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Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Safely – Best Toenail Fungus Home Remedies

get rid of toenail fungus - best toenail fungus home remedies
  • Get rid of toenail fungus experts guide is taken from our Life Changing Lessons series remedies section

Get rid of toenail fungus

Knowing how to get rid of toenail fungus goes beyond toenail fungus home remedies or medication. You can use the best toenail fungus home remedies, but if the source of your issues is not properly addressed, you may not get rid of toenail fungus and cure this very common infection.

In this experts guide, you will learn what causes your toenail fungus, and the proper way to cure it.
Our experts cover how to get rid of toenail fungus fast, using the best natural toenail fungus home remedies that are also safe, so you avoid common critical mistakes that can irritate or even damage the toenail and surrounding skin, and in many cases lead to serious complications.

Table of Content

Best toenail fungus remedies
Diet & Supplements for Optimal Toenail Growth
Toenail fungus basics
  • 4 – What is toenail fungus
  • 5 – Toenail fongus symptoms
  • 6 –  What causes toenail fungus
    • 6.1 – Local fungal infection
    • 6.2 – Candida & yeast overgrowth
  • 7 –  Treatment for toenail fungus
  • 8 – How to prevent toenail fungus

Before using toenail fungus home remedies

Before taking nail fungus treatment over the counter, prescription toenail fungus medicine, or toenail fungus home remedies, here are the 3 facts you should know before treating toenail fungus:

  1. Knowing your toenail fungus causes
    is the most important part of the toe nail fungus treatment, as the needed treatment can be completely different. You can use the best toenail fungus home remedies, but if the source of your issues will not be addressed, you may not be able to get rid of toenail fungus  Learn more
  2. Toenail growth takes time
    the average toenail growth rate is 1.62 mm (0.06 inch) a month, fingernails – 3.47 mm (0.1 inch) a month (study). This means that it may take several weeks before you notice improvements in your toenail fungus, and several months for a complete toenail fungus cure.
    Making sure your diet has the nutrients required for healthy toenails and nails growth should always be a part of the treatment Learn more
  3. Preventing the toenail fungus from spreading
    treating toenail fungus in its early stages and taking actions to prevent it from spreading can simplify the toenail fungus treatment, especially since healing toenail fungus can take a long time Learn more

Best toenail fungus remedies

Certain natural toenail fungus remedies (covered in the sections below) are very effective and can help you treat toenail fungus naturally at home.
To make the most out of the home remedies for toenail fungus or toenail fungus medication (either natural, over the counter or toenail fungus prescription), and in order to maintain the health of your toenails, follow this simple routine:

  1. Soften the toenails to make it easier to trim them. Soak your feet in warm water for 5-10 minutes and dry your feet, toes and toenails with a towel
  2. Trim the toenails and keep them short. This can help home remedies for toenail fungus or fungus medication to reach deeper
  3. Thin the toenail if you have thick toenails

If you experience pain or other issues with these steps, we highly recommend to have these done professionally, at least during the early stages of the treatment.

Here are the best toenail fungus home remedies and how to use them correctly:

Ozonated olive oil for toenail fungus

get rid of toenail fungus - best toenail fungus home remedies - olive oilOzonated olive oil is olive oil that had ozone added into it. The many health benefits of Ozone have been extensively studied over the last 150 years and are the core of the widely practiced ozone therapy.

Ozonated olive oil is considered one of the best natural remedies for yeast infections and candida issues with a solid record of published human studies on its effectiveness and safety, especially in cases of vaginal yeast infections (source), mouth irritation (source), oral thrush (source) and skin issues (source).

The reason Ozonated olive oil works so well for yeast and fungal infection is due to the unique combination of the health benefits of both ozone and olive oil:

  • Ozone is very effective against yeast, candida and fungal infections (source).
  • Ozone has the ability to quickly ease skin irritation and accelerate wound healing (source).
  • Ozone was shown to be very beneficial for oral infections (source) and oral thrush (source).
  • Ozone was shown to be effective for vaginal infections (source).
  • Olive oil has a known calming effect when applied topically on the skin.

This means that Ozone can safely reduce the toenail fungus infection while helping the damaged tissues to heal faster. Both can make a big difference in helping the body to recover and get rid of toenail fungus faster.
Using olive oil to hold Ozone in a stable Ozonated olive oil paste, makes Ozone available as a home remedy that can be easily applied to the affected areas. Based on our experience, Ozonated olive oil is one of the most effective and safe natural home remedies for toenail fungus and feet fungus issues such as athlete’s foot.

