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Oregano Oil Side Effects: Is oregano oil good for Candida?

Oregano Oil Side Effects

Oregano oil side effects

Oregano oil side effects are usually mild and typically occur due to an overdose or when it is used incorrectly. Common oregano oil side effects may include upset stomach and diarrhea when consumed internally, and skin irritation when used topically. According to the medical literature, internal use of oregano oil can cause low blood pressure (source) and may also influence the good bacteria (source) in the gut.

In this guide you will find everything you need to know about oregano oil so you can enjoy the many benefits and uses of oregano oil while minimizing the oregano oil side effects.

In this guide

Is oregano oil good for Candida?

Common oregano oil side effects

Prevent oregano oil side effects

Oregano oil side effects

Oregano oil is considered very safe when used properly. Oregano oil side effects are usually mild and typically occur due to an overdose or when it is used incorrectly.

Oregano oil side effects when taken by mouth may include:

To avoid side effects, using oregano oil is not recommended in the following cases:

too much oil of oregano side effects

Consuming too much oil of oregano side effects are common and usually include upset stomach, diarrhea and other symptoms of toxicity.
Some people are more sensitive than others and may get all the oregano oil benefits using very low dosage. If a person that has an allergy or sensitivity to oregano oil (or the mint family) takes too much oil of oregano, it can be harmful. See our dosage section to make sure you avoid the unpleasant side effects of an overdose.

How to take oregano oil

To make the most benefits and minimize potential side effects, follow these guidelines when you take oregano oil internally (orally):

Oregano oil for candida, yeast infections and parasites:

In addition, here are common mistakes you should avoid when you take oregano oil:

Wild mediterranean oregano oil

Oregano oil benefits are usually related to the potency of the oregano oil and the percentage of Carvacrol, the active ingredient in oregano oil. To get the most oregano oil benefits, look for oregano oil that:

A good example of a high quality organic oregano oil we often use as a part of our candida and parasite cleanses as well as for our immune system boosting protocol is Dr. Group’s oregatrex.
Oregatrex comes with empty vegan capsules to avoid mouth irritation as well as for people who prefer to avoid the strong taste of the oregano oil. This is also a great way to control the amount of oil used in each application, especially if you still need to find out what is the most effective dosage for you or if used for the entire family.

Oil of oregano dosage

The recommended oil of oregano dosage depends on many factors that should be considered before you take the oregano oil:

Oil of oregano toxicity is usually not a concern, unless an overdose is taken or if there is a history of liver damage. To avoid the risk of an overdose and other side effects, here is a brief summary of how to find the right oil of oregano dosage when taken orally (internally):

Oregano oil healing crises

Oregano oil is well known for its strong antifungal (source), antibacterial (source) and antiparasitic (source) properties. For this reason, oregano oil is commonly used for candida cleanse, parasite cleanse and as a natural medicine cabinet item to fight common colds, sinus issues, UTI and other infection.

Using oregano oil may cause a healing crises and die off symptoms due to the toxins released by the dying candida, parasites or bacteria. This is one of the most common side effects of oregano oil. Symptoms of a healing crises may include flu like symptoms often with fever, joint, muscle and body pain, headache, diarrhea and others.

If you have digestive issues such as bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea, there is a good chance you will have a healing crisis after using oregano oil, as it may take your body a long time to eliminate the dead bacteria and its toxins. For this reason, it is highly recommended to do a colon cleanse prior to using the oregano oil, to make sure your colon and digestive tract are free of accumulated waste buildup that can slow down toxins elimination.
Simple home remedies such as the overnight toxin flush are shown to be very effective and safe (see study) and can help you minimize the risk of these unpleasant healing crises discomforts after using oregano oil.

Oregano oil side effects blood pressure

One potential oregano oil side effects has to do with its effect on blood pressure. According to research, oregano oil may cause low blood pressure (source). While more studies are needed to further explore this, if you already have low blood pressure or taking blood pressure medication, this may be something to consider and discuss with your doctor before you take oregano oil.

Oregano oil & probiotics

According to research, some evidence suggests that using oregano oil kill good bacteria by inhibiting the growth of certain probiotics (source). While there are not enough studies on this topic, this is a serious enough concern that should be considered when using oregano oil. Reducing the levels of the good bacteria in the body is usually a concern when taking antibiotics, and is one of the leading cause of candida overgrowth, yeast infections and low immune function. These problems are very common and usually occur after antibiotics use.

Recommendation: when you take oregano oil, support your levels of probiotics and good bacteria:

A good example of a multi strain probiotics supplement is FloraTrex which has a complete highly potent 23 active probiotic strains that are 100% vegan and free of any allergens.
It also contains organic Inulin; Inulin is a natural fiber known to promote the growth of probiotics by acting as a “food source for probiotics” (also known as prebiotic).

Oregano oil candida

Is oregano oil good for Candida?

Using oregano oil for candida and yeast infection is very common due to oregano oil’s antifungal properties (source). The full oregano oil benefits however, are achieved when it used in combination with a candida cleanse treatment. Oregano oil on its own is not effective enough to treat a typical candida overgrowth infection, as many other factors need to be considered and addressed during the treatment.

Oregano oil may cause side effects when used incorrectly, so it is important to know the right dosage for your body, and at what stage of the candida treatment you can start using it.

To get all of the benefits while minimizing the oregano oil side effects, and to make the most out of your candida cleanse:

  1. Identify the root cause of your candida issues. The root cause may vary from one person to another, and as such, the treatment or type of cleanse you need may be completely different. Certain medications, antibiotics or poor diet are common causes of candida overgrowth and should be addressed before you start the treatment.
  2. Check whether there is an underlying issue that prevents your body from naturally balancing the candida infection by itself. If you have digestive issues such as bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea, these must be treated before you use oregano oil or any antifungal for candida. This is very important in order to prevent die off symptoms and other unpleasant discomforts.
    For more info, see our expert guide: What is preventing your body from healing candida by itself
  3. Start the candida cleanse plan. A candida cleanse typically includes:
  4. Make sure your candida treatment is tailored to your individual condition, lifestyle and body needs. What worked for 9 people may make the 10th person condition’s worse. For more info see our experts guide:
    How to tailor the candida treatment to your body needs

Oregano oil for parasites

Using oregano oil for parasites is very common. Oregano oil is widely known for its antiparasitic properties (source). If you use oregano oil for parasites, it is very important to take it as a part of a parasite cleanse, in order to make sure that:

To learn more, see our parasite cleanse protocol.
You can also download the summary of the parasite cleanse protocol handbook.

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