Home remedies for yeast infection
Home remedies for yeast infection are very popular although many of them are problematic, used incorrectly and in a lot of cases do more harm than good.
Some home remedies for yeast infection are very effective and can provide a quick relief. It is important however, to avoid critical mistakes that can make the yeast infection worse.
The two most common mistakes people make when using home remedies for yeast infection are:
- Using home remedies that have very little research on their safety or effectiveness. The result is usually more irritation, yeast infection that become worse and others unnecessary discomforts.
- Treating yeast infection symptoms without addressing the infection’s root cause. The result in these cases is usually recurrent yeast infections.
Table of Content
- Yeast infection cream.
- Male yeast infection remedy.
- Coconut oil for yeast infection.
- Apple cider vinegar for yeast infection.
- How long does a yeast infection last?
- How to cure a yeast infection at home fast?
Top home remedies for yeast infection
- Ozonated olive oil: vaginal, skin, oral thrush & male yeast infection home remedy.
- Coconut Oil.
- Apple Cider Vinegar.
- Probiotics.
- Garlic.
- Colloidal Silver.
- Oregano Oil.
- Boric Acid.
- Tea Tree Oil.
Home remedies facts you need to know
Before Using Home Remedies for Yeast Infection
Before using yeast infection remedies, it is very important to understand how yeast infection affect your body:
Yeast Infection is a fungal infection caused by the overgrowth of a naturally occurring yeast found in the human body known as candida, usually by the Candida albicans species.
The symptoms of a yeast infection can occur anywhere in the body. It is important to recognize these symptoms, as the needed treatment may be completely different, especially in these 4 most common yeast infection scenarios:
The 4 Most Common Yeast Infection Issues
Which ones apply to you ?
1: You started a candida treatment and notice worsening symptoms
You may have a healing crises from the dying candida and its released toxins. This means that the amount of toxins released by the dying candida is more than what your body can safely handle.
To learn more on how to manage and avoid healing crises and die off symptoms see our candida die-off symptoms experts guide.
2: Male yeast infection: the yeast infection affects the penis
A complete male yeast infection cure is typically achieved by local treatment with antifungal creams which are widely available over the counter, by prescription or as natural male yeast infection creams.
For more information on natural home remedies for male yeast infection, see the yeast infection in men treatment.
3: Vaginal yeast infection
Vaginal yeast infection symptoms cause many discomforts: vaginal discharge, itching, burning, pain, soreness, rash, yeast infection bleeding and others.
To learn more on the causes, symptoms, treatment and common critical mistakes you must avoid to prevent the infection from becoming worse, see our vaginal yeast infection experts guide.
4: You have multiple yeast infections symptoms in your body
you may have a systemic candida overgrowth. In this case, the yeast infection symptoms will likely reoccur or become worse if the source of the problem (candida overgrowth) will not be addressed. Treatment for systemic candida and yeast infection issues typically include transitioning to the candida diet with anti-candida supplements in order to balance the candida overgrowth in your body.
To learn more, see our yeast infection treatment protocol experts guide.
Top Home Remedies for Yeast Infection
Here are the top home remedies for yeast infection:
Coconut Oil for Yeast Infection
Using coconut oil for yeast infection is probably one of the most known home remedies for yeast infections. Coconut oil natural antifungal properties are well known making coconut oil one of the most known foods that kill candida. Capric acid and lauric acid, naturally occurring fatty acids in coconut oil were shown in published studies as effective in killing C. albicans (source). Caprylic acid, another naturally occurring fatty acid found in coconut oil was also shown antibacterial properties in addition to its antifungal activity (source 1, source 2).
Due to their potency, Caprylic acid and Capric acid are included in many anti-candida supplements as well. These properties make coconut oil an excellent fit and a staple in every candida diet and treatment, whether as an oil to cook, raw food, oil pulling (Ayurvedic medicine most famous oral detoxification) to help ease oral thrush and gum issues, or even as a moisturizer.
When selecting coconut oil, our preference and recommendation is to only choose extra virgin cold pressed organic oil.
Another great option to include in your candida diet is coconut butter: in addition to the anti-fungal, brain and energy benefits of coconut oil, coconut butter also has the other nutrients found in whole coconuts such as fiber, protein, healthy fats and minerals. It also offers much richer taste, texture and aroma that can boost the flavor and nutrients in many recipes. Good examples are our happy detox chocolate and the golden energy soup.