To use Ozonated olive oil for toenail fungus:

  1. rinse your feet and toenails with warm water, dry thoroughly including the area between the toes
  2. apply a thin layer of ozonated olive oil and massage into the toenail, the surrounding skin covering the entire toe and the area between the toes
  3. use daily, preferably before bedtime letting the ozonated olive oil work on the affected areas as you sleep

Essential Oils for toenail fungus

Essential oils are oils that are extracted from plants that have medicinal properties, using a process that separates the oils from the plant. The end result is a concentrated oil that contains high percentage of the plant’s active ingredients, typically with a strong aroma (which is why they are also called aromatherapy oils).

Using essential oils for toenail fungus can be very beneficial when done properly, since many essential oils have strong anti fungal properties. Tea tree oil and oregano oil are especially known for their strong antifungal properties and are considered the best essential oils for toenail fungus.
Both oregano oil and tea tree oil are very popular home remedies for toenail fungus and can be found in many natural products for toe nail fungus as well.

IMPORTANT! Tea tree oil and oregano oil (along with many other essential oils) are very strong and can irritate the skin if applied undiluted. For this reason, they are usually combined with other oils that are more soothing such as coconut oil or olive oil, that act as “carrier oils”. Both coconut oil and olive oil are excellent choices for toenail fungus due to their natural antifungal properties.

Safety comes first! Using undiluted tea tree oil or oregano oil will not necessarily get rid of toenail fungus faster, and can even damage your skin or toenails!

Oregano oil for toenail fungus

Oregano oil is derived from the leaves and flowers of oregano and is a very popular home remedy for toenail fungus.
According to research, Carvacrol, the active ingredient in oregano oil, is very effective in preventing and treating a wide variety of infections caused by bacteria, fungus, parasites and viruses.

It is important to note that the oregano source used should be the organic Mediterranean oregano variety which has the strongest therapeutic properties and high Carvacrol content. Other varieties of oregano which you may find in the spices section are still very healthy and have many benefits, although they have very little to none of the medicinal properties we have mentioned and will not help to get rid of toenail fungus issues.

Tea tree oil for toenail fungus

Derived from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia plant, tea tree oil is widely known for its natural anti-fungal properties, with its effectiveness against fungal infections and candida – yeast issues shown in various studies.
Tea tree oil is considered safe when used topically (diluted) but may be toxic when ingested orally.

How to use oregano oil and tea tree oil for toenail fungus

A very popular home remedy for toenail fungus involve combining both tea tree oil and oregano oil with coconut oil or olive oil:

  1. mix a few drops of tea tree oil and oregano oil with coconut oil or olive oil
  2. apply to the toenail and the affected skin using toe nail brush or a cotton swab
  3. begin by testing the mixture on one small area first to make sure the solution is not too strong and does not irritate your skin or toenail. If irritation occurs, wipe with a clean paper towel and wash immediately with warm water. Consider diluting the solution further by adding more coconut oil or olive oil to it
  4. use twice a day, morning and evening, after washing and drying the toenails and the surrounding skin

Apple cider vinegar for toenail fungus

Another popular home remedy for toenail fungus is soaking the feet and toenails in a mixture of raw apple cider vinegar (ACV) diluted with warm water. The idea behind this remedy is that apple cider vinegar is very acidic; soaking the feet and toenails in the water – apple cider vinegar mixture can make the pH of the infected toenails and skin more acidic, hence create an environment which may become hostile for the fungus. This concept may apply to other types of vinegar as well and is the main reason behind the toenail fungus vinegar benefit.

Using apple cider vinegar for toenail fungus may have another benefit: according to research, apple cider vinegar has natural antifungal properties, so you may want to consider using apple cider vinegar as your preferred choice of vinegar for toenail fungus.

How to use apple cider vinegar for toenail fungus

Apple cider vinegar is very acidic, with a pH level of around 3 which can cause irritation to the skin and toenails if used undiluted. For this reason, always dilute the apple cider vinegar by mixing it with distilled water.
It is best to start with lower concentration of apple cider vinegar to water and gradually increase the amount of apple cider vinegar as you gain more experience on the way it feels on your toenails. A safe place to start is 1:10 ratio: 3 ounces of apple cider vinegar mixed with 30 ounces of water.

