Can men get yeast infections
Men can get yeast infections by having unprotected sex with someone who has a yeast infection.
Yeast infection in men can also occur as a result of a candida overgrowth in the body. This is a common misconception about male yeast infection. Men can get yeast infections too.
Male Yeast Infection
The most important step in the male yeast infection treatment is to first identify the cause of the infection. The needed treatment you may need can be completely different. This step is often overlooked, since the general belief is that men can not get yeast infections.
In reality, yeast infection in men is very common. A lot of men have clear male yeast infection symptoms all over their body for years as a result of a systemic candida overgrowth. In many of these cases, the candida overgrowth problem is only identified once the symptoms become more severe, and start to impact the quality of life.
We’ll cover all of these in this step by step guide. So you will be able to identify the type of yeast infection you may have, possible causes and the treatment your body needs.
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Yeast Infection In Men
male yeast infection Types
Yeast infection in men usually comes with multiple symptoms in different areas in the body. The biggest mistake many men make is to only treat the yeast infection in the penis and ignore additional yeast infection symptoms in other parts of the body. To make sure you treat your yeast infection correctly and avoid further complications, it is important to recognize the symptoms of yeast infection in men, especially in these following scenarios:
What is a Yeast Infection
Before we get into the yeast infection men treatment topic, let’s cover the basics:
Yeast Infection is a fungal infection caused by the overgrowth of a naturally occurring yeast found in the human body known as candida, usually by the Candida albicans species.
Normally the growth of candida is being controlled and balanced by good bacteria; however, when this balance is being disturbed, candida changes into a more aggressive fungal form that spreads and releases over 80 different toxins. These toxins can get anywhere in the body, suppress the immune system and can cause many health issues all over the body, including the skin, nails, genitals, mouth, throat, digestive tract and others.
The many symptoms of candida in men may be a result of this condition.
Yeast Infection in Men Symptoms
Yeast infection in men symptoms are often overlooked. As a result, the male yeast infection is not identified. Becoming aware of these symptoms is the key for the right diagnosis.
When treating male yeast infection (also called male thrush, male candidiasis or penile thrush), it is very important to know the difference between yeast infection that only affects the penis to a systemic yeast infection and candida overgrowth that affect the entire body. Identifying the exact cause or causes of the infection is critical as the needed treatment might be totally different.
This is a very important point and where many mistakes are made in the yeast infection men diagnosis.
Remember: yeast infection symptoms in men can appear anywhere in the body, not just the penis. We’ll cover these next.
Yeast Infection of the Penis – Balanitis & Balanoposthitis
Also known as: penis yeast infection, penile yeast infection
Men can get yeast infections of the penis by having unprotected sex with someone who has a yeast infection. This can lead to inflammation of the glans penis (the head of the penis), a medical condition known as Balanitis; when the foreskin is also affected, it is called Balanoposthitis.
According to research, candida and yeast infections may be responsible for 30 to 35% of all cases of infectious balanitis and for up to 54% for diagnoses based solely on clinical examination (1). When the Balanitis is caused by candida yeasts, it is medically known as candida balanitis.
Not surprisingly, Balanitis is more common in uncircumcised men. Removing the foreskin from the penis during the circumcision may be helpful in terms of hygiene, minimizing wet and moist conditions that can promote the growth of candida yeast.
Male yeast infection symptoms
Yeast Infection of the Penis
Common male yeast infection symptoms usually appear on the penis after the unprotected sex as:
- itching, irritation or burning in the penis.
- pain, rash, redness, discharge under the foreskin.
- white spots, usually with dry or peeling skin.
- In some cases, the infection also comes with an unpleasant odor of the foreskin.
When left untreated, penis yeast infection can evolve into more serious health complications:
- pain or burning when passing urine.
- urinary tract infection, UTI and bladder infection.
- difficulty retracting or pulling back the foreskin.
Yeast Infection of the Penis – Additional Considerations
Common factors that can make the yeast infection in the penis persistent or become worse include:
Poor hygiene
Yeast thrives and grows best in warm and moist environment. Many male athletes or men that are very active may be at a higher risk, especially during the summer. For this reason, it is very important to maintain good hygiene, avoid underwear that makes the penis area moist, cotton breathable underwear seems to work best.
Soaps and skin care products
Many soaps, moisturizers and other skin care products contain chemicals that can disturb and alter the skin’s good bacteria – yeast balance.
These chemicals are not supposed to be in the human body (internal or external) in the first place, and they can change the natural environment of the skin and the penis area. As a result, many of these products cause irritation and contribute to yeast infections in the skin.
Using all natural soaps with natural antifungal ingredient such as kelp-coconut soap are preferred and are shown to help provide relief in addition to prevent irritating your already irritated skin.
