Candida Diet
Story in a nutshell:
Candida diet plays a key role in the treatment. The diet major parts:
- Foods to avoid: limit foods that feed candida or weaken immune system.
- Foods to eat: antifungal foods that help the body to reduce the yeast overgrowth.
- Candida enzymes: help the transition to the candida diet, improve digestion and nutrients uptake from the foods. Break down candida cell wall.
Prefer the short version? see the candida diet handbook.
Supplements for candida are discussed on: candida supplements.
The Problem With The Candida Diet
1. Candida diet is important but often confusing:
Candida diet is well known for its importance to the candida overgrowth treatment, but also for its challenges and common misconceptions, especially when it comes to the candida diet food list, foods to eat and foods to avoid while on the candida diet cleanse.
Can I still eat fruits? are fermented foods good for me? how about beans? conflicting answers everywhere!
2. Wrong candida diet can make you suffer:
As a result, critical mistakes are made leaving many people confused, constantly hungry with difficulties in overcoming their candida and yeast infection issues. Dealing with candida symptoms is hard as it is; adding a strict anti candida diet meal plan with candida diet recipes that don’t work on top of these discomforts is just too much.
3. Avoid common diet mistakes, feel better fast:
This guide covers all the facts you need to know, so you can enjoy a candida diet that meets your body’s specific needs and also satisfies your taste buds and lifestyle. Feeling satisfied after a meal is as important as getting the health benefits from it.
Candida diet is also known as: candidiasis diet, yeast infection diet, candida cleanse diet, anti fungal diet, anti candida diet, yeast free diet, candida free diet, candida albicans diet.
Does One Candida Diet Fit All?
One of the reasons many candida diet plans fail, is that they operate under the assumption that all people should eat the same. Knowing what to eat on candida diet in general is one thing. Understanding what foods work the best for you however, may be a completely different story.
It is very important to remember that in order for the candida diet to work (or in fact any diet), it has to be tailored to the individual state of health, needs and lifestyle. An active person has significantly different needs than someone who is not active at all. They can’t be on the same diet plan.
In addition, people bodies, especially the digestion system tend to differ from each other. This is due to genetics, environmental diversity, and many other factors.
What does it all mean? The same food that may benefit some people, can harm others. This applies even to healthy foods that are on the candida diet food list that are considered to be the best foods for candida and yeast issues. You have to make sure your body agrees with these foods and that you do not have sensitivities or allergies to them. That is the ultimate candida diet program.
You can follow the best candida cleanse diet plans, but as long as you are sensitive to some of the foods in them, you may not be able to cure your candida issues.
Is Your Candida Diet Making You Constipated?
Constipation is a very common problem we see with many anti candida diets and protocols, and a known candida diet side effect.
If you wonder why, let’s have a look at the typical anti candida diet. According to most plans, you basically eat low carb – high protein/fat.
Most foods that are high in protein and low in carbs (meat, fish, nuts, seeds, eggs) require longer digestion time and also tend to have significantly less liquids and fiber in them. It is not surprising that diets that are high in these types of “drier” foods make people’s digestion slower and even constipated.
Here is the problem: the last thing you want when you have candida issues is to be “slow” or constipated!
Ideally you want to speed up your digestion, so your body can get rid of dying candida and its toxins as quickly as possible.
How To Avoid Constipation On The Candida Diet
- When introducing new foods to your diet, watch if they make your digestion slower or reduce the frequency of your bowel movements.
- Pay closer attention to “dry” foods that belong to the low carb high protein foods.
- Always include raw veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus and leafy green as these are high in fiber and are known to promote healthy digestion.
- Drink plenty of water between your meals throughout the day to make sure you are not dehydrated. The color of your urine should be clear.
Already suffer from constipation? drinking water with apple cider vinegar and lemon juice on an empty stomach before bedtime may be very helpful. See the overnight toxins flush for more details.
Probiotic Foods, Fermented Foods Candida Diet
Candida and fermented foods have always been a popular topic. So are fermented foods good for candida? Systemic candida and yeast issues are usually a result of gut flora imbalances between candida to the friendly organisms (probiotics) that normally control candida from overgrowing.
Getting enough probiotics either from probiotic foods, fermented foods or probiotic supplements is a very important part of the candida treatment. Probiotics populate the intestines with beneficial organisms that balance the levels of candida in your body to normal healthy levels.
While it is possible to get probiotics from natural fermented foods and drinks such as live cultured yogurt, Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Kombucha tea and others, there are many concerns regarding their effectiveness and safety for candida and yeast issues. In addition, due to stability, quality issues, and contamination risks, store-bought probiotic foods are usually not recommended. So unless you make your own and know for a fact they have worked for you personally in the past, counting on these foods as a good and safe probiotic source may not provide the best results and can even backfire resulted digestion issues such as gas and bloating.
When using Probiotic supplements for candida, it is important to make sure the strains used are effective for candida but also safe, so your body can balance the yeast overgrowth at a rate it can safely handle. A good example we use in our candida protocol is Latero-Flora.
To learn more, see: probiotics for candida.
