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Vaginal Yeast Infection – Are You Treating The Cause or The Symptoms

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Vaginal Yeast Infection

Vaginal yeast infection is a common inflammation of the vagina and the area around it caused by the overgrowth of yeast-like fungi called candida. Vaginal yeast infection symptoms cause many unpleasant discomforts: pain and burning during intercourse, swelling, thick vaginal discharge, itching, soreness, rash and others. A common mistake that often causes recurring yeast infections is to only treat the symptoms in the vagina without addressing the source of the yeast infection which is usually in the gut. In addition, many people use risky yeast infection home remedies or aggressive yeast infection medicine that are not safe and in many cases cause even more irritation and discomforts.

Vaginal yeast infection is a very common condition that usually can be cured at home with the right treatment. Most of the problems and challenges people experience are due to mistakes in identifying the cause of the infection or choosing the wrong treatment for their specific issue. In many cases, these mistakes are due to important facts that weren’t taken into consideration before and during the treatment.

That is exactly the objective of this experts guide. We are very excited to share this information with you, hoping it will help you to feel better as quickly as possible.

In this experts guide

  • 1 – When a quick relief is needed.
  • 2 – What is a vaginal yeast infection.
    • 2.1 – Recurrent yeast infections.
  • 3 – Top causes of yeast infections in women.
    • 3.1 – Candida overgrowth.
    • 3.2 – Specific issue in the vagina.
  • 4 – The vaginal yeast infection self test.
    • 4.1 – Vaginal yeast infection symptoms.
    • 4.2 – Candida overgrowth symptoms.
  • 5 – Quick relief for yeast infection.
  • 6 – Home remedies for yeast infection.

What is a Vaginal Yeast Infection?

Vaginal yeast infection is inflammation of the vagina (Vaginitis) and the area around it caused by the overgrowth of yeast-like fungi called Candida Albicans or other candida species. It is also known as candidal vulvovaginitis or commonly referred to as yeast infection.
Yeast infection in women is one of the most common reasons for vaginal infections. According to the medical community:

  • Vaginal yeast infection (Vulvovaginal candidiasis) affects 3 out of 4 women in their lifetimes.1
  • More than 40% of affected women will have 2 or more episodes.2,3

if you are unsure about the cause of your yeast infection, this is something you should explore with your doctor as there may be an underlying medical cause. The treatment you may need in each case may be completely different.

Recurrent Yeast Infections

Recurrent chronic yeast infections are very common and usually occur when the treatment for the yeast infection doesn’t address the source of the problem which in most cases is a systemic candida overgrowth in the body.
A few important facts about candida – It is normal to find candida in small amounts in the digestive system, mouth, vagina, skin and mucous membranes. Candida can benefit the body in various ways such as in cases of bacterial overgrowth, digestion of excess sugars and according to some evidence even in cases of heavy metal toxicity.

In a healthy state, the good bacteria in the body limits candida from growing out of control, helping to keep a healthy balance between the good bacteria to candida.
When this balance is being disturbed, candida changes into a more aggressive fungal form that spreads and releases over 80 different toxins. These toxins can get anywhere in the body, suppress the immune system and cause a wide variety of health issues and frequent yeast infections all over the body. A very common symptom many women experience is a vaginal yeast infection.

What Causes Yeast Infections in Women

The most common cause of yeast infection in women is a systemic candida overgrowth in the body, where the vaginal yeast infection is only one of the symptoms. Less common are cases where the vaginal yeast infection occurs as a result of an isolated issue in the vagina, without a systemic yeast problem.

1 – Systemic Candida Overgrowth

Common causes of yeast infection in women that typically lead or contribute to candida overgrowth in the body:

  • Antibiotics (kill the good bacteria)
  • Steroids or corticosteroid
  • Poor diet that is not suitable to your body
  • Diet high in sugars or processed foods
  • Blood sugar issues or diabetes
  • High estrogen levels (hyperestrogenemia)
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Birth control pill
  • Menstrual cycle issues
  • Pregnancy
  • Low immune system
  • High levels of stress
  • Being overweight
  • Ongoing lack of sleep or insomnia 

2 – Specific Issue in The Vagina

In some cases, the source of the vaginal yeast infection is in the vagina without systemic yeast infection symptoms present in the body.
Here are the most common contributing factors and causes of vaginal yeast infections when there is no systemic candida overgrowth issue present:

The vagina is not kept dry for a long time

This can be due to the clothes you wear or simply by not drying the area well after taking a shower.
Yeast thrives and grows best in warm and moist environment. Many female athletes or women that are very active may be at a higher risk, especially during the summer. How to prevent yeast infections:

  • Maintain good hygiene
  • Avoid clothes that make the area moist
  • Prefer cotton breathable underwear
  • Make sure to keep things dry and clean
Feminine products

This one is quite common and surprises many women. Frequent use of feminine hygiene products, harsh soaps, scented wipes or tampons, deodorants, and others is one of the main causes of vaginal yeast infection. Many of these products contain chemicals that can disturb this balance in the vagina and alter the good bacteria – yeast balance (source).
These chemicals are not supposed to be in the human body (internal or external) in the first place, and they can change the natural environment of the vagina. Douches can also create a problem, since they can wash away the good bacteria. How to prevent yeast infections:

  • Use organic 100% cotton tampons or pads
  • Avoid “chemicals” enhanced products and treatments in the vagina area
  • Avoid long hot bath or bubble bath
Yeast infection creams

Ironically, many anti-fungal and yeast infection creams that are supposed to help and treat a vaginal yeast infection, actually cause it to get worse. Many yeast infection creams contain substances (even natural ones) or chemicals that can damage the good bacteria and create imbalances between the good bacteria to the candida and yeast in the vagina.
If you are looking for a natural and safe yeast infection cream, you may want to consider using Ozonated olive oil, which was shown to be effective for vaginal yeast infections. Learn more.

Sexual Contact.

Vaginal yeast infection isn’t considered a sexually transmitted disease (STD) since you don’t have to have sexual contact in order to get it. It is possible however to get it through sexual contact with someone who has a yeast infection. The prevention in this case is simple…practice safe sex…


This goes without saying, but still a contributing factor due to the fact that yeast likes to grow in the inside folds of the vagina which is an area that may not get proper attention. Good hygiene practice is the key here.
On the other hand, make sure not to over-wash, as this can irritate and cause imbalances as well.

The Vaginal Yeast Infection Self Test

Which of the following yeast infection symptoms do you have?

1 – Vaginal Yeast Infection Symptoms

Common vaginal yeast infection symptoms:

Intense itching in the vagina.
Irritation, swelling and burning around the vulva.
Milky White thick vaginal discharge, looks like cottage cheese.
No Odor.
Mild yeast-bread odor.
Rash, redness, cracks and swelling of the skin outside of the vagina.
Dry white spots on the vaginal wall.
Pain, soreness or burning during intercourse.
Pain or burning when passing urine.
Low sex drive.

Learn More about yeast infection discharge.

2 – Yeast & Candida Overgrowth Symptoms

Common yeast & candida overgrowth symptoms:

Fungal infections on skin, feet or toenails.
Vaginal yeast infection.
Oral Thrush (infection of the mouth, throat, coated tongue).
Skin rash or other skin issues.
Digestion issues such as constipation or diarrhea, bloating, gas.
Water retention.
Low energy, fatigue.
Poor memory, focus issues, brain fog.
Behavior changes and mood swings.
Headaches, migraines.
Sinus infection.
Weight gain, difficulty to lose weight, eating disorders.
Muscles or joints pain.
Hormonal imbalance.
Low sex drive.

Vaginal Yeast Infection Test – Check Your Results

Yeast infection treatment is directly related to the cause of the yeast infection:

Areas Infected Possible Cause Treatment
Only the vagina is affected. Specific issue in the vagina. Antifungal creams.
Prevention treatment.
Vagina and other areas are affected. Systemic candida overgrowth. Candida overgrowth treatment.
Antifungal creams (relief).

The vagina and other areas are affected

When the vaginal yeast infection is caused by a systemic yeast and candida overgrowth, it is common to have symptoms in more than one area in the body.
This is the point when many mistakes are made: If only the vagina area is treated without addressing the source of the problem (candida overgrowth), the overgrowth may evolve, become more severe and affect other areas in the body. This is the main reason why many women experience recurring yeast infections.

Common candida overgrowth symptoms may include external signs causing infections of the skin, toenails, feet, mouth, tongue and genitals, as well as internal symptoms causing digestive issues, mood swings, brain fog, muscle and joint pain and breathing or sinus infections.

To see if your symptoms and medical history may be related to candida overgrowth infection in your body, see:
online candida overgrowth test.

Candida overgrowth treatment in women

A typical treatment for systemic yeast and candida overgrowth in women usually include:

A critical part of the candida overgrowth treatment, is to address the root cause of the yeast overgrowth in the body. The causes of candida overgrowth can be different from one person to another, and as such the needed treatment can be completely different.

To learn more about the common candida overgrowth causes, see yeast infection causes.

Quick & Safe Relief: Vaginal irritation, itching, burning and vaginal yeast infections

A common problem with many vaginal creams, is that they make the irritation in the vagina area worse. In many cases, the vagina is already very sensitive before using the creams. For this reason, if you are looking to relieve symptoms such as vaginal irritation, itching and burning, safety should always come first. Especially if you have a vaginal yeast infection.