Apple Cider Vinegar for Yeast Infection
Apple cider vinegar on its raw unfiltered unpasteurized form is very effective in removing toxins out of the body at a faster rate, and it is commonly used in many cleansing and detoxification protocols.
According to research, apple cider vinegar may be beneficial against candida due to its antifungal properties as well as healthy benefits on the digestion tract. It is the only vinegar that is commonly allowed on the candida diet and makes an excellent choice for salad dressings and detox drinks while on the candida diet.
If you suffer from constipation, irregular bowel movements or bloating, drinking water with apple cider vinegar and lemon juice on an empty stomach before bedtime may be very helpful. The overnight toxins flush is a great example of an ideal use of apple cider vinegar for yeast infection; it is one of the most effective yeast infection home remedies. (Taken from Nature’s Most Potent Remedies Series)
Probiotics for Yeast Infection
Systemic candida and yeast issues are usually a result of gut flora imbalances between candida and the friendly organisms that normally control candida from over growing. Probiotics supplements work by populating the intestines with beneficial organisms that can help to restore these imbalances.
Using probiotics supplements for yeast infections and candida overgrowth is one of the top home remedies for yeast infection, although most probiotics on the market are not specifically designed to treat candida or yeast infection. If you consider taking probiotics for yeast infection, it is highly recommended to focus on probiotic strains that their main characteristic is yeast and candida elimination.
Learn more about probiotics for yeast infections.
Yeast Infection Cream
Topical yeast infection creams do not always work. The reason is simple. When you have yeast infection on skin, your skin is already irritated. Applying a cream on the infection, even natural one, can cause more irritation. This also applies for vaginal yeast infection, yeast infection in mouth, and other areas in the body.
For this reason, we always advise to pay extra attention when trying new creams for yeast infection. Safety comes first.
One natural remedy, that we have had an excellent success with, in treating yeast infection on skin, oral thrush, vaginal yeast infection, male yeast infection and other fungal infection on skin and nails, is Ozonated olive oil. What makes it such a good fit for yeast infections, is that Ozonated olive oil has a unique ability to reduce the yeast infection on one hand, while helping to soothe skin irritation and accelerate wound healing at the same time. Ozonated olive oil is also backed up by science as a safe and natural effective alternative in these cases.
Ozonated Olive Oil For Candida & Yeast Infection
Ozonated olive oil (O2-Zap) is olive oil that had ozone added into it. The many health benefits of Ozone have been extensively studied over the last 150 years and are the core of the widely practiced ozone therapy.
Ozonated olive oil is considered one of the best natural remedies for yeast infections and candida issues with a solid record of published human studies on its effectiveness and safety, especially in cases of vaginal yeast infections (source), mouth irritation (source), oral thrush (source) and skin issues (source).
The reason Ozonated olive oil works so well for yeast infection is due to the unique combination of the health benefits of both ozone and olive oil:
- Ozone is very effective against yeast, candida and fungal infections (source).
- Ozone has the ability to quickly ease skin irritation and accelerate wound healing (source).
- Ozone was shown to be very beneficial for oral infections (source) and oral thrush (source).
- Ozone was shown to be effective for vaginal infections (source).
- Olive oil has a known calming effect when applied topically on the skin.
This means that Ozone can safely reduce the candida infection inside your mouth, skin or genital area, while helping the damaged tissues to heal faster.
Using olive oil to hold Ozone in a stable Ozonated olive oil paste, makes Ozone available as a home remedy that can be easily applied to the affected areas. Based on our experience, Ozonated olive oil is one of the most effective and safe natural home remedies for yeast infection on skin where a fast relief is needed.
How to use ozonated olive oil for yeast infection
To use Ozonated olive oil cream for yeast infections:
- For vaginal yeast infections: see the Ozonated olive oil tampon home remedy for a step by step instructions.
- For oral thrush issues: see the Ozonated olive oil for oral thrush for step by step instructions.
- For male yeast infection: see Male yeast infection home remedy for a step by step instructions.
- For skin issues: apply a thin layer on the affected areas after the shower on a dry skin.
Male yeast infection home remedy
This male yeast infection home remedy has shown to be very safe and effective when used as a natural male yeast infection treatment cream.
Unlike many antifungal creams that can cause irritation and burning when used topically for male yeast infection, Ozonated olive oil has a unique ability to reduce candida and yeast growth (source) on one hand, while helping to soothe skin irritation and accelerate wound healing at the same time (source).
To use Ozonated olive oil as a male yeast infection treatment cream:
- Wash your hands with water and soap before applying the cream.