Candida Diet Food To Avoid
Candida diet foods to avoid while on the candida diet include:
(Click on each of the food’s link to learn about the reason it is not allowed on the candida diet along with healthy alternatives you can eat instead).
- Processed Foods.
- Beverages.
- Dairy.
- Gluten, Grains & Wheat.
- Alcohol.
- Mold, Fungi & Yeast.
- Foods that are Hard to Digest.
Candida Diet Foods To Eat
Candida diet foods to eat while on the candida diet include:
(Click on each of the food category link to see the complete food list).
Food category | Best way to eat | Comments |
Greens | raw, steamed. | |
Non-starchy Vegetables | raw, steamed, grilled. | |
Root Vegetables | raw, steamed, grilled, boiled, soup. | eat in moderation. |
Vegetable-like fruits | raw or lightly steamed. | watch for potential sensitivities. |
Fresh Low Sugar Fruits | whole ripe fresh fruits, raw. | eat on an empty stomach only away from other foods. Please refer to the food combination section before eating. |
Meat, Fish & Eggs | Grilled or cooked (eggs). | Please refer to the food combination section before eating. |
Nuts & Seeds | raw, sprouted or soaked, unsalted, unroasted. | Please refer to the food combination section before eating. |
Herbs & Spices | use organic and fresh when possible watch for potential sensitivities. | |
Oils & Fats | raw. | Please refer to the food combination section before eating. |
Natural Sweeteners | use in moderation. |
Eliminate Processed Foods
The first type of foods to avoid and never include in the anti candida diet are processed foods.
If there’s one area that all nutrition experts agree on, that would be it.
This goes above and beyond the candida diet; the research is very clear: processed foods are bad for us and may be leading cause of many of the modern diseases we have today…diabetes, heart disease just to name a few.
In the context of the anti candida diet, consuming processed foods is one of the main reasons for the candida overgrowth to begin with; Our body does a very poor job digesting these foods, so they tend to feed candida much more than they feed the good bacteria or our body. If you are wondering about the foods to include as a part of the stage 1 candida diet, remember that processed foods are the foods to avoid in a diet to cure candida overgrowth issues.
Why Should I Avoid Processed Foods?
There are a few reasons. One is the high number of ingredients. Take your favorite processed food. Look at the list of the ingredients…This is quite simple, our body can’t effectively digest so many ingredients in one meal. Furthermore, processed foods usually contain toxic “lab created” chemicals. These chemicals are there for a reason…They are:
- Much cheaper than real foods.
- Extend the fake foods shelf life.
- Make the color and consistency appear more appealing to us.
- Manipulate our brain so we will eat more of these foods.
- Make the fake foods taste better by masking bad flavors from other ingredients.
To complete this list of shame…processed foods are usually high in processed salt, carbs, sugars and unhealthy fats.
The sad truth about these foods is that they lack the real nutrients found in real food; nutrients required by the body such as fiber, vitamins and minerals; these are the nutrients you need to have in the anti candida diet.
The human body isn’t designed to consume processed foods. In fact, it may not even recognize all these lab created chemicals. These chemicals can confuse the body, damage our immune system, and since they have so little real nutrients in them, we end up even more hungry…hungry for real foods. The result – we eat much more than we need to, and still lack the nutrients our body needs.
If you look at the list of ingredients and can’t tell what some of the ingredients are, or if it takes you more than a few seconds to go over them, find the nearest trash can and get rid of this fake food!
Foods to Avoid: 80% of the supermarkets food section 🙂 all processed foods, frozen, dry or canned including snacks, bars, most “healthy” bars, cereals, processed meats, junk food, most salad dressings, sauces, sweets, ice-cream, chewing gums. Many “healthy” prepared meals contain ingredients such as sugar, honey, rice syrup – exactly the opposite of the candida foods to eat.
The Candida Diet Alternatives: foods to eat on the candida diet include low sugar fruits such as whole berries (fresh, ripe preferably organic), non starchy vegetables, leafy greens and selected meats or wild fish (check the mercury content).
Greens should always be included in your grocery list for candida diet. For the best anti candida diet plan:
- Make sure to select greens that you enjoy and that agree with your body. Some greens are considered healthier than others. Still, this does not mean you have to eat greens that you do not enjoy.
- Variation: different greens may have different nutrients.
Greens are usually the first foods to include in candida diet foods to eat stage 1.
Other foods to include in your candida diet menu and candida diet foods list are raw sprouted seeds. Raw seeds are considered as candida diet true staples and are used in many recipes for candida diet. If you ever find yourself wondering what to eat on candida diet when you are away from home, or looking for new things to eat on candida diet, raw sprouted seeds can be the perfect choice. Use them as snacks, green candida diet smoothie or to increase the protein content of your salads. The choices are almost endless.
Sprouting makes the seeds easier to digest by the body and improve their taste as well.
Pumpkin seeds are considered very beneficial for male health and are highly recommended to be included as a part of the candida diet for men. Women can benefit from pumpkin seeds as well of course.
As for oils, we prefer raw organic extra virgin coconut oil, and organic extra virgin olive oil.
