Feeling sick, experiencing unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, gas or other digestion issues after taking probiotic supplements is very common. In fact, many people experience a severe healing crises reaction from their probiotics. Not knowing the probiotics are the cause, they often take other products or medication in order to get better. Kind of ironic considering the reason for taking probiotic supplements in the first place is to improve our health…
The fact that a supplement causes die off symptoms is not an indication that it is effective. When you have die off symptoms, it means that the amount of toxins released is more than what your body can safely handle.Learn more about die off symptoms.
Probiotic Supplements Types – Which Ones to Use?
When using Probiotic supplements, it is important to make sure the strains used are both effective for the problem or situation you are dealing with, and also safe:
1 – Probiotics for Gut Health, Immune System and Overall Health
Considering that 70% of the immune system resides in the gut, maintaining a healthy balance between the good and bad bacteria in your gut is essential for a strong immune system. Probiotics are the “good” bacteria that help your body fight the “bad” bacteria as well as other harmful organisms such as candida, parasites, and viruses.
This is the “core” of your immune system and one of the most important steps to take in order to strengthen immune system function and as a part of a disease prevention strategy.
Probiotics supplements are widely used in order to boost immune system function with their effectiveness shown in many studies. When choosing probiotic products however, it is very important to make sure the beneficial organisms that are included in the formula are backed up by research and were proven to be effective and safe.
Another important factor to consider is stability and potency; many formulas must be kept refrigerated and by the time you get them lose their strength significantly. It is also common to see products that do not use enough beneficial organisms in order for them to be effective. Lastly, many probiotic strains are derived from dairy, and as such, dairy sensitivity can be a concern for many people. Ideally, you want to focus on a formula that is vegan and doesn’t include potential allergens such as dairy, wheat, gluten, soy etc.
A good example is FloraTrex which has a complete highly potent 23 active probiotic strains that are 100% vegan and free of any allergens. It also contains organic Inulin; Inulin is a natural fiber known to promote the growth of probiotics by acting as a “food source for probiotics” (also known as prebiotic).
2 – Probiotics for Candida and Yeast Overgrowth
For cases of candida overgrowth and yeast infections, we highly recommend to focus on probiotic strains that their main characteristic is yeast and candida elimination. A probiotic supplement is going to be as good as the probiotic strains used in its formula, so it is important to make sure the probiotic strains used are backed up by science as effective against candida, but on the other hand safe and not too aggressive. The goal here is to help your body to effectively balance the yeast overgrowth at a rate it can safely handle.
As mentioned earlier, you want to focus on a pure vegan formula that doesn’t contain potential allergens such as dairy, wheat, gluten, soy etc.
To learn more, see our probiotics for candida experts guide.The Bacillus laterosporus BOD strain (Latero-Flora ™) is a is a good example of a vegan probiotic strain that was shown in research to be very effective in eliminating candida as well as other pathogens such as Salmonella, E-Coli, and Streptococcus Faecalis. Other testings have shown it is completely safe with no indications of toxicity, even at extremely high dosage.
3 – Probiotic or Fermented Foods
It is possible to get probiotics from natural fermented foods and drinks such as live cultured yogurt, Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Kombucha tea and others, but these very often backfire; with yogurt and other dairy derived foods the issue is usually sensitivity to dairy. In addition, due to stability, quality issues, and contamination risks, store-bought probiotic foods are usually not recommended for people with candida overgrowth issues, or with increased food sensitivities. So unless you make your own and know for a fact they have worked for you personally in the past, counting on these foods as a good and safe probiotic source may not provide the best results and can even backfire resulted digestion issues such as gas and bloating.
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