- Warm 1 teaspoon of ozonated olive oil until it turns into a cream consistency.
- Do not heat the oil. Placing it in room temperature for a few minutes or holding it in your hands should be enough.
- Apply a thin layer on the affected areas after the shower on a dry skin, ideally before bedtime or anytime you can sit or lay down comfortably.
- Wait for 24 hours.
- If no irritation occur, continue with this protocol for up to 14 days.
Learn more about Ozonated olive oil.
Garlic for Yeast Infection
Garlic is widely known as one of nature most potent natural antibiotic, with many of its health benefits extensively studied and well documented.
As research suggests, Allicin, the active component of garlic that is responsible for Garlic’s flavor and famous aroma, has strong antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. This makes garlic an excellent natural remedy for yeast infection and candida issues.
While many supplements offer garlic as their key component, garlic is most potent when eaten in its raw fresh form. Its active ingredients become available by crushing, chewing or when you cut the garlic (which is when you start to smell the garlic aroma). It is recommended to consume the garlic shortly after.
For this reason, our recommendation is to consume organic garlic as fresh whole food, just as nature intended.
That is the beauty of garlic: it has so many health benefits, compliments almost any cooking style, yet it widely available, affordable and easy to use.
Using Garlic for Yeast Infections:
Make this 2 minutes tasty lemon-garlic salad dressing : mix 2-4 minced or grated raw fresh garlic cloves with a few drops of fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice, 1-2 tablespoons of organic extra virgin cold pressed olive oil, sea salt to taste, and 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. Add to your greens or steamed vegetables and enjoy!
Colloidal Silver for Yeast Infection
Silver has been used as a natural antibiotic for many centuries. It is considered by many health experts as one of the most potent natural remedies to strengthen immune system ability to fight fungal, bacterial and viral infections.
Colloidal silver, is a solution containing microscopic silver particles that carry a positive charge. These positive silver particles have the ability to bind to the cell walls of various bacteria,viruses and fungus and disrupt their cellular functions, so they can be easily eliminated by the body.
To use Colloidal silver for yeast infections:
- for skin-fungal infections apply a few drops of colloidal silver with coconut oil and tea tree oil (optional) on the areas of concern a few times per day.
- based on our experience, colloidal silver by itself may not be potent enough for systemic candida overgrowth, although it is a very good option to be used as a part of anti candida protocol when antifungals rotation is needed, or as a natural immune system booster.
Learn more about colloidal silver.
Oregano Oil for Yeast Infection
Oregano oil is derived from the leaves and flowers of oregano and is a very popular home remedy for yeast infection and candida issues. According to research, Carvacrol, the active ingredient in oregano oil, is very effective for preventing and treating a wide variety of infections caused by bacteria, fungus, parasites and viruses, including candida.
It is important to note that the oregano source used should be the organic Mediterranean oregano variety which has the strongest therapeutic properties and high Carvacrol content. Other varieties of oregano which you may find in the spices section are still very healthy and have many benefits, although they have very little to none of the medicinal properties we have mentioned against yeast infection and candida issues.
Based on our experience, oregano oil by itself may not be potent enough for systemic candida overgrowth.
It is however, a very good option to be used as a part of anti candida protocol when antifungals rotation is needed, or as a natural immune system booster.
Both oregano oil and colloidal silver are considered by many natural health experts as a natural medicine cabinet must-have items.
Learn more about oregano oil.
Boric Acid for Vaginal Yeast Infection
According to research, vaginal boric acid suppositories may be effective against vaginal yeast infections that are caused by non-albicans candida species. More studies are needed to confirm boric acid’s ideal protocol, effectiveness and safety. It is important to mention that boric acid is considered toxic when consumed internally; the studies done on boric acid for yeast infection suggests that short term vaginal suppositories of boric acid (600 mg/day for 14 days) may be safe and effective.
Boric acid vaginal suppositories are available over the counter without a prescription. If you consider using boric acid, our recommendation would be to always consult with your health provider before. Boric acid should not be taken during pregnancy, or in case you are planning to become pregnant.
As a reminder, if you currently experience vaginal yeast infections along with other yeast infections symptoms in your body, the vaginal yeast infection will likely re-occur or become worse if the source of the problem (candida overgrowth) will not be addressed.
Learn more about vaginal yeast infection treatment.
Problematic Home Remedies for Yeast Infection
Using home remedies has become a very popular and convenient way that may benefit many health issues and concerns. Determine whether or not a certain home remedy is effective is one thing, but the more important question to ask before using any home remedy is regarding its safety.