Coconut Oil & Candida Diet
Coconut oil is natural antifungal and actually one of the most known foods that kill candida. Caprylic acid, a naturally occurring fatty acid found in coconut oil is responsible for its strong antifungal properties. Due to its potency, Caprylic acid is included in many anti-candida supplements as well. These properties make coconut oil an excellent fit and a staple in every candida cleanse diet menu, whether as an oil to cook, eat raw, and even as oil pulling. As these benefits of coconut are not enough, coconut flour can also be used to make low carb bread for candida diet, or even as a dairy free yogurt for candida diet.
The bottom line: one of the best foods to fight candida for the diet to fight candida.
Meat & Candida Diet
Important note on meat for the candida diet – make sure the meat you eat wasn’t treated with antibiotics, hormones or other chemicals. Also to minimize the inflammation response to the meat, always make sure the meat you buy is:
- Lean organic and fresh (not frozen).
- Not processed.
- Best parts to eat are chicken/turkey breast (pasture-raised), or lean parts of beef (grass fed only) and buffalo. Do not eat ground meat.
- Always remove skin and grill the meat. If you must use oil, use organic virgin coconut oil as it is much more stable in heat compared to other oils.
Beverages are usually processed foods in liquid form wrapped in attractive bottles. As such, they should not be included in your candida cleanse diet as well. The biggest problem with beverages is the large amount of simple sugars or artificial ingredients which can feed candida and make the yeast infection worse.
What about pure fruit juices? despite being 100% natural, fruit smoothies and juices should be avoided as well as a part of your candida diet, since they are loaded with fast acting carbs. This may create big sugar spikes that can feed candida. Remember, while drinking these when you are healthy can benefit you, consuming them in a body with candida and yeast infection is probably going to harm you.
What to Avoid: any sugary drinks, soft drinks, energy and vitamin water drinks, meal replacements shakes, milk alternatives with added sugars, drinks with artificial sweeteners, sodas, sports drinks, fruit juices or smoothies, coffee, tea, ice-tea, tap water.
Candida Diet Alternatives: clean water (spring water or natural alkaline water are preferred). If you want to drink something other than water, tea on candida diet can be a very good options. You can drink organic non stimulant herbal teas such as peppermint, hibiscus, chamomile, ginger with pure stevia as a sweetener with a fresh squeezed organic lemon.
Coffee On Candida Diet
Coffee is one of the most popular and widely consumed beverages worldwide; hence, the popularity of the coffee and candida or yeast infection topic. We have researched this topic closely for the last 3 years. The bottom line: some people can benefit from drinking coffee when they have candida, others may not.
In general, you may want to give up coffee and caffeinated beverages during the initial candida treatment:
- Coffee’s stimulant effect causes a fight-or-flight response in the body. Having this response on top of the stress caused by systemic candida overgrowth can intensify the symptoms. So you may feel worse.
- Another concern with coffee and candida is fungal contamination. Some studies found that green coffee beans were contaminated with toxigenic fungal species. Since mycotoxins may be resistant to the roasting process, this suggests possible exposure to mycotoxins through consumption of coffee 1.
Mycotoxins are toxins produced by microfungi including the candida yeast fungi. Mycotoxins can cause disease in humans. The last thing you need when you already have candida overgrowth is more toxins.
The Bottom Line: If you are not a coffee drinker, there is no reason to start to drink coffee during the candida treatment.
If you are looking for health natural energy boosters, see: natural alternatives to coffee.
If you enjoy drinking coffee, and want to keep doing it while on the candida diet, see:
How to drink coffee when you have candida.
Candida diet green tea is an interesting topic. According to research, green tea has a natural antifungal properties against candida albicans. Most studies however, mention the need of human studies and further observation to learn more about the potential of green tea for candida.2,3.
In any case, green tea usually has a low caffeine content, it is a good source of antioxidants and it has no calories. So if green tea agrees with you, you should enjoy it.
Natural Sweeteners & Sugar Alternatives
It is recommended to avoid or limit sugars while on the candida diet. There are many sugar alternatives that taste very sweet, have minimal impact on the blood sugar levels and may help to make your food taste sweeter and better. It is important however, to know which ones to use and which to avoid, as many sugar alternatives and artificial sweeteners are unhealthy, contain chemicals that can cause potential health issues, or actually contain enough sugars in them that can make your candida overgrowth become worse.
This also applies to natural alternatives to sugar such as agave nectar, date sugar, coconut sugar, pure maple syrup and others that are often sold as high mineral health foods. These natural alternatives to sugar may be better than white sugar, but are still loaded with sugars and should be avoided while on the candida diet.
What about honey?
We have been getting many questions on the candida diet honey topic. According to research, honey does have antifungal properties.4,5.
The evidence however is based on lab studies (in vitro) and not on human studies. So honey may have a potential as natural antifungal, although further studies are needed to test this on humans. The bottom line: honey is still a concentrated source of natural sugars that can feed candida.
What to Avoid: aspartame, sucrose, splenda, saccharin, agave nectar, sugar cane, molasses, honey, brown rice syrup, coconut palm sugar, date sugar, maple syrup.
