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Vaginal Yeast Infection Discharge – Top Mistakes to Avoid

Is your Candida Diet Making You Constipated

Vaginal yeast infection discharge is one of the most common causes of a vaginal discharge and a known symptom of a yeast infection. Also known as vaginal candidiasis or candidal vulvovaginitis, vaginal yeast infection is caused by the overgrowth of yeast-like fungi called candida. It is estimated that 3 out of 4 women (source 1, source 2) will suffer from yeast infections at one point in their lives; hence, yeast infection in women that affect the vagina is quite common. While there are several candida species that can cause yeast issues in your body, candida albicans is the most common one (source).

Do you already know you have a yeast infection?

If you already know that your vaginal discharge is caused by a yeast infection, you may want to read our vaginal yeast infection experts guide. In this guide, our experts cover everything you need to know about this condition, causes, symptoms, treatment and common critical mistakes that can make yeast infection become worse.

Need a quick relief for your yeast infection?

If you need a natural quick and safe relief for your vaginal yeast infection or skin, you may want to consider using Ozonated olive oil, which was shown in published human studies to be both safe and effective for vaginal yeast infections and fungal skin issues (read study).
Based on our experience, Ozonated olive oil is one of the most effective and safe natural home remedies for yeast infections that has helped many, especially where a fast relief is needed.
Learn more about ozonated olive oil for yeast infections.

Vaginal Discharge

Definition of vaginal discharge and discharge meaning: Vaginal discharge is a fluid produced by glands inside the vagina.
The purpose of the vaginal discharge is to keep the vagina healthy, mainly by promoting a clean and moist environment that is designed by nature to protect against infections, inflammation and irritation.

There are many factors that can change the amount, color, or odor of the vaginal discharge. Some may be completely normal while others may indicate there is a problem.

Vaginal Yeast Infection Discharge Causes – The #1 Mistake to Avoid

Most women suspect they may have vaginal yeast infection discharge when they notice the classic signs:
thick white clumpy discharge, often with unpleasant symptoms such as itching, irritation or burning in the vagina.
Before rushing into remedies, antifungal creams, yeast infection pills or medication, it is critical to determine the cause of the yeast infection vaginal discharge, as the needed yeast infection treatment might be completely different.
This is especially important in cases of a Vaginal yeast infection discharge that is caused by a systemic candida overgrowth in the body.

We can’t stress this enough – this is by far the main reason why so many women who experience vaginal yeast infections can’t get rid of them. Unless the root cause is fully addressed, these infections are likely to re-occur or even get worse.

Do You Have Have Vaginal Yeast Infection Discharge? Know these 4 Signs

The appearance of a vaginal yeast infection discharge is usually a thick chunky milky white discharge. This is usually the classic sign that most women with a vaginal yeast infection discharge notice.
There are 4 main characteristics that typically indicate you may have a vaginal yeast infection discharge:

One of the most common causes of a vaginal yeast infection discharge is a systemic candida overgrowth problem in your body, where the vaginal infection is one of the symptoms.
Identifying this common condition is essential for a complete yeast infection cure as well as preventing the infection from growing and spreading further.
This is exactly what we’ll cover next – how to determine if your vaginal yeast infection discharge is caused by candida overgrowth.

Is Your Vaginal Yeast Infection Discharge Caused by Candida Overgrowth?

When you have a systemic candida overgrowth problem, there are usually multiple symptoms present in different part of your body. Common yeast infection symptoms in women may include vaginal infections, digestion problems, bloating, gas, food allergies, oral thrush, fungal skin or nails issues, mood swings, mental confusion, weight gain, and others.

The Vaginal Yeast Infection Self Test is specifically designed to help you test your symptoms and evaluate whether they might be connected to a systemic candida overgrowth.
This test also includes the proper needed treatment.

Start the Test

Vaginal Yeast Infection Discharge – Treatment Options

One of the most common causes of a vaginal yeast infection discharge is candida overgrowth. The treatment in these cases should include dietary changes as well as proper supplementation plan. These are required in order to help your body to naturally balance the excess yeast. It is important to consider additional factors that may cause or contribute to candida overgrowth. Common factors are certain medications (especially antibiotics), low or compromised immune system, hormonal issues, heavy metal exposure, poor diet choices and unhealthy lifestyle habits.

YEAST INFECTION TREATMENT PROTOCOL: If you have multiple yeast infections symptoms, we highly recommend to check our yeast infection treatment protocol. This high rated experts guide cover in depth the most effective natural treatment methods, combining time proven traditional remedies with the latest modern research and studies. You will also learn what are the common critical mistakes so many are making that prevent them from healing.


Can you have a yeast infection without discharge?

Yes, it is possible to have a yeast infection and no discharge. Since discharge from yeast infection may be only one symptom of a systemic candida overgrowth problem in your body, it is important to recognize the candida overgrowth symptoms correctly in order to properly treat this common condition.

What does it smell like when you have a yeast infection?

Vaginal yeast infection discharge usually has no odor or smell. With that said, if you have thick white discharge with odor, you may still have a vaginal yeast infection.

To learn more see our experts guides for:

Do yeast infections cause swelling?

Swelling of the skin outside of the vagina is a very common sign of a vaginal yeast infection. Other symptoms include itching, irritation, burning, rash, redness and cracks in the vagina. For a complete list of symptoms of yeast infection in women please see our Vaginal Yeast Infection Self Test.

What does a yeast infection look like?

Yeast infection looks like cottage cheese discharge and may include the following signs:

To learn more, see our complete experts guide: What does a yeast infection look like?

Is a milky white discharge no odor a sign of yeast infection discharge?

Milky white discharge, that is also thick chunky and odorless may be a sign of yeast infection discharge. If you however, have always had a white milky discharge with no odor, and have no unusual changes, other symptoms or discomforts, this may not be a sign of a yeast infection discharge.

Yeast infection vaginal discharge is typically a thick white clumpy discharge, looks like cottage cheese with no odor, often with itching, irritation, swelling, pain or burning around the vulva.

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