While you only want to focus on the well known effective home remedies for yeast infection, safety should always come first.
If the home remedy is not effective for you but is still safe, the worst thing that can happen is that you will waste your time, but no additional discomforts or complications may occur.
This is such an important topic, since many home remedies for curing a yeast infection can cause serious side effects and additional problems. The fact that certain home remedies, even natural home remedies for a yeast infection work for some people doesn’t guarantee they may be safe or work for you.
In this section we’ll cover these controversial at home remedies for yeast infection you should avoid. We get many questions and reports from people who have had issues specifically after using these remedies.
Home remedies for vaginal yeast infection
There are many home remedies for yeast infection in women that suggest to relief the vaginal yeast infection by inserting various substances into the vagina: yogurt, garlic, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, boric acid, baking soda the list goes on. The theory behind these home remedies is that certain ingredients have antifungal properties or contain healthy bacteria, so by inserting these ingredients into the vagina, they may be able to balance the yeast overgrowth.
The problem we see with many of the home remedies for vaginal yeast infection is that the majority of them lack sufficient data or research on their safety and effectiveness. The fact that certain home remedies work for a few people doesn’t guarantee that it may work for you. In fact, many women experience even more irritation, burning, inflammation and other discomforts after using these remedies.
Douching is a very popular home remedy for vaginal yeast infection, although based on our practice it may cause many problems: when done excessively, douching can disrupt the the good bacteria in the vagina, make the yeast infection worse and cause more irritation and discomfort. Many studies that evaluated the effectiveness and safety of douching for yeast infection concluded that the risks outweigh the benefits, and therefore douching should not be recommended as a common practice (source).
Update: We have been getting many questions on douching for vaginal yeast infection, so to clarify:
In our practice we have observed inconsistent results with douching and vaginal yeast infections:
some women experienced relief after douching with yogurt or apple cider vinegar, but many others experienced more irritation and complications. This is the main reason we advise to avoid douching unless you know for a fact it has worked for you in the past.
Probiotic Foods, Fermented Foods
While it is possible to get probiotics from natural fermented foods and drinks such as live cultured yogurt, Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Kombucha tea and others, there are many concerns regarding their effectiveness and safety for candida and yeast issues. In addition, due to stability, quality issues, and contamination risks, store-bought probiotic foods are usually not recommended. So unless you make your own and know for a fact they have worked for you personally in the past, counting on these foods as a good and safe probiotic source may not provide the best results and can even backfire resulted digestion issues such as gas and bloating. For this reason, many health providers recommend to include probiotic supplements as a part of the candida treatment.
Learn more about probiotics for yeast infections.
Yeast Infection Basics – What you need to know
What is a yeast infection?
Yeast infection is a fungal infection caused by an overgrowth of a naturally occurring yeast found in the human body known as candida. Most yeast infections are caused by a specific strand of yeast called candida albicans.
Also known as candidiasis, it is estimated that 7 out of 10 people in north America alone suffer from candida overgrowth and yeast infections.
Normally the growth of candida is being controlled and balanced by good bacteria; however, when this balance is being disturbed, candida changes into a more aggressive fungal form that spreads and releases over 80 different toxins. These toxins can get anywhere in the body, suppress the immune system and can cause many health issues all over the body, including the skin, nails, genitals, mouth, throat, digestive tract and others.
Yeast infection symptoms
Knowing how to recognize the symptoms of a yeast infection correctly is one of the most important steps during the yeast infection treatment. Symptoms of yeast infection can appear anywhere in the body, so it is important to treat the yeast infection causes and not to individually mask the symptoms. This is a common mistake many people make when using home remedies for yeast infections.
The most common signs of yeast infection may include:
- Digestion issues such as constipation, diarrhea, or bloating
- Oral thrush (white coated tongue), yeast infection in mouth or yeast infection in throat
- General poor feeling and low energy: chronic fatigue, headache, brain fog, fever
- Skin, nails fungal infections such as jock itch, athlete foot, yeast rash
- Vaginal infections, yeast infection discharge, typically with itching, burning, soreness, redness and irritation
The complete list of symptoms and signs of yeast infection broken down by each body part is covered in our:
Yeast Infection Symptoms – A Complete Expert Guide
Yeast Infection Causes
While yeast infection medication or yeast infection remedies may provide fast relief, it is important to remember that finding and addressing the cause of the yeast infection is critical in order to cure yeast infection for good.