Systemic Yeast Infection & Candida Overgrowth
When there are multiple yeast infections symptoms in the body, it is usually a sign of candida overgrowth also known as a systemic yeast infection. Candida overgrowth is very often overlooked, misdiagnosed or confused with other conditions.
When only the symptoms are treated without addressing the root cause (candida overgrowth), many of the symptoms may come back. More than that, a major concern is the impact of ongoing candida overgrowth and yeast infection on men’s health: if these are left untreated, there may be further complications and health issues.
For this reason, identifying the candida overgrowth problem correctly is the most important step in any yeast infection treatment for men.
Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth in Men
Candida overgrowth and systemic yeast infection symptoms in men need to be taken seriously; becoming aware of these symptoms and recognize the “classic” candida symptoms in men is the key to an optimal male yeast infection treatment. This is also where many mistakes are made.
Below are the most common candida overgrowth symptoms in men:
If you have multiple symptoms in different parts of your body, you may have candida overgrowth.
In this case, we highly recommend that you read the candida overgrowth causes section to see which ones apply to you, as well as the treatment for yeast infections in men section.
The complete list of yeast infection symptoms for different body parts is available in our symptoms expert guide
Male Yeast Infection Causes
Men can get yeast infections of the penis by having unprotected sex with someone who has a yeast infection. Poor hygiene may also be a contributing factor since yeast thrive in moist warm areas.
As for systemic yeast infection and candida overgrowth, common causes that may lead to a systemic yeast infection in men may include:
Male yeast infection treatment
Male yeast infection treatment needs to consider whether the cause is a systemic candida overgrowth or if the infection only affects the penis, as the treatment is totally different.
If you have a systemic yeast infection, the symptoms are likely to re-occur when the candida overgrowth is not addressed.
In any of these yeast infection cases, it is important that both you and your partner will get the correct treatment for yeast infection in order to avoid a scenario where you keep reinfecting each other.
This is very common, especially since many couples decide to avoid condoms that tend to irritate both the penis and the vagina. This irritation usually becomes much worse in cases of male yeast infection or in women (vaginal).
For proper male yeast infection treatment, see the following scenarios that apply to you:
For a quick relief
Or in cases where the yeast infection only affects the penis with no other symptoms:
1 – Antifungal creams
A complete male yeast infection cure is typically achieved by local treatment with antifungal creams which are widely available over the counter (Clotrimazole, brand name Lotrimin), by prescription or as natural yeast infection creams for men. The infection may also disappear without any treatment.
If you are looking to treat your penis yeast infection naturally without using antifungal drugs or medication, you may want to consider the following natural home remedies:
Best antifungal cream for male yeast infection
Perhaps the best antifungal cream for male yeast infection as well as for other yeast infections of the skin, mouth (oral thrush) or vaginal infections.
Ozonated olive oil, is olive oil that had ozone added into it; this unique combination of the health benefits of both ozone and olive oil has shown to be very effective against yeast, candida and fungal infections in many published human studies (source), especially in cases of skin issues (source), mouth irritation (source), oral thrush (source) and vaginal yeast infections (source).
Unlike many antifungal creams that can cause irritation and burning when used topically for male yeast infection, Ozonated olive oil has a unique ability to reduce candida and yeast growth (source) on one hand, while helping to soothe skin irritation and accelerate wound healing at the same time (source).
Using olive oil to hold Ozone in a stable Ozonated olive oil cream, makes Ozone available as a male yeast infection home remedy that can be easily applied to the affected areas. Based on our experience, Ozonated olive oil is one of the most effective and safe natural home remedies for male yeast infection, oral thrush, vaginal yeast infections and other external yeast infections where a fast relief is needed.
To use Ozonated olive oil for male yeast infection:
- Wash your hands with water and soap before applying the cream.
- Warm 1 teaspoon of ozonated olive oil until it turns into a cream consistency.
- Do not heat the oil. Placing it in room temperature for a few minutes or holding it in your hands should be enough.
- Apply a thin layer on the affected areas after the shower on a dry skin, ideally before bedtime or anytime you can sit or lay down comfortably.
- Wait for 24 hours.
- If no irritation occur, continue with this protocol for up to 14 days.
Learn more about Ozonated olive oil.
Coconut Oil – Colloidal Silver
Another natural option some men reported as helpful for skin and penis yeast infections is the Coconut Oil – Colloidal Silver combination. This natural male yeast infection home remedy is not as potent as the Ozonated olive oil cream, but may provide relief as well.
- Mix a few drops of colloidal silver with coconut oil. You can also add a few drops of tea tree oil (optional) as well.
