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Why Does Monistat 7 Burn And Itch So Bad? Safe And Quick Relief

Why Does Monistat 7 Burn And Itch So Bad?

Why Does Monistat 7 Burn And Itch So Bad?
Many women that use Monistat 7 day (miconazole nitrate), notice a severe reaction with increased itching and burning. These side effects can get really bad, and may be too much to handle. This is the point where you want to stop using monistat immediately and talk to your doctor. Especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Is Monistat Supposed To Burn And Itch?
According to the MONISTAT website, Monistat side effects may occur when you first use it:

The website also mentions that you should consult with your doctor “if you have abdominal pain, headache, hives, skin rash or if you have severe vaginal burning, itching, irritation or swelling”.

We get many emails everyday from women who experience severe burning and itching after using Monistat. (Hence, this post).

It is important to understand that when you have a vaginal yeast infection, your vagina area is already irritated. Applying a cream on the infection, can cause more irritation. This is a common issue with many vaginal creams. They may just be too strong or harsh to relieve an already irritated vagina. For this reason, we always advise to pay extra attention when trying new creams for vaginal infections. Safety comes first.

Monistat Burning What To Do

Here are a few things you can do that may help to relieve monistat burning and itching:

  1. Stop using the cream.
  2. Consult with your doctor.
  3. For a natural safe relieve, you can try Ozonated olive oil: apply after shower, before bedtime, and see if it helps.

Ozonated olive oil is one of the best natural creams for vaginal irritation, itching, burning and vaginal yeast infections, that is also backed up by science as effective and safe. Ozonated olive oil has a unique ability to reduce the irritation on one hand, while helping to soothe skin irritation and accelerate wound healing at the same time.[1,2].

Learn more about Ozonated olive oil for vaginal infections.

Monistat 7 Side Effects

The most common Monistat 7 side effects include vaginal burning, itching and irritation. Very often the vaginal discomfort can be severe. Other side effects that are also common include:

How Long Does Monistat Burn Last

Monistat burn can last anywhere between one day to the entire seven day treatment. Regardless of how long monistat burn may last, if you feel increased itching and burning or any other side effects, stop using it and speak with your doctor.

How Long Does It Take For Monistat 7 To Work

Monistat 7 is designed to work for seven days, using 100 mg of miconazole nitrate per dose. Monistat 7 does not however, cure the root cause of the vaginal infections in cases where they are caused by a candida yeast overgrowth problem in your body.

This is very common, and the main cause of recurrent vaginal infections. Very often the vaginal yeast infection is caused by a systemic yeast imbalance in the body, as a result of the overgrowth of a yeast-like fungi called candida. In this case, there are usually additional symptoms in different areas in the body. Skin infections, feet, digestive issues, gas, bloating, mood swings are common symptoms. This can change the treatment options you may need.

To see if your current symptoms may be related to a candida yeast overgrowth: candida self-test.

Symptoms Treatment
Vagina only Antifungal creams.
Prevention treatment.
Vagina & other symptoms in the body Candida overgrowth treatment.
Antifungal creams (relief).

To learn more about yeast infection treatment for women, see: vaginal yeast infection.

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