Candida Diet Alternatives: stevia, xylitol (from non-GMO corn or from birch bark), organic monk fruit. Low sugar fresh fruits such as fresh whole berries are allowed in moderation on the candida diet and can be very helpful in satisfying sugar cravings.
See our food combination section, as fruits should be eaten by themselves on an empty stomach.
A note about using monkfruit, xylitol, or stevia on candida diet. These natural sweeteners are known to have very little impact on blood sugar levels and therefore are allowed on the candida diet. You still want to make sure however, that your body agrees with these, as they are concentrated extracts that are very sweet. Regular consumption of natural sweeteners can make you get used to very sweet flavor, something that is hard to get from whole foods. For this reason, use in moderation especially when these famous candida cravings for sweets attack.
Candida Diet, Dairy & Milk
We can summarize this section in one sentence: you should avoid milk and dairy while on the candida diet.
Despite massive marketing campaigns by the dairy industry trying to position dairy as a healthy vital nutrient, most health experts strongly recommend to avoid it completely; our recommendation is very clear – dairy should not be consumed as a part of your candida diet. In fact, it is one of the top candida diet foods to avoid during the candida cleanse diet.
Here is why – It is estimated that 3 out of 4 adults can’t properly digest lactose which is the sugar found in milk and dairy products (lactose intolerant). When consumed, milk sugar can travel in the gut undigested, causing many digestion issues, inflammation and an environment candida thrives on.
The second issue with dairy is the milk protein (casein). Casein has a super sticky consistency. So sticky, casein makes an excellent glue known for being very strong and water resistant with many uses of casein glue documented throughout history.
The sticky consistency of casein can make dairy foods stick to the gut walls and takes a very long time to digest.
One of the difficulties in getting rid of candida is candida ability to stick to the gut walls… making dairy one of the worst foods to consume as a part of your candida diet when trying to treat candida and yeast infection.
What to Avoid: All dairy products, milk, cheese, yogurt, cream, dressings or sauces containing milk.
The Candida Diet Alternatives
When it comes to alternatives to dairy, many people are surprised to learn that giving up on dairy wasn’t as hard as they thought it would be. The good news is that many foods to eat on candida diet can be used as excellent alternatives to dairy and milk.
Plant based milk candida diet from coconut, almond or hemp milk products are great examples. Just watch for the added ingredients – there should be no added sugars or other weird ingredients you can not pronounce 🙂 we prefer making these ourselves at home from organic coconuts, almonds or hemp seeds.
If you are looking for an alternative to the cream in your coffee, coconut butter is a perfect choice, tastes much better and will also boost your energy levels. It is also a natural antifungal food.
As a reminder, coffee is not ideal for the candida diet, but we are aware it is sometimes needed, especially in the beginning.
Gluten, Grains & Wheat & Candida Diet
Next on the list of candida foods to avoid in your candida cleanse diet is Gluten, which is the wheat protein found in wheat and various grains such as semolina, rye and barley. The Latin origin of the name means glue which is exactly the consistency of gluten.
The biggest problem with gluten has to do with gluten sensitivity; when gluten is consumed by a person with gluten sensitivity, a reaction in the body is triggered that over time can lead to leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut is a condition where substances such as undigested food particles and toxins leak from the gut into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, the leaked undigested foods or toxins are identified by the immune system as invaders resulted a response by the immune system. Overtime, this may lead to many serious health issues.
Many people with candida and yeast infection issues also suffer from food sensitivities, including increased sensitivity to gluten. This is the reason it is commonly advised to adopt a gluten free diet lifestyle, avoiding gluten foods as a part of your anti candida diet.
If you have candida overgrowth and also experience many food sensitivities, you may have a leaky gut syndrome. This is quite common with candida overgrowth, as candida overgrowth has been shown by research to cause leaky gut. The leaky gut diet in these cases is very similar to the candida diet.
It is important to clarify that candida and gluten free diet are not the same. Their objectives and goals are completely different. Gluten free diets include many foods that are not allowed on the candida diet.
Special note about grains – while not all grains contains gluten, they are known to create inflammation in the body, and it is advised to avoid them as well while on the candida diet. It has been suggested by many health experts that the human body isn’t fully designed to digest grains and wheat; the reason behind it most likely is due to the fact that grains weren’t consumed long enough during human evolution in order for the body to fully adapt. In fact, most people feel great after eliminating or reducing the amount of grains from their diets.
One of the core principles of Paleo diet and the Mediterranean diet, both very popular and successful diets with millions of followers around the world, is avoiding gluten containing foods where Paleo diet avoids all grains. Many people who simply remove grains from their diets report they feel better and are able to lose weight with much less effort.
What to Avoid: Bread, pasta, rice, oats, cereals, any wheat,grain based meals, rye bread.
The Candida Diet Alternatives: (All In Moderation) Fresh organic whole ripe fruits or vegetables, organic root vegetables (you have to try roasted rutabagas!).
Can I Still Eat Carbs With Candida?
It is recommended to limit carbs during the candida cleanse diet. This approach works well for most people with candida overgrowth issues. You can still consume carbs, just make sure to watch your symptoms and the way you feel.