  1. mix apple cider vinegar with warm distilled water
  2. use organic apple cider vinegar on its raw unfiltered unpasteurized form
  3. temperature of water should be around body temperature
  4. soak the entire feet and toenails for 5-15 minutes 3-5 times a week
  5. rinse your feet and toenails with warm water, dry thoroughly
  6. discard the apple cider vinegar – water mixture after use

A note about safety: we get many emails from people that experienced severe irritation after applying undiluted apple cider vinegar or other types of vinegar directly on their toenails, based on the recommendation of some toenail fungus home remedies.
The fact that you use a higher concentration of apple cider vinegar solution or a stronger remedy for toenail fungus doesn’t mean you will get rid of toenail fungus faster! In many cases, the damage caused by the remedy may delay the healing progress.

Oral antifungals for toenail fungus

Oral antifungals contain ingredients that directly or indirectly kill yeast and fungus in your body. Taking oral antifungals for nails and toenail fungus can be very beneficial in cases of excess yeast and systemic candida overgrowth in the body. Excess yeast and candida overgrowth is a very common cause of nail and toenail fungus, and requires specific treatment in order to get rid of toe fungus; treating the toenail locally by following a topical toenail fungus treatment or similar methods will not cure the toenail infection, as the source of the problem (excess yeast in the body) is not addressed.

When your body has excess yeast or yeast imbalances, there are usually multiple yeast infections symptoms in addition to the toenails and nails issues. Common areas in the body are affected as well may include the skin, mouth, vagina (vaginal yeast infections) or penis.  Excess yeast issues can also affect the way you feel: digestion issues, gas, bloating, low energy levels, focusing issues, brain fog and mood swings are very common symptoms.

For a complete list of candida and yeast overgrowth symptoms broken down by each body part:
candida and yeast infection symptoms expert guide

The problem with oral antifungals

One of the biggest problem we see with antifungals (either over the counter, prescription or natural) is that many of them are too strong, toxic, contain harsh chemicals and even act as stimulants which can actually prevent your body from healing.

Many people use aggressive antifungals that artificially kill the fungus and excess yeast in the body hoping to get rid of toenail fungus faster. In reality, this approach usually cause many side effects and die off symptoms, since the the amount of toxins released by the dying fungus, yeast and candida is more than what the body can safely handle.
Ideally, you want to use antifungals that help your body to balance the excess yeast naturally at a pace it can safely handle.

For this reason, oral antifungals that only contain natural ingredients that work with your own body’s natural elimination functions are usually preferred.
Based on our long experience with oral antifungals, we see a clear advantage of using products that are based on natural wild grown and organic ingredients, as they usually bring the most benefits with less side effects or die off symptoms. Mycozil which is a part of our protocol for fungal, candida and yeast issues is a very good example. You want to make sure you are getting high potency fresh organic herbs that are well studied and are backed up by science, while avoiding toxins, allergens and chemicals that are often found in very high dosages in conventional and low quality formulas.

For more details, see our antifungals protocol.

How to use oral antifungals for toenail fungus
The 4 steps you must know

To make the most out of oral antifungals and to minimize potential side effects, it is important to use antifungals as a part of an overall treatment to naturally cleanse the excess fungus and candida yeast from your body. This is typically achieved by:

  1. Oxygen colon cleanse to optimize the body’s elimination, cleansing and toxins removal, while minimizing potential side effects due to toxins ciruclating in the body for a long time
  2. Anti-yeast & candida diet
    • limit foods that contribute to fungus and yeast overgrowth or weaken the immune system
    • consume foods and key nutrients that support healthy nail and toenail growth and help the body recover from the fungal infection (covered in the next section)
  3. Anti-yeast & candida probiotics to restore the body’s good bacteria balance
  4. Natural antifungal treatment for “stubborn” fungal infections that usually take longer time to heal such as nail and toenail fungus, fungal skin infections and others
To learn more, see our expert guide for candida overgrowth treatment protocol.

Diet & Supplements for Optimal Toenail Growth

The way our nails and toenails appear may reflect our internal health, especially when it comes to nutritional deficiencies; several studies have suggested a connection between nutritional deficiencies and poor nail appearance or slow nail growth (study).

For this reason, making sure your body has all the vital nutrients it needs to build healthy nail and toenail should always be a part of the toenail and nail fungus treatment. Using toenail fungus remedies can help to get rid of toenail fungus issues, but if your body lacks key nutrients, you may experience issues in growing new healthy toenails and nails.

