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Apple Cider Vinegar For Yeast Infection: Benefits vs. Risks Experts Review

apple cider vinegar for yeast infection

Apple cider vinegar for yeast infection

Using apple cider vinegar for yeast infection can be beneficial in some cases, but can also cause unpleasant side effects when used incorrectly. This experts guide summarizes our experience working with apple cider vinegar for yeast infection and candida issues. We looked into traditional remedies, published medical studies as well as the thousands of the apple cider vinegar for yeast infection reviews we gathered over our many years of practice.

We hope this guide will help you enjoy the many apple cider vinegar benefits while minimizing the risks.

The Two Most Common ACV For Yeast Infections Questions We Get:

Vaginal Yeast Infections

Many women that used apple cider vinegar for yeast infection either as acv tampon or by douching with apple cider vinegar reported side effects such as burning, irritation and other discomforts. We do not recommend this usage of apple cider vinegar.
This is covered in details in the vaginal yeast infections section in this guide.

Best apple cider vinegar detox recipe

Overnight toxins flush is the top pick, featuring apple cider vinegar, lemon and Oxy-Powder. Designed to quickly and safely remove toxins and accumulated waste from your body as you sleep. Expect the next day to have a series of bowel movements with many of the toxins being eliminated. Most people feel a significant relief when these toxins are being flushed out.

To learn more: overnight toxins flush recipe.

Specific uses of apple cider vinegar for yeast infections

Apple cider vinegar for yeast infection

Does apple cider vinegar work?

Using apple cider vinegar for yeast infection includes a large number of home remedies that are commonly used internally, topically and vaginally.

Many home remedies for yeast infection have both long traditional use as well as published studies data. The research data on using apple cider vinegar for yeast infection however, is quite limited, especially when it comes to human studies on the effectiveness and safety of apple cider vinegar for yeast infections. For this reason, most of the available data on the potential benefits of acv for yeast infection as well as the side effects is based on anecdotal evidence and traditional use.

Update: we have been getting many questions on which apple cider vinegar product to use. The ACV we have been using in our testing and protocols is bragg organic raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the mother.
Please note that there are different types of bragg apple cider vinegar, some contain additional ingredients such as honey which should not be consumed when you have a yeast infection or candida issues.

Best apple cider vinegar uses for yeast infection

Here is a summary of the best ways to use apple cider vinegar for yeast infections that are also shown to be safe. We included references to published studies when research data was available.

Apple cider vinegar can kill yeast and candida

Apple cider vinegar antifungal properties are well known among natural health practitioners with some supported evidence shown also on published studies, where apple cider vinegar was found effective against candida (source).
The fact that apple cider vinegar kills yeast and candida can help with yeast infections and candida issues, but can also cause a healing crises or candida die off when used internally. If you have never consumed apple cider vinegar internally before, start with a 1 teaspoon (5 grams) diluted with at least 16oz of spring water on an empty stomach and test your body’s response.

Apple cider vinegar and blood sugar levels

According to research, when vinegar was consumed before a meal, it led to a healthier blood sugar levels and increased satiety (source). Another study showed that apple cider vinegar consumption improved insulin sensitivity to a high carb meal (source) which is a key factor to a healthy blood sugar levels. Furthermore, when type 2 diabetes patients consumed 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar before bedtime, they had lower blood sugar levels in the morning (source).

Based on the findings of these human studies, apple cider vinegar may be beneficial for people who have candida and yeast infections that also have a history of blood sugar issues. Keeping stable blood sugar levels are very important when dealing with candida and yeast overgrowth, since high blood sugar spikes can cause candida overgrowth. In addition, feeling satisfied after a meal may also be helpful to control the cravings that often lead to overeating that are common during the early stages of the candida diet.

Apple cider vinegar for bloating

Using apple cider vinegar for bloating is a very known remedy that is commonly used for bloating and other digestive issues. Apple cider vinegar on its raw unfiltered unpasteurized form has naturally occurring acids and good bacteria that can promote healthy digestion and gut health. If you suffer from digestive issues such as constipation, irregular bowel movements, bloating or gas, drinking water with apple cider vinegar and lemon juice on an empty stomach before bedtime may be helpful. The popular overnight toxins flush is a great example of an ideal use of raw apple cider vinegar for yeast infection and digestive issues. It is considered one of the most effective natural detox and yeast infection home remedies.

Apple cider vinegar side effects

Apple cider vinegar side effects are usually related to its high acidity, especially when it used undiluted. Many of these side effects can be easily prevented by starting slow with a low serving size of apple cider vinegar and for a short time in case of an external use. This was you to safely test how using acv makes you feel, discontinue if irritation occurs, or fine tune the remedy per your individual results.