Common causes of yeast infections include:
- Antibiotics use or medication that alter or reduce the levels of good bacteria in the body
- getting yeast infection from antibiotics is one of the most common causes of yeast infection and candida issues
- Diet high in sugars, processed foods or that is not suitable for your body
- Low immune system
- Hormonal imbalances
- High estrogen levels due to birth control pills, hormone therapy, during pregnancy or others
- Chronic constipation or digestion issues
- Blood sugar issues or diabetes
- Low immune system
- Heavy metals or chemicals toxicity issues
- High levels of stress
- Being overweight
- Ongoing lack of sleep or insomnia
Yeast Infection Treatment
Natural home remedies for yeast infection can make a difference in the yeast infection treatment, especially when it comes to yeast infection relief and the way you feel.
It is critical however, to find out what exactly is causing your yeast infection as the needed treatment may be completely different. Furthermore, if the source of the yeast infection is not properly addressed, chances are that the yeast infection symptoms will reoccur or even get worse, as the infection may evolve and spread.
Yeast infection treatment and recurring yeast infections
Using remedies for yeast infections to treat the symptoms without addressing the root cause of the infection is a very common problem with the treatment for yeast infection and is the reason behind the recurrent yeast infections:
Home remedies for yeast infection, over the counter yeast infection medicine, or prescriptions may make you feel better, but they do not always address the source of the yeast infection issues. The result: frequent yeast infections or chronic yeast infections that keep coming back.
Best treatment for yeast infection
Systemic candida overgrowth and yeast infection treatment typically requires dietary changes and supplementation plan in order to help the body balance the yeast overgrowth. Other factors such as current medication, medical procedures, lifestyle choices and others should be revisited as they may be contribute or may even be the root cause of the yeast overgrowth.
A common misconception about the treatment of systemic yeast infection and candida overgrowth, is the belief that one treatment plan will work the same for all people. In reality, what worked for 9 people may make the 10th person condition’s worse. Some people are so sick, that even minor diet changes can cause them severe discomfort and health issues. Other factors such as foods sensitivities, specific body needs and medical history should all be taken into consideration when treating yeast infection. For this reason, the best yeast infection treatment is individual based, and should always be tailored to the individual state of health, needs and lifestyle.
To learn more on how to treat a yeast infection properly, see our protocol for natural yeast infection treatment.
How to prevent yeast infections
Knowing how to prevent a yeast infection comes down to preventing the causes of yeast infection. This means that in many cases, the best way to prevent yeast infection problems may not be directly related to the actual yeast infection symptoms. If you know what caused your yeast infections in the past, preventing the source of the problem is the best way to prevent its related symptoms.
Here are a few helpful guidelines that may help to prevent yeast infections:
(These are based on the most common causes of yeast infections)
- Avoid antibiotics when possible, ask your doctor is they are necessary or whether there are other alternatives that do not affect your gut flora and healthy bacteria
- Follow a well balanced healthy diet, make sure it agrees with your body, especially in cases of food sensitivities, food allergies and problematic food combinations
- Take probiotics regularly
- Get enough sleep
To prevent vaginal yeast infections:
- Maintain good hygiene.
- Avoid clothes that make the area moist.
- Prefer cotton breathable underwear.
- Make sure to keep things dry and clean.
- Watch your feminine products, many contain chemicals that can upset the balance in the vagina.
- Avoid douching.
To learn more see our expert guide for vaginal yeast infections
Home remedies for yeast infection – FAQ
What is yeast infection?
Yeast Infection is a fungal infection caused by the overgrowth of a naturally occurring yeast found in the human body known as candida, usually by the Candida albicans species.
The symptoms of a yeast infection can occur anywhere in the body both externally and internally:
- External yeast infection is very common especially in the skin, mouth, vagina, penis and breast area (during breastfeeding)
- Internal yeast infection commonly affect digestion, your energy levels, ability to focus and the way you feel
It is important to recognize all these symptoms, as the needed treatment may be completely different.
Do home remedies for treating a yeast infection work?
The convenience of yeast infection home treatment is appealing to many people and it can be effective; some home remedies for yeast infection can work very quickly and provide a fast relief to the many discomforts of yeast infections.
How to treat a yeast infection at home correctly:
- Identify the cause of your yeast infection issues – the needed treatment you need may be completely different. This is a critical part of any treatment for yeast infection and is especially important if you have a systemic candida overgrowth and yeast problem in your body
- Focus on safety, even natural home remedies for yeast infection such as yogurt, boric acid suppositories, coconut oil, tea tree oil , apple cider vinegar, garlic and others can cause harm when used incorrectly
- Listen to your body – The fact that certain home remedies work for some people doesn’t guarantee they may work for you.