- Apply on the affected areas a few times per day
Coconut oil, tea tree oil and colloidal silver are well known for their strong natural antifungal properties; Colloidal silver is considered by many health experts as one of the most potent natural remedies to strengthen the immune system ability to fight various infections. Their ability to be effective for male yeast infection however, doesn’t have solid scientific evidence.
2 – Maintain good hygiene
Maintaining good hygiene, avoiding clothes that make the area moist as well as wearing cotton breathable underwear are all known practices that may help as well.
3 – Get tested for STDs
We highly recommend in cases of infections of the penis to consult with your health provider and confirm the infection’s causes as well as getting tested for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
If you have multiple yeast infections symptoms in the body
In these cases (see our yeast infection symptoms checker for a more complete list of symptoms), dietary changes as well as supplementation plan are usually required in order to balance the yeast overgrowth. In some cases other factors such as current medications or medical procedures, lifestyle choices and others should be revisited as they may be the root cause of the yeast overgrowth.
If you have multiple yeast infections symptoms, we highly recommend to read our candida cleanse protocol. This experts guide cover in depth the most effective time proven traditional remedies,the latest modern research and critical mistakes to avoid.
Is yeast infection of the penis sexually transmitted disease (STD)?
Yeast infection of the penis is not considered a sexually transmitted disease since you can also get it without sexual contact. With that said, we highly recommend to consult with your health provider and get tested for STDs if you suspect you may have an infection of your penis. This is especially important if you are sexually active.
Are yeast infections contagious?
Yeast infections are not considered contagious, especially since it is normal to have candida in the genitals, skin, mouth and other parts of the body. There are certain scenarios however, that may contribute or increase the chances of developing yeast infection issues after being exposed to someone that already has a yeast infection.
Both men and women can get local yeast infections in the genital area, mouth and throat by having unprotected sex with someone who has a yeast infection. The sexual contact by itself doesn’t directly cause a systemic yeast infection or candida overgrowth, although it may cause an existing systemic yeast issue to become worse.
Men with a weak or compromised immune system are at higher risk and they can get yeast infections by kissing or having oral sex with someone who has an oral thrush infection (oral candidiasis), or by having unprotected sex with a woman that has a vaginal yeast infection (Candidal vaginitis). These cases where men can get yeast infections from women are not very common, but they do occur.
Can a man get a yeast infection from oral?
It is possible to get a yeast infection from engaging oral sex with someone who has a yeast infection, especially in cases of oral thrush (oral candidiasis).
Can men get yeast infections if they have diabetes?
Yes. Diabetes and blood sugar issues can lead to candida overgrowth. Once you have candida overgrowth, it is common to see multiple yeast infection symptoms in different parts of the body.
Are over the counter (OTC) antifungals or prescription medication needed to treat yeast infection in men?
Over the counter antifungal pills or prescription drugs such as oral Fluconazole (brand name Diflucan) are often prescribed to treat fungal infections in men and women, although in many cases they are not required and the yeast infections may be also addressed naturally.
A natural alternative that is often used for systemic candida and yeast overgrowth issues include transitioning to the anti candida diet with candida supplementation protocol. It is very important to identify the root cause of the yeast infection as the needed treatment may be completely different. Special attention needs to be given if antibiotics or other medications are used.
Are there any supplements that can help with yeast infection for men?
Supplements may help in cases of candida overgrowth and systemic yeast infection as long as they are coupled with the correct dietary changes after the root cause of the overgrowth clearly identified.
Most men get great results combining anti-candida diet with candida specific supplements.
Can men get yeast infections from taking antibiotics?
Yes, men can get yeast infections from antibiotics; certain types of antibiotics and medication can reduce the amount of good bacteria in the gut. Good bacteria normally control the growth of candida in the body, so that candida and yeast do not grow out of control. They are also essential for overall good health and normal immune system function. For this reason, probiotics are usually recommended in order to restore the body’s good bacteria and further balance the excess yeast, especially during or after antibiotics use.
Are athlete’s foot and jock itch signs of yeast infection in men?
Athlete’s foot and jock itch are caused by a fungus and are usually common signs of systemic candida overgrowth. See our symptoms checker to learn which symptoms of male yeast infection apply to you.
Can men get yeast infections from a bad diet?
Yes, men and women can get yeast infections from a poor diet. Poor diet tend to feed the candida much more than the good bacteria. As a result, candida spreads and grows in the body. A diet that is high in sugars, processed food or even bad eating habits are all known causes of systemic yeast overgrowth.
Low immune system and yeast infection in men – is there a connection?
Weak Immune system might be related to yeast infection; candida is an opportunistic organism that may grow as a result of an unbalanced body environment, such in cases of low immune system function.

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