- Many candida diets allow whole grains. Whole grains or pseudo-grains such as amaranth, buckwheat and quinoa may work for some people with mild candida issues.
- Based on our experience however, these can cause many issues. Especially if you have sugar issues. Whole grains or pseudo-grains are considered healthy but they do increase blood sugar levels and can potentially cause a reaction in the body.
- For this reason, it is best to avoid these during the initial candida diet. Replace with healthy fats such as avocados and fresh raw sprouted nuts and seeds and coconut butter. Most people get used to this in about 5 days.
- If you choose to still eat some healthy carbs, pay closer attention to the way your body responds after eating as well as to the quantity. Ask yourself if eating these foods made you feel satisfied, happy, did they provide you enough energy and focus, in addition to your digestion after eating these.
If at this point you feel this is impossible, here’s an example. Candida diet doesn’t have to be boring.
Anti Candida Cauliflower Rice
Miss rice? You may want to try our famous Cauliflower rice recipe.
Known as “The Most Amazing Anti Candida Cauliflower Rice Ever Made”. The flavor of this is exotic recipe is truly amazing. But this is just the beginning: we combined powerful candida fighting foods with foods that are very high in health promoting nutrients, and we also made sure they all work in perfect synergy together. As you can probably guess, our choices for the foods that fight candida included coconut oil, garlic, ginger among others. We even included healthy alternatives to soy sauce.
Avoid Alcohol
Alcohol is created by fermentation which is the process where yeast breaks down sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide. When consumed, it goes into the bloodstream very quickly bypassing the normal digestion process.
If you suffer from candida and yeast infection, you are likely to have some sensitivity to yeast which is a good reason not to include alcohol as a part of your candida diet plan.
In addition, many alcoholic beverages contains large amount of simple processed sugars which can make the yeast infection worse. The bottom line: not very good choices for the candida detox diet plan.
Yeast & Mold

Eating yeast while on the candida diet is sometimes a controversial topic, although yeast and fungi are usually added to the list of candida foods to avoid. The candida diet is known as the antifungal diet or yeast free diet for a reason. People who suffer from candida issue are likely to also have sensitivity to yeast or fungi. Different types of yeast and mushrooms have many wonderful health benefits which you can definitely enjoy after you are healed.
The problem with mold during the candida treatment is also due to mold sensitivity, which is a known systemic candida overgrowth problem. If you are thinking about indoor mold in addition to mold in foods, you are absolutely right! It is very common for people with candida overgrowth to have a reaction once exposed to indoor mold, so it may be a good idea to ensure your house is mold free.
What to Avoid: Any food that has mold, mushrooms, morels, truffles, brewer’s yeast, baker’s yeast, nutritional yeast. Many tree nuts tend to have mold if they are not fresh, so it is important to get them fresh from a trusted source.
Avoid Foods that are Hard to Digest
Ideally, as a part of your anti candida diet, you want to consume foods that are easy to digest by your body to avoid undigested food travelling in your guts along with other digestion issues. As you know, a common issue with candida overgrowth is increased food sensitivities, which brings the question of how to determine which foods you are sensitive to.
While variety in your diet is very important, if you are not sure which foods to eat and which are causing you issues, here are a few helpful tips for your candida diet plan:
- Avoid commonly known allergens: peanuts, tree nuts, soy, dairy, eggs, wheat, fish, shellfish.
- Avoid commonly known hard to digest foods: beans, legumes, fatty meats.
- If you suspect you have a reaction to certain foods, eliminate the food you suspect for a few days to see if you feel better.
- Introduce new foods gradually to your diet even if they are considered healthy; many people have digestion issues when eating healthy foods such as certain raw vegetables, flax seeds and others.
- Eat fewer items in each meal. This is usually a great way to learn how your body react to the different foods. When eating this way, it is very common to notice even small signs of food sensitivities such as increased mucus in the throat or running nose after eating.
Avoid Bad Food Combinations
As surprising as it may sound, many people find themselves struggling with candida and yeast infection despite following healthy diets and lifestyles.
The problem is not the food consumed, but the food combination. This is a very common problem these days, where a typical meal includes several courses with different types of foods. This is very important when it comes to candida diet. In fact, even if you only eat anti candida foods from the candida diet food list, ignoring proper food combination may prevent you from getting better.
The principle is quite simple – different foods often need totally different conditions in the stomach and the digestive tract in order to be properly digested. Eat the wrong foods together at the same time, and you may get a recipe for a complete digestion disaster.
When the body can’t effectively digest a meal, undigested foods particles may travel in the gut and can be consumed by candida resulted in candida overgrowth.
So what are the main food combination principles that should be followed during the candida overgrowth diet?
- Eat Fruits on empty Stomach, do NOT mix with other foods;
Fruits pass the stomach very quickly compared to other foods, and they only break down in the small intestine. This means that if the stomach isn’t empty, the fruits can stay trapped in the stomach by the previous meal and start to rot very quickly - Do not mix different type of fruits – as different fruits tend to have different digestion times and can interfere which each other digestion
- Do not mix starches, proteins, nuts, seeds and oils with each others as they need completely different conditions (e.g. Meat need acidic stomach environment, while starches need alkaline) It is OK however to combine leafy greens and other veggies with these foods.
