on skin: nail or toenail fungus, foot fungus, fungal skin rash, dry itchy skin, yeast infection in mouth, tongue and throat (oral thrush), vaginal yeast infections, male yeast infection.
- Internal symptoms: digestive issues, bloating, constipation, mood swings, low energy levels, brain fog, difficulties to focus, foods sensitivities and allergies, low sex drive.
Skin Fungus Treatment
The most important step before starting the fungal infection treatment is to identify what is causing the infections along with the types of skin fungal infections you may have, as the needed treatment can be completely different. As we mentioned, this is where many mistakes are made, causing the symptoms to keep coming back and even becoming worse as the source of the fungal infection evolves.
Special attention should be given in the following common issues of skin fungus:
(We included links to the relevant experts guides when applicable)
1: You started a candida treatment and notice worsening symptoms
You may have a healing crises from the dying candida and its released toxins. This means that the amount of toxins released by the dying candida is more than what your body can safely handle. Common symptoms of candida die off may include flu like symptoms often with fever, joint, muscle and body pain, fungal rash that becomes worse, itchy skin. The candida die off symptoms list is extensive, and can impact many different body systems.
2: You have multiple fungal infection symptoms in your body
In this case of systemic candida and yeast overgrowth in the body, the symptoms of fungal infection usually come back or become worse if the source of the problem (excess candida yeast overgrowth in the body) is not addressed.
Treatment for systemic candida and yeast overgrowth typically include:
Candida diet – avoiding foods that overfeed candida or weaken your immune system; consuming foods & remedies that help your body to naturally balance the overgrowth
- Anti-candida supplements in order to balance the candida overgrowth in your body, along with key nutrients to help your body recover and heal
- Topical skin fungal infection cream for skin fungus treatment to ease skin discomforts such as rash, eczema, skin irritation
- Topical nail creams to help with the nail and toenail fungal infections
3: Common fungal infection Issues that require special attention
These common fungal infection issues can appear on their own or with additional fungal infection symptoms. Becoming aware of these issues and whether they are related to your symptoms is one of the most important steps required for a successful treatment. This may also help to avoid unnecessary discomfort and health complications due to wrong diagnosis.
- Male candidiasis fungal infection – fungal infection of the penis
- Vaginal yeast infections – fungal infection of the vagina area
- Oral Thrush – fungal infection of the mouth, tongue or throat
4: You have fungal skin infection symptoms with no other symptoms present
If you only have skin fungus issues without any other symptoms present, especially if these are caused by exposure to moist areas or by contact:
- For a fast relief, using Ozonated olive oil moisturizer on the affected areas after the shower has shown to be very effective (covered in the next section)
- To prevent the fungal infection from further developing, wear shower sandals or flip flops when using public showers
- keep the affected areas dry and let them “breath” as much as you can. Fungi thrive on a dark moist environment.
Soaps & Creams for Skin Fungus
If you currently have fungus of skin issues such as skin rash, dry itchy skin, eczema, athlete’s foot, and looking for a relief, using Ozonated olive oil moisturizer on the affected areas after the shower has shown to be very effective in easing the unpleasant discomforts of fungal skin infections.
Based on our practice working with a very large number of skin fungus issues, Ozonated olive oil is one of the most effective and safe natural fungal infection cream, especially where fast relief is needed. Learn more
Using all natural kelp-coconut soap has also shown to help provide relief. Note that many soaps, moisturizers and other skin care products contain toxic chemicals, synthetic ingredients and allergens that can irritate your (already irritated) skin and should be avoided.
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