Top 3 Steps to Boost your diet for healthy nail growth:

1 – Key vitamins and minerals

Eating a well balanced diet can make a big difference in your fungal nail treatment by providing your body the raw material it needs to build healthy strong toenails, as well as supporting your immune system in balancing the fungal infection, so your body can get rid of toenail fungus naturally.

In general, it is preferred to get vitamins and minerals from natural whole foods as much as possible, unless there is a specific problem that is preventing your body from absorbing them from foods such in the cases of vitamin B12 or vitamin D (where enough sun exposure is required).

  •  Due to their importance, getting tested for nutritional deficiencies is highly recommended as part of the treatment and for general health

The following vitamins & minerals are essential for healthy nails and toenails growth, as well as for good health. Deficiencies or low levels of any of these can cause severe health issues; some issues may not be reversed even after restoring the levels back to normal range.
The good news: as these links below show, meeting the daily values of these vitamins and minerals from whole foods can be quite simple and easy to do, and may also improve the taste of your meals.

2 – Eat enough protein

Consuming enough protein and amino acids everyday is essential in order to build new nails, toenails, and other tissues.

When it comes to protein rich foods, many people think about animal sources of protein such as meat, fish, dairy and eggs, although certain plant based foods are very high in protein as well.
Adding plant based proteins to your diet can be a very effective way to boost your protein levels without the potential toxins and risks that are associated with animal protein consumption. Many whole plant based foods are also very high in other key nutrients such as fiber, healthy fatty acids and minerals.

Good sources of plant based proteins that are also easier to digest include raw hemp seeds and raw sprouted pumpkin seeds (2 oz provide around 17 grams of protein). You may also want to experiment with tofu (200 grams of “super firm” tofu provide around 28 grams of protein, only choose organic sprouted tofu)

A good example is our 5 min broccoli – mustard – hemp Immune boosting meal that takes no more than 5 minutes to make, very high in protein and other key nutrients and tastes delicious!

3 – Take Biotin Supplement

Biotin belongs to the B complex group of vitamins, also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H. Biotin is one of the most popular supplements known for promoting nail, hair and skin health. Biotin benefits for nail health were demonstrated in several studies where biotin supplementation improved the quality and health of the nails, helping brittle nails to become firmer and harder, while reducing the splitting of the nails (study 1, study 2). Other evidence suggests Biotin may be beneficial for healthier and thicker hair as well.

In general, getting enough biotin from whole foods is preferred, although during the nails and toe fungus treatment, you may want to consider taking biotin supplements to make sure you are not deficient in biotin, and that your body has consistent optimal levels of biotin to promote the new growth of health nails and toenails.

Biotin is commonly available in many hair, skin and nails formulas, although many products contain a synthetic version of biotin which is not natural and may have poor utilization in the body. For this reason, if you decide to take biotin supplement, we highly recommend to choose a natural form of biotin, preferably organic. A good example can be found here.

Toenail fungus basics

What is toenail fungus?

Toenail fungus (onychomycosis, tinea unguium) is a common fungal infection of the nail that can affect toenails and fingernails. A fungal infection of the toenail or nail can occur under the nail, between the nail and the nail bed, and may also affect the surrounding skin. It is estimated that fungal infection is responsible for 50% of all nail disorders in north america affecting at least 14% of the population (study).

Symptoms of toenail fungus

The most common toenail fungus symptoms are:

Picture taken by James Heilman, MD

  • thick toenails
  • loose toenails, separation of the toenail from the nail bed (onycholysis), can be caused by the the thickened nail
  • crumbly brittle nails
  • fragile or cracked nails
  • ragged skin around the nail
  • toenail discoloration: yellow, white or black toenails
  • unusual shape, changes in the shape of the toenails
  • dry nails, dull, loss of shine
  • fungus infection of the skin around the toenail
  • pain
  • foul odor

What causes toenail fungus

The most important part of the toenail fungus treatment is to identify the root cause of the fungal infection correctly, as the needed treatment or the remedy for toenail fungus may be completely different.