- Avoid fried foods
- Drink between meals but not during the meals – drinking dilute the stomach acids making them less effective in digesting the food.
Candida Diet Breakfast
Candida diet breakfast is a common popular topic of the candida diet. It is also a very important part of the candida diet. The ideal breakfast for candida however, may be much more simple than you think, and much more satisfying than processed snacks, cereals, shakes or other candida diet recipes for breakfast.
Despite being high in sugars, many fruits can be very beneficial during the candida cleanse as long as you follow the food combination and quantities rules. The candida diet is known to be a low sugar diet which makes many people avoid fruits altogether. Low sugar diet however, does not mean a candida sugar free diet.
Low sugar fruits such as fresh whole berries can be a very good fit for the candida diet breakfast.
If you are looking for good breakfast ideas for candida diet, a bowl of fresh ripe organic fruits may be the perfect candida diet breakfast for most people. It is a much better choice than cereal based meals or most shakes that tend to cause digestion issues or rapid blood sugar spikes. A bowl of fresh berries is sweet, hydrating, full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, 100% vegan and vegetarian, with natural cleansing properties! What else can we ask for?
A popular example is the cinnamon apples recipe: Simply sprinkle ground cinnamon on fresh apples. This 30 seconds recipe tastes great, but it is also backed up by science as effective for candida:
- Apples have a very known cleansing effect along with many other health benefits.6.
- Cinnamon is known for its antifungal properties against candida as well as for supporting healthy blood sugar levels.7,8.
You may want to keep an eye on the portion size and how your body responds, as one medium apple can have up to 20 grams of sugars. Consumed on an empty stomach away from other foods as a part of a low-carb candida diet, one cinnamon apple a day can make a great candida diet breakfast.
For more candida friendly breakfast ideas, see: candida diet breakfast.
The fruits topic and how to consume them properly while on the candida diet is covered extensively in our eBook, under the fruits section.
Match your Candida Diet Plan to Your Individual Needs
Your candida diet plan should match your individual state of health, body and lifestyle; it should support all of your day to day activities, providing you enough energy, focus, vitality and nutrients. You should only eat foods you enjoy eating, and avoid eating foods that don’t make you feel good. The fact that many foods are generally recommended and are on the candida diet food list doesn’t guarantee that they are ideal for you. This is one of the biggest problems with candida diets.
Many candida diet plans recommend very low carb diet approach; while it may be beneficial in many cases, it may not be a good fit for people with higher carbs demands like athletes, or for people who generally do quite well with high carbs.
A successful candida diet plan should match your individual needs and lifestyle, so you can be on it longer without hurting your favorite activities and hobbies, or your body craving for missing nutrients.
The bottom line: The ideal menu for candida diet is the one that meets your body needs. If you need more food, eat more food. If you feel that certain foods do not make you feel good, do not eat them. Even if they are considered the top foods to eat while on the candida diet.
Speaking about eating more food…
Avoid Overeating
So many of us tend to forget it at a presence of foods we like, social events, due to emotional reasons or simply because we were hungry for a long time. In terms of your candida diet, overeating can be so problematic, that even if you are overeating healthy anti candida foods, it can still cause the digestion to work too hard and most likely make the candida and yeast infection become worse.
The Candida Diet recommendation – eat slow and stop when you are almost full. The fullness feeling usually comes 30 mins after.
DID YOU KNOW? Feeling full after a meal doesn’t guarantee feeling satisfied after a meal!
If you find yourself battling with overeating, you may want to take the time to think of the possible reasons behind it.
Below are common reasons that may cause you to overeat or to not feeling satisfied after you eat. Ask yourself:
- Do you really enjoy the foods you eat? perhaps you prefer more fat? do you need more salt (use natural salt)?
- Is your body possibly missing vital nutrients? does your body crave for certain foods that are currently restricted in your diet?
- Are you drinking enough water (many people think they are hungry where in fact they are thirsty)…
- Could it be emotional? are you eating under high stress conditions (while working, while talking on the phone, in front of the TV, while arguing with your significant other…).
As you can see, there are many reasons to consider, but most people significantly improve their diets once these factors are uncovered. Speaking of hunger…
You’re Not You When You’re Hungry
Hunger is a very common reason many diets fail. When we become hungry and we didn’t plan what to eat, we quickly go back to our old ways. This is a critical point with the candida diet, since candida can make us crave for bad foods, especially sweets and processed carbs.
For this reason, it is important to plan ahead and prepare the meals and healthy candida snacks for those moments when hunger strikes. In addition, it is very important to be satisfied after you eat ! for some people, it means eating frequent meals; others may prefer to eat less frequent, but when they do eat they would like to have bigger meals. All these factors should be taken into consideration as a part of your candida diet meal plan.
Candida Diet Snacks
Candida diet snacks are much more simple than many people realize. Fresh nuts and seeds on their raw state preferably sprouted, can be very satisfying in addition to their health promoting benefits. Certain seeds such as pumpkin seeds are even considered as candida fighting foods due to their antifungal properties.
