Grapefruit seed extract (GSE) is derived from the seeds, membranes and pulp of grapefruit. GSE is a highly concentrated acidic liquid with a very strong bitter taste. For this reason, it …
Oregano Oil Side Effects: Is oregano oil good for Candida?
Oregano oil side effects are usually mild and typically occur due to an overdose or when it is used incorrectly. Common oregano oil side effects may include upset stomach and …
Severe Yeast Infection: The Right Treatment for Quick Safe Relief
A severe yeast infection can be devastating with many discomforts and painful symptoms anywhere in the body. Looking for a relief, many people become desperate and take risky home remedies …
Yeast Infection Smell: The vaginal odor symptoms you must know
Do yeast infections smell? What does a yeast infection smell like? Vaginal odor causes. Yeast infection vs bv. Yeast infection discharge. Home remedies for yeast infections. Vaginal yeast infection treatment. …
Is the candida spit test a reliable candida saliva test?
The candida spit test is a candida saliva test that can be done at home by spitting into a glass of water and checking for specific visual signs in the …
Candida Balanitis Experts Guide: Risks, symptoms, creams & treatment
Candida balanitis is defined as inflammation of the head of the penis (glans penis) caused by candida yeast fungi. According to the medical literature, current data suggests that candida is …
What does a yeast infection look like? The 4 classic signs to look for
Yeast infection looks like cottage cheese discharge which has a thick chunky curd like appearance. Yeast infection is usually odorless, although some people describe the yeast infection smell as similar to …
Cottage Cheese Discharge – Do I have a yeast infection?
Cottage cheese discharge is a very common and unique symptom of a vaginal yeast infection. According to the medical literature and research data, you probably have a yeast infection if …