  •  You can use the best toenail fungus home remedies, but if the source of your issues is not properly addressed, you may not be able to get rid of toenail fungus

The 2 most common causes of toenail fungus:

1 – Dermatophyte fungus

Common signs: symptoms of nail fungus in toenails, between toenails, feet, nails, between fingers. No other body parts are affected

Dermatophyte fungus are common fungi that can cause infections of the skin, hair, and nails. Dermatophyte fungus can spread by direct contact with other people, objects, soil or animals. Dermatophyte fungus can cause athlete’s foot that very often starts as a fungal infection in the feet between the toenails and spreads to the toenails.

Toenail fungal infection that is caused by Dermatophyte fungus usually occur when the toenail or feet are exposed to this fungi, and is a very common problem when using swimming pools or public showers. For this reason, always wear shower sandals or flip flops when possible. Fungal toenail infection is more common than fungal nail infection since the toenails are usually kept covered for long time (soaks, shoes); this is a warm and moist environment with less time to “breath”, exactly the conditions fungi thrive on. In addition, the blood circulation to the toenails may not be as strong as the circulation to the fingernails, which can slow down the immune system response to the fungal infection.

2- Systemic candida & yeast overgrowth

Common signs: multiple fungal infections symptoms are present in the body in addition to the toenails issues

Systemic candida and yeast overgrowth in the body is a very common cause of nails and toenail fungus. In this case, there are usually multiple fungal and yeast infections symptoms present in the body, where the toenail fungus being only one of the symptoms.

The symptoms of a systemic yeast problem in your body can occur anywhere in the body both externally and internally, and may include:

  • External fungal infections of the skin, nails, toenails, mouth, tongue, vagina, or penis
  • Internal fungal infections that can affect digestion, your energy levels, ability to focus and the way you feel

It is very important to recognize these yeast overgrowth symptoms in order to properly address the excess yeast problem and prevent it from spreading and becoming worse. You can follow the best toenail fungus treatment plan or use the strongest toenail fungus home remedies, but if your toenail fungus is causes by a systemic yeast or candida problem in your body, unless you address the root cause, you will most likely won’t be able to get rid of toenail fungus and reach a complete cure for toenail fungus.

Many people and health participators do not always connect the dots or see the connection between these symptoms. This is very common and the main reason why a lot of people can’t get rid of toenail fungus despite treating the toenail fungus issue for a long time.

For a complete list of candida and yeast overgrowth symptoms broken down by each body part:
candida and yeast infection symptoms expert guide

Systemic candida & yeast overgrowth Treatment

Toenail fungus treatment that is caused by a systemic candida overgrowth focuses on helping the body to naturally balance the infection by:

  1. Oxygen colon cleanse to optimize the body’s elimination, cleansing and toxins removal
  2. Anti-yeast & candida diet
    • limit foods that contribute to fungus and yeast overgrowth or weaken the immune system
    • consume foods and key nutreints that support healthy nail and toenail growth and help the body recover from the fungal infection (covered in the next section)
  3. Anti-yeast & candida probiotics to restore the body’s good bacteria balance
  4. Natural antifungal treatment for “stubborn” fungal infections that usuaslly take longer time to heal such as nail and toenail fungus, fungal skin infections and others
To learn more, see our expert guide for candida overgrowth treatment protocol.

Toenail Fungus Risk Factors

  • age – according to research, the risk to develop toenail fungus increases with age. Several studies showed that 15-20% of adults above the age of 40 had toenail fungus compared to only 3-5% in the general population (study)


  • hobbies or occupation – frequent exposure of toenails to humid, wet or moist environment. This is very common with people that workout often in these conditions, or due to their jobs. A similar problem may occur with nail fungus when the hands are kept constantly wet
  • living with someone that has toenail fungus
  • smoking
  • wearing socks and shoes that have poor ventilation for longer period of times

Certain conditions may cause symptoms that can increase the risk of developing toenail fungal infection:

  • athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) – in many cases, fungus toenails begins as a fungal infection between the toes and the feet (athlete’s foot), and spreads to the toenails
  • poor blood circulation issues especially to the feet
  • slow growing toenails and nails. This can be due to malnutrition, not enough protein in the diet, or problem with the absorption of protein learn more
  • diabetes
  • injury in toenail
  • excessive sweating, especially in the feet
  • weak immune system learn more
  • psoriasis

Treatment for Toenail Fungus

Treating toenail fungus usually include taking toenail fungus prescription, over the counter or natural remedies in a form of topical cream or nail lacquer that is applied on the nail. In some cases oral antifungal prescription pills or natural antifungal supplements are also used.