They are easy to carry, require very minimal preparation and therefore may be the perfect candida diet snacks!
Candida Diet Desserts
Candida diet desserts and treats are our favorite topics, especially when it comes to testing the recipes! If watching this video made you crave for chocolate, chocolate cookies, brownies or even a chocolate cake, we have a surprise for you…especially since you took the time and read this entire lesson…a homemade healthy chocolate recipe for the candida diet! Exactly the way candida diet treats should be.
Chocolate For The Candida Diet
Our Happy Detox Chocolate Dream Recipe is truly one of a kind. It is one of our most popular candida diet recipes; so popular that we got many requests to actually produce it..
What is so unique about our happy detox chocolate dream recipe?
This chocolate recipe is specifically designed to help your body naturally fight candida, as well as supporting natural cleansing and detoxification. There is more…if you have ever experienced brain fog, mood swings, low mental energy and other mind-body balance die-off symptoms, this recipe may help to lift up your spirit, providing you non-jittery pure energy, mental clarity, focus, great mood and positive attitude!
For more easy candida desserts that are completely sugar and yeast free, see our desserts recipes.
What’s Next
Now that we’ve learned what foods to eat and what foods to avoid…it’s time to learn about supplements for candida:
Recommended Supplements For Candida – Experts Guide
Learn what are the best supplements that can help you heal and what are the ones you should stay away from. Avoid critical mistakes that can ruin any candida or cleansing program.
Antifungals are not always the best fit for your candida and yeast issues!
Read More.
Candida Diet Food List
Make sure to also check: Foods to avoid.
When it comes to the candida diet food list it is important to remember to always listen to your body.
The same food that may benefit some people, can harm others. This applies even to healthy foods that are on the candida diet food list.
You have to make sure your body agrees with these foods and that you do not have sensitivities or allergies to them.
The best candida diet is a diet that is tailored to your body’s specific needs. The good news is that the candida diet food list is very long with a large selection of healthy foods, spices and herbs that are considered the best foods for candida and yeast issues.
For the complete list of the recommended candida diet foods that are specifically high in key vitamins & minerals, please see our candida diet foods for key vitamins and minerals.
This list of foods also includes candida diet foods that are suitable for a vegan candida diet.
The candida diet food list below is categorized per the different food groups so it can be used as a candida diet grocery list:
Best way to eat: raw, steamed
- Arugula.
- Beet greens.
- Broccoli leaf.
- Chicory.
- Collard greens.
- Dandelion greens (good source of inulin, prebiotic that promotes probiotics growth).
- Endive.
- Kale.
- Lettuce : romaine, green leaf, red leaf, butterhead.
- Mustard greens.
- Spinach.
- Swiss chard.
- Turnip greens.
- Watercress.
Non-starchy Vegetables
Best way to eat: raw, steamed, grilled.
- Artichoke.
- Asparagus (good source of inulin, prebiotic that promotes probiotics growth).
- Bok choy (chinese cabbage).
- Green Beans.
- Bean sprouts.
- Brussels sprouts.
- Broccoli.
- Cabbage (green, red, nappa, savoy).
- Cauliflower.
- Celery.
- Chayote.
- Leeks.
- Green onions.
- Sprouts.
- Sugar snap peas.
Root Vegetables
Best way to eat: raw, steamed, grilled, boiled, soup.
Comments: eat in moderation, watch how you feel after eating root vegetables as their carbs content is higher than non-starchy vegetables.
- Beets.
- Carrots.
- Celery root.
- Daikon (Chinese radish).
- Garlic.
- Horseradish.
- Jerusalem artichokes (good source of inulin, prebiotic that promotes probiotics growth).
- Kohlrabi.
- Parsnips.
- Onions.
- Radishes.
- Rutabagas.
- Shallots.
- Sweet potato (only cooked, watch for carb content). Potatoes are not allowed.
- Turnips.
Vegetable-like fruits
Best way to eat: raw or lightly steamed.
Comments: watch for potential sensitivities such as nightshades (tomatoes and peppers) and others.
- Avocado (only raw, watch for the calorie content).
- Bell peppers.
- Cucumber (only raw).
- Tomatoes.
- Zucchini (summer squash).
Fresh Fruits
Best way to eat: whole ripe fresh fruits, raw, on an empty stomach away from other foods
Comments: due to the higher sugar content and unique way of digestion, we highly recommend to read the food combination section, or to download our eBook that covers the fruits topic in details.
- Blackberries.
- Blueberries.
- Coconut meat (fresh, watch for mold).
- Cranberries.
- Grapefruit.
- Lemons and limes (can be combined with greens and other veggies).
- Raspberries.
- Strawberries.
Meat, Fish & Eggs
Best way to eat: grilled, cooked (eggs).
Comments: make sure to follow food combination rules, eat in moderation.
- Meat: organic only, 100% antibiotics free, 100% grass fed, preferably leaner cuts
- Beef.
- Bison or buffalo.
- Pasture-raised chicken or turkey.
- Fish: wild small fish only such as Wild Alaskan salmon (sockeye), flounder and others.