Apple cider vinegar side effects – Internal use

When consumed internally, apple cider vinegar can irritate your mouth, gums and the other delicate tissues inside your mouth. According to the medical community, ongoing drinking of apple cider vinegar can lead to erosive tooth wear (source). To avoid these common apple cider vinegar side effects:

Apple cider vinegar side effects – topical use

When applied topically, apple cider vinegar can irritate the skin or even cause a chemical burn to the skin (source). When used for vaginal yeast infection, apple cider vinegar is known to cause irritation and burning and in many cases made the vaginal yeast infection become worse. Due to these common side effects, as well as acv low effectiveness, we do not see any reason to use of apple cider vinegar for yeast infection topically, especially when there are much better natural remedies in terms of effectiveness, safety that are also backed up by science.

To learn more about the risks of apple cider vinegar and natural healthier alternatives see:

How to use apple cider vinegar for yeast infection

Based on our practice, short term use of apple cider vinegar for yeast infection can be very beneficial in the following cases:

Apple cider vinegar candida diet

Use apple cider vinegar as a healthier alternative to regular vinegar while on the candida diet. If you are a vinegar fan and like to include vinegar with your meals, apple cider vinegar makes an excellent choice for salad dressings. See Apple cider vinegar candida diet to learn more.

Apple cider vinegar for bloating

Drinking apple cider vinegar water on an empty stomach before bedtime as a part of the overnight toxins flush has shown to help with digestive issues such as bloating, gas, constipation and others. Apple cider vinegar water are commonly used in many detox drinks as well. It is very important to make and consume these apple cider drinks properly to enjoy the benefits while minimizing the side effects and risks.
See Apple cider vinegar for bloating to learn more.

Apple cider vinegar candida diet

Apple cider vinegar on its raw unfiltered unpasteurized form is known to contain acids, live enzymes, minerals, good bacteria and other health promoting nutrients that are usually not present in other vinegars. For this reason, it is the only vinegar that is commonly allowed on the candida diet.

The vinegar and yeast infection topic is a very popular one, mainly because there are not enough human studies that tested whether vinegar cumsption can directly benefit people with yeast infections.
Based on our practice, consuming apple cider vinegar as a part of a healthy candida diet may be beneficial for most people, especially as a healthier alternative to regular vinegar. If you are a vinegar fan and like to include it with your meals, apple cider vinegar makes an excellent choice for salad dressings.

Drinking apple cider vinegar for yeast infection has shown to help with digestive issues such as bloating, gas, constipation and others, and it is commonly used in many detox drinks as well. If you have never consumed apple cider vinegar internally before, start with a 1 teaspoon (5 grams) diluted with at least 16oz of spring water on an empty stomach before bedtime and test your body’s response.

Apple cider vinegar for thrush

Using apple cider vinegar for oral thrush is a common home remedy for thrush although it has shown to be very problematic and risky in many cases. Apple cider vinegar is highly acidic, with a pH level of around 3. Rinsing your mouth with such an acidic ingredient, even when diluted in water as an apple cider vinegar mouthwash can irritate your mouth and damage your gums and teeth. In fact, according to the medical community, ongoing drinking of apple cider vinegar can lead to erosive tooth wear (source).

For this reason, we do not recommend using apple cider vinegar for oral thrush. Based on our practice, a much safer natural remedy for oral thrush is ozonated olive oil that has proven by multiple published human studies (see links to studies) to be very effective and safe for oral thrush as well as for overall gum and oral health.

Apple cider vinegar for skin

Using apple cider vinegar for skin is a very popular home remedy for yeast infection on skin as well as many other uses: face toner, to treat dark spots on face, skin whitening, acne scars.

The idea is that the naturally occurring acids found in apple cider vinegar may cause a peeling effect that can help to remove dead skin and therefore promote a younger looking skin. These potential benefits however, come with a price. Apple cider vinegar is highly acidic and can irritate the skin when used topically, or even cause a chemical burn (source).

Using apple cider vinegar diluted with water on a healthy skin as a part of a beauty routine is one thing, but using such an acidic solution for yeast infection of skin that is already irritated is a completely different story. Skin fungus and yeast infection issues of skin such as jock itch, yeast rash, itchy skin and other skin fungal infections can make the skin very sensitive and easily irritated.