If the toenail is damaged, your health provider may recommend to remove the damaged area of the toenail or skin, either partially or the entire toenail.

Top suggestions for an effective and safe nail and toe nail fungus treatment:

  1. Know your toenail fungus causes
    this is the most important part of the toe nail fungus treatment, as the needed treatment can be completely different. You can use the best toenail fungus home remedies or medication, but if the source of your issues is not properly addressed, you may not be able to get rid of toenail fungus learn more
  2. Don’t delay the treatment
    treating toenail fungus in its early stages and taking actions to prevent it from spreading can save many complications, and simplify the toenail fungus treatment, especially since healing toenail fungus can take a long time learn more
  3. Keep it simple
    the average toenail growth rate is 1.62 mm (0.06 inch) a month, fingernails – 3.47 mm (0.1 inch) a month (study). This means that it may take several weeks before you notice improvements in your toenail fungus, and several months for a complete toenail fungus cure. This also means that the treatment for toenail fungus may take a long time as well. When choosing a treatment plan or home remedies for toenail fungus, take this into consideration and aim for remedies that agree with your lifestyle and time, so you can be consisitent with the treatment plan
  4. Safety first
    many people use very strong toenail fungus remedies and harsh antifungal agents based on the belief that these may shorten the toe nail fungus treatment and help to get rid of toenail fungus faster. In reality, toe fungus cure doesn’t happen overnight, and using harsh agents or aggressive home remedies for toenail fungus may injure your toenails, surrounding skin or body and lead to health complications. This applies also to natural remedies for toenail fungus; natural doesn’t always mean safe. When in doubt, always consult with your health provider.

How to prevent toenail fungus

Knowing how to prevent toenail fungus can also reduce the risk that the infection may spread if you already have toenail fungus:

  • maintain good feet hygiene: wash feet and toes with soap and water, dry feet well after shower including toenails and between the toes
  • keep feet dry and clean throughout the day as much as possible
  • avoid walking barefoot in wet public places
  • trim toenails and nails
  • avoid sharing nail clipper with others, keep them clean after each use
  • avoid using nail polish or other products that may cover your toenail, unless they are antifungal products specifically designed to help toenail fungus
  • change your socks often, pay extra attention if your socks or feet are getting sweaty or wet; consider changing the type of socks if so. Same goes to shoes. Certain shoes may cause sweaty feet.


What does a fungal infection of the toenail look like?

A toenail that is infected with fungus usually look thicker, with some discoloration – yellow, white or black. It may also look different when compared to healthy toenails and have an unusual shape.
Other common symptoms to look for as a result of the fungal infection of the toenail:

  • loose toenails, separation of the toenail from the nail bed (onycholysis), can be caused by the the thickened nail
  • crumbly brittle nails
  • fragile or cracked nails
  • ragged skin around the nail
  • fungus infection of the skin around the toenail
  • pain

How to get rid of yellow toenails

If you have yellow toenails and wonder whether they are caused by fungus, you are not alone.
Toenail fungus may cause changes in the color of your toenails, so they become yellow, white or black.
We have been getting many questions from women who have white, black or yellow toenail fungus, asking whether it is possible that the discoloration of their toenails may have caused by their nail polish and not by fungus.
A few things to consider:

  • White, black or yellow toenails are usually casued by fungus
  • Toenail fungus may have additional symptoms such as thick toenails or unusual toenail shape
  • Dark nail polish may cause yellow toenails. Nail polish stains can be removed or become lighter right after using the methods below; yellow toenail fungus can take months to heal or get better

How to get rid of yellow toenails: If your yellow toenails are caused by nail polish and not by fungus, you may want to consider the following home remedies for yellow toenails:

  • Using a nail brush, apply lemon juice on the yellow toenails. Leave for 10-15 minutes and wash using warm water
  • Brush the toenail using whitening toothpaste
  • Soak your entire feet in apple cider vinegar – water solution (read the remedy instructions before starting!)
  • Stop using nail polish and see if the stains get better
Safety Tips
  • Make sure to only apply solutions on the toenail, and that it does not touch the surrounding skin
  • If any discomfort or irritation occur during these steps, stop immediately and wash your toenails with warm water
  • Always start by testing the remedy on one toenail
  • Avoid using strong chemicals or aggressive scrubbing methods as they may damage your toenail and surrounding skin. When in doubt, consult a professional.
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