- Watch for the mercury content
- Organic Cage Free Eggs.
Nuts & Seeds
Best way to eat: raw, sprouted or soaked, unsalted, unroasted.
Comments: to avoid mold contamination, make sure to get the nuts and seeds from a trusted source. Watch for food sensitivities.
- Almonds (preferably unpasteurized almonds soaked overnight).
- Brazil Nuts (high in selenium).
- Chia seeds.
- Flax seeds (soak and grind before eating).
- Hazelnuts.
- Hemp seeds.
- Macadamia nuts.
- Pecans.
- Pumpkin seeds (high in zinc).
- Sesame seeds (grind before eating).
- Sunflower seeds (high in vitamin E).
- Walnuts.
Herbs, Spices & Flavor
Comments: use organic and fresh when possible. Get whole spices and grind them before use.
Apple cider vinegar candida diet – organic, raw unfiltered. Apple cider vinegar on its raw unfiltered unpasteurized form is the only vinegar that is commonly allowed on the candida diet. It makes an excellent choice for salad dressings and detox drinks while on the candida diet. Apple cider vinegar is commonly used in many home remedies for candida and yeast infections.
To learn more, see: apple cider vinegar for yeast infections.
- Anise.
- Basil.
- Black pepper.
- Cayenne pepper.
- Cilantro.
- Cinnamon.
- Cloves.
- Dill.
- Fennel.
- Garlic.
- Ginger.
- Oregano.
- Paprika.
- Parsley.
- Salt (natural sea salt, himalayan salt).
- Rosemary.
- Tarragon.
- Thyme.
- Turmeric.
Oils & Fats
Best way to eat: raw
- Coconut oil or coconut butter.
- Olive oil
- olives are a very good choice for the candida diet and can enhance the flavor of many meals.
You do need to watch for the added ingredients and make sure there are only natural ones such as natural sea salt and possibly apple cider vinegar.
- olives are a very good choice for the candida diet and can enhance the flavor of many meals.
Natural Sweeteners
Comments: use in moderation
- Organic monkfruit, also known as Luo han guo.
- Stevia (make sure it is 100% pure without any additional ingredients).
- Xylitol (from non-GMO corn or from birch bark).
Can you eat potatoes on a candida diet?
Potatoes are very high in carbs and are not recommended to eat while on the candida diet. Sugars and carbs feed candida and can contribute to candida overgrowth. Another problem with potatoes is that they are usually not very satisfying on their own. This means that you will probably need to eat a lot of potatoes to feel satiated, which will result eating high amount of carbs.
A common mistake in regards to potatoes or other starches is to combine them with meat or fats in order to feel satisfied with less carbs. The problem is that this type of food combination usually leads to many digestion issues and is not recommended while on the candida diet.
Can you kill candida without diet?
It is possible to kill candida without diet in mild cases of yeast infections that are not caused by a systemic candida overgrowth in the body. Common examples may include local issue in the vagina or mouth, without any other symptoms of areas in the body that are affected. Diet and candida overgrowth however, are tightly related. Whether you are looking for a diet to get rid of candida, or a candida control diet to prevent candida overgrowth, diet is still considered an important part of the treatment. Getting rid of candida without diet in a typical candida overgrowth case is usually not common.
Coconut sugar candida diet
Using coconut water or coconut sugar on the candida diet is not allowed and will not provide any of the benefits coconut oil or coconut butter have for candida.
Candida diet weight loss
It is common to experience weight loss while on the candida diet. When limiting sugars, carbs and unhealthy foods that typically lead to weight gain, it is likely that there will be initial weight loss. It is important to make sure that you consume enough calories and nutrients, to maintain a healthy weight and energy levels. Many candida diet foods such as nuts, seeds avocados and others are high in calories, so if you see you are losing too much weight, you may want to increase their consumption so you will get enough calories.
What is candida?
Candida is a naturally occurring yeast-like fungi found in small amounts in the digestive system, mouth, vagina and skin. Normally the growth of candida is being controlled by the good bacteria in our body.
Candida overgrowth occurs when the balance between candida and the good bacteria is being disturbed. Candida changes into a more aggressive fungal form that spreads and releases over 80 different toxins. These toxins can get anywhere in the body, suppress the immune system and cause a wide variety of health issues all over the body.
Most candida overgrowth and yeast infections are caused by a strand of yeast called Candida Albicans.
What causes candida?
The most common causes of candida are antibiotics use, contraceptive pill (birth control pill), high blood sugar issues, and diet high in sugars or processed foods. In many cases, there are less obvious causes of candida such as chronic stress, food allergies you may not be aware of, a weakened immune system, chronic constipation and others. Finding the underlying cause of your issues in most cases is the most important step in order to treat candida overgrowth and other candidiasis related yeast infection issues.
For the complete list of candida overgrowth causes see: causes.
- Best Doctors For Candida Overgrowth & Yeast infection - June 7, 2019
- Candida Cleanser : The Complete Natural Solution - June 2, 2019
- Strongest Candida Killer : Best Natural Antifungal Supplements & Foods - May 20, 2019