How long does it take to treat a yeast infection?
The time it takes to completely heal from yeast infections and candida issues depends on the severity of the yeast infection, your current state of health along with many other factors. Based on our very long experience working with many different cases of candida overgrowth and yeast infections, it is common to feel a relief from some yeast infection symptoms fairly quickly.
It is critical to make sure the candida and yeast infection treatment works at a pace your body can safely handle and avoid aggressive treatment. If the amount of toxins released by the dying yeast and candida is more than what your body can safely eliminate, this can cause a healing crisis along with many unpleasant issues, and can make your infection become much worse. To learn more, see our candida die off symptoms expert guide.
Are probiotics good for yeast infections?
Using probiotics supplements for yeast infections and candida overgrowth is one of the top home remedies for yeast infection. Probiotics supplements work by populating the intestines with beneficial organisms that can help to control and balance the excess yeast and candida overgrowth.
It is important to know however, that most probiotics on the market are not specifically designed to treat candida or yeast infections. If you consider taking probiotics for yeast infection, it is highly recommended to focus on probiotic strains that their main characteristic is yeast and candida elimination.
Learn more about probiotics for yeast infections.
How do you use tea tree oil for a yeast infection?
Topical use of tea tree oil is a very popular home remedy for yeast infections of the skin due to its natural antifungal properties, with various studies showing the tea tree oil yeast infection positive benefits and effectiveness.
To use tea tree oil for yeast infections of the skin:
- Mix a few drops of diluted tea tree oil with coconut oil, colloidal silver or with aloe vera gel. Using undiluted tea tree oil directly on the skin without additional oils may cause skin irritation
- Apply to the areas of concern a few times a day
- Tea tree oil can be toxic when ingested orally and may also cause burning and strong irritation when placed in the mouth or vagina. For these reasons, we do not recommend using tea tree oil for oral thrush or vaginal yeast infections
As a reminder, if your yeast infections are caused by a systemic candida overgrowth, you have to treat the source (candida overgrowth) in order to prevent recurrent skin infections or further complications as the systemic candida overgrowth may get worse. To learn more, see our treatment for candida expert guide.
For yeast infection itch relief, skin yeast rash, and other skin fungal infections, many find ozonated olive oil to be very beneficial; based on our experience it has shown to be one of the most safe and effective natural home remedies for yeast infection itch and yeast infection of the skin.
Can cranberry juice cure a yeast infection?
Unsweetened cranberry juice is an excellent well known home remedy for urinary tract infections (UTI). According to research, there is some evidence suggesting that extract of cranberries or cranberry juice may be beneficial for oral candidiasis (oral thrush).
Based on our experience, unsweetened cranberry juice may not be the best option for yeast infections. Taking into consideration its effectiveness against candida with its sugar content, we feel that there are much better options for natural remedies for yeast infections that are more potent and have no sugars at all.
For this reason, our recommendation would be to avoid cranberry juice, unless you also suffer from urinary tract infections or know for a fact it has worked for you in the past.
How do you use yogurt for a yeast infection?
Using unsweetened yogurt or Greek yogurt has been one of the popular home remedies for yeast infection many people have tried, but not a lot were actually able to see any benefit from it.
Yogurt is a natural source of good bacteria called Lactobacillus acidophilus that can help the body reduce excess candida and yeast. Hence the idea that eating yogurt or using yogurt swabs to apply the yogurt to the areas of concerns may help to get rid of yeast infections.
There are 2 problems with using yogurt for yeast infections:
- 3 out of 4 adults have sensitivities to dairy
- It is highly questionable whether you can depend on the yogurt you typically find at your local store as a reliable source of Lactobacillus acidophilus, especially in terms of consistency, sufficient quantity and stability.
Based on our experience, we do not consider yogurt a good home remedy for yeast infection. In fact, dairy is considered the top foods to avoid while on the candida diet.
In our practice, we have found that dairy free probiotic supplements, especially probiotic strains that are specifically designed to target candida are much more safe and effective for yeast infections with significantly less side effects reported.
A good example of the probiotic strain we use in our protocol for candida and thrush infection can be found here.
Do yeast infections go away on their own?
It is possible for yeast infections to go away on their own. This usually happens in cases of temporary yeast infections where the root cause of the infections occur only for a short term. Once it stops to become a problem, if the body is strong enough it is often capable of balancing the yeast overgrowth without any treatment.
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