Furthermore, many people that were hoping that using apple cider vinegar for fungal infection of skin would be beneficial due to acv antifungal properties reported very little success. When apple cider vinegar was used full strength in the lab, it showed good antifungal activity against candida (source). Apple cider vinegar however, has to be diluted before used topically on the skin due to its high acidity. This may significantly reduce the antifungal potential of apple cider vinegar for yeast infection on skin and other skin fungus issues.

Apple cider vinegar bath

Apple cider vinegar bath is a known home remedy for yeast infection on skin and other skin fungus issues. The theory behind the acv bath benefits is that the naturally occurring acids in apple cider vinegar can alter the ph of the water, making the bath water become more acidic. As a result, you may get a better more deeper wash. in addition, apple cider vinegar antifungal properties may be useful as well against the skin fungus and candida on skin.

The apple cider vinegar bath benefits however, are not supported by any human studies. As we mention in the previous section, using apple cider vinegar topically on your skin is risky due to its high acidity, especially when your skin is already irritated. In addition, when you dilute apple cider with so much water such in the apple cider vinegar bath method, one has to wonder how much antifungal properties these bath water hold.

If you decide to give the acv bath a try, see the suggested procedure below.

Apple cider vinegar bath for yeast infection:

  1. Fill your tub with warm water.
  2. Add 1-2 cups of apple cider vinegar.
  3. Stay in the bath and soak for 5-20 minutes.
  4. If you have never done the apple cider vinegar bath before, start with ½ cup for 5 minutes and see how it makes your skin feel. Apple cider vinegar is very acidic and and can irritate or even burn your skin. If you feel any irritation, do not wait. Get out of the bath immediately and rinse your skin in the shower. Safety comes first!
  5. Rinse your skin in the shower.
  6. Dry your skin.
  7. Apply ozonated olive oil directly on the affected areas of your skin.
  8. Apply coconut oil to moisturize the rest of your skin that is not affected.

Apple cider vinegar for toenail fungus

Using apple cider vinegar for toenail fungus is a very common apple cider vinegar use that works by soaking the feet and affected toenails in a mixture of raw apple cider vinegar and warm water. The concept here is similar to the one of using apple cider vinegar for skin fungus. Soaking the feet and toenails in the apple cider vinegar water mixture can alter the pH of the infected toenails and feet. The change in the acidity can create an environment which may become hostile for the yeast fungus and therefore may help in cases of toenail fungus, athlete’s foot and other fungal infections.

How to use apple cider vinegar for toenail fungus

Apple cider vinegar is very acidic, with a pH level of around 3 which can cause irritation to the skin and toenails if used undiluted. For this reason, always dilute the apple cider vinegar by mixing it with distilled water.
It is best to start with lower concentration of apple cider vinegar to water and gradually increase the amount of apple cider vinegar as you gain more experience on the way it feels on your toenails. A safe place to start is 1:10 ratio: 3 ounces of apple cider vinegar mixed with 30 ounces of water.

  1. Mix apple cider vinegar with warm distilled water.
  2. Use organic apple cider vinegar on its raw unfiltered unpasteurized form.
  3. Temperature of water should be around body temperature.
  4. Soak the entire feet and toenails for 5-15 minutes 3-5 times a week.
  5. If you feel irritation, do not wait. Remove your feet from the apple cider vinegar water solution, and proceed with the next step.
  6. Rinse your feet and toenails with warm water, dry thoroughly.
  7. Discard the apple cider vinegar water mixture after use.

A note about safety: we get many emails from people that experienced severe irritation after applying undiluted apple cider vinegar or other types of vinegar directly on their toenails, based on the recommendation of some toenail fungus home remedies. The fact that you use a higher concentration of apple cider vinegar solution or a stronger remedy for toenail fungus doesn’t mean you will get rid of toenail fungus faster! In many cases, the damage caused by the remedy may delay the healing progress.

Apple cider vinegar for vaginal yeast infection

Using apple cider vinegar for vaginal yeast infection is based on the idea that acv antifungal properties and high acidity can create an environment in the vagina that is hostile to candida and yeast. To achieve that, many home remedies such as apple cider vinegar tampon or douching with acv are used.

The evidence however, suggest that apple cider vinegar for vaginal yeast infection is not very effective either as a treatment for the yeast infection in the vagina, or as a relief. In fact, apple cider vinegar is known to cause many side effects such as increased burning and irritation in the vagina.

Apple cider vinegar tampon

Apple cider vinegar tampon remedy is a very unsafe and risky method that can cause severe burning and irritation in the vagina. If you decide however to give this remedy a try, use the following steps to minimize the risks. If you feel any irritation during this process, do not wait. Remove the tampon immediately from the vagina and wipe with a clean wet cloth.