Ozonated olive oil is one of the best natural creams for vaginal irritation, itching, burning and vaginal yeast infections, that is also backed up by science as effective and safe. Ozonated olive oil has a unique ability to reduce the irritation on one hand (source), while helping to soothe skin irritation and accelerate wound healing at the same time (source).

vaginal yeast infection cream
Human studies that compared Ozonated olive oil to prescription antifungal creams, suggested Ozonated olive oil as a safe and effective natural alternative to these drugs. Especially in cases of vaginal yeast infections (source).
Ozonated olive oil was also shown to be gentle enough for cases of mouth irritation and gum infections (source) and various skin issues (source).

Ozonated olive oil has been a part of our natural candida and yeast infection protocols for many years. Based on our experience, Ozonated olive oil is one of the most effective and safe natural home remedies for yeast infections that has helped many, especially where a fast and safe relief is needed.

ozonated olive oil for vaginal yeast infection

Perhaps one of the best natural remedies for vaginal yeast infections that is also backed up by science (source), you may want to try this remedy before going towards the topical yeast infection medicine or other antifungal drugs.
To use ozonated olive oil for vaginal yeast infection:

  1. Place 1-2 teaspoons of ozonated olive oil into a clean bowl until it turns liquid.
  2. Apply the ozonated olive oil to a clean tampon.
  3. Wash the vagina with warm water (no douching).
  4. Dry well.
  5. Insert the tampon into your vagina. It is best to choose a time that you can lay or sit comfortably, ideally at night.
  6. Start with a 1-2 hours.
  7. If irritation occurs, take out the tampon, wipe the vagina with a clean paper towel and wash immediately with warm water.
  8. Wait for 24 hours. If no irritation occurs, gradually increase the time you leave the tampon inside your vagina, for additional 1-2 hours every day, up to the entire night.
  9. If no irritation occur, continue with this protocol for up to 7 days.

Only the vagina is affected

If only the vagina is affected with no other symptoms present in other areas of the body, a yeast infection treatment using antifungal creams is usually enough for a complete yeast infection cure. For cases of chronic yeast infections, oral antifungals are usually used (source 1source 2).

The options for antifungal creams is available either as antifungal drugs such as fluconazole (Diflucan), clotrimazole (Canesten) or by using natural antifungal creams. Certain natural antifungal creams such as ozonated olive oil are shown in published human studies to be very effective for vaginal yeast infections as well (source), and are prefered by many who do not want to use synthetic drugs.

Unlike many prescription or nonprescription over the counter antifungal drugs that can cause irritation and burning when used topically on the already irritated vagina, Ozonated olive oil has a unique ability to reduce candida and yeast growth (source) on one hand, while helping to soothe skin irritation and accelerate wound healing at the same time (source).

Vaginal yeast infection treatment – key points to remember

  • Relieving the intense itching is a very important part of the vaginal yeast infection treatment. Constant itching often causes the desire or reflex to scratch (pruritus) which can make the infection and irritation become worse.
  • To avoid chronic yeast infections or other complication, it is important to confirm that no other yeast infection symptoms are present in other areas of the body.
  • When it comes to vaginal infections, it is always best to get tested by your doctor. This is very important since the needed treatment for each type of infection can be different.
  • To see the complete list of yeast infection symptoms broken down by different areas in the body see:
    candida symptoms checker.

Home remedies for yeast infection

Home remedies for yeast infection are very popular although many of them are problematic, used incorrectly and in a lot of cases do more harm than good.

There are many home remedies for yeast infection in women that suggest to relief the vaginal yeast infection by inserting various substances into the vagina. The theory behind these home remedies is that certain ingredients have antifungal properties or contain healthy bacteria, so by inserting these ingredients into the vagina, they may be able to balance the yeast overgrowth.

The problem we see with many home remedies for yeast infection is that the majority of them lack sufficient research that support their safety and effectiveness. The fact that certain home remedies worked for a few people doesn’t guarantee that it may work for you. In fact, many women experience even more irritation, burning, inflammation and other discomforts after using these remedies.

When used correctly, certain home remedies can provide a very simple, safe and effective natural way that can help you ease the many discomforts of a vaginal yeast infection.
To learn more about home remedies for yeast infections, see our expert guide:

Home Remedies for Yeast Infection – Benefits and Risks You Must Know

The complete home remedies for yeast infection expert guide: make sure you use them properly while avoiding risky home remedies along with other mistakes that can make your infection worse. Learn More

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One Last Thing 

Like we mentioned, educating yourself is the key to a complete healing. If you have any questions, we are here to help ! please feel free to contact us.

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