To use apple cider vinegar tampon for yeast infections:

  1. Soak a clean tampon in apple cider vinegar.
  2. Insert the apple cider vinegar tampon into the vagina.
  3. Remove after 10-15 minutes.
  4. Some home remedies suggest leaving the apple cider vinegar tampon overnight.
    We do not recommend that. When you sleep you may not be aware of signs of irritation or burning.

If you have never tried the apple cider vinegar tampon before:

  1. Dilute 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with 8 oz of distilled water.
  2. Soak a clean tampon in apple cider vinegar – water .
  3. Insert the apple cider vinegar tampon into the vagina.
  4. Remove after 5 minutes.
  5. Wait for 24 hours and fine tune (or discontinue) based on how it made you feel.

Based on our many years of practice, working with thousands of different cases of vaginal yeast infections, we believe that external use of apple cider vinegar for vaginal yeast infection is very risky, unsafe, can cause many side effects and in fact not very effective. Many women that used apple cider vinegar for yeast infection either as acv tampon or by douching with apple cider vinegar reported side effects such as burning, irritation and other discomforts.

A better option based on our experience that is also backed up by published human studies is ozonated olive oil, which was shown to be both safe and effective for vaginal yeast infections (source).
See the Ozonated olive oil tampon home remedy for a step by step instructions.

douching with apple cider vinegar – irritation alert

Something to consider before douching with apple cider vinegar. Douching is a very popular home remedy for vaginal yeast infection, although based on our practice it may cause many problems. When done excessively, douching can disrupt the the good bacteria in the vagina which may cause the yeast infection to become worse with more irritation and discomforts. Many studies that evaluated the effectiveness and safety of douching for yeast infections concluded that the risks outweigh the benefits. The recommendations of these studies was that douching may be harmful and should not be considered as a common practice (source).

If you have vaginal yeast infection, a few things you should know:

Apple cider vinegar male yeast infection

Using apple cider vinegar for male yeast infection has very similar risks to the ones we mentioned in regards to the acv use for skin and vaginal yeast infections. Even when apple cider vinegar is diluted with water, irritation and burning are still common side effects reported by many men. Furthermore, most men did not find apple cider vinegar to be effective for male yeast infections, not as a relief or as a part of the treatment for the external signs on the penis.

Based on our practice, a much more effective and safe natural remedy that has helped many men is ozonated olive oil, that also has a solid published studies behind it (see the studies).
To learn more see ozonated olive oil for yeast infections.

Apple cider vinegar for yeast infection reviews

Here is a quick summary of the apple cider vinegar for yeast infection reviews we gathered over the years. These reviews are based on cases where apple cider vinegar was used on its own.

acv for yeast infection use Reviews
Systemic candida overgrowth.
  • Great for candida diet salad dressing.
  • Helpful as detox drink for bloating and constipation.
  • Some people reported digestive issues when consumed acv water.
acv for yeast infection: skin.
  • Not effective, caused irritation in many cases.
acv for yeast infection: mouth, oral thrush.
  • Not effective, caused irritation in many cases.
acv for yeast infection: nails, toenails.
  • Not effective, caused irritation in some cases.
acv for yeast infection: women, vaginal yeast infections.
  • Not effective for the majority of the cases.
  • Apple cider vinegar tampon caused irritation in many cases.
  • Caused irritation and burning in many cases.
acv for yeast infection: men, male yeast infections.
  • Not effective, caused irritation in many cases.
How did you use apple cider vinegar for yeast infection?
Systemic candida overgrowth.
Apple cider vinegar for yeast infection: Skin.
Apple cider vinegar for yeast infection: Mouth, oral thrush.
Apple cider vinegar for yeast infection: Nails, toenails.
Apple cider vinegar for yeast infection: Women, vaginal yeast infections.
 Apple cider vinegar for yeast infection: Men, male yeast infections.
Based on your experience, Apple cider vinegar for yeast infection was…
Very helpful.
Somewhat helpful.
Not helpful.
Caused mild side effects.
Caused many side effects.

Apple cider vinegar uses

Despite the lack of published human studies on its effectiveness and safety, the list of apple cider vinegar uses, claimed benefits and cures is almost endless. Apple cider vinegar is commonly used as a natural remedy for many conditions with a large number of apple cider vinegar drink recipes or topical ones.

Here is a summary of the apple cider vinegar uses and claimed benefits. We included references to published studies when research data was available:

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