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How To Get Rid Of Constipation Fast At Home: Easy Quick Natural Cure

colon cleanse

How To Get Rid Of Constipation Fast At Home

This easy to follow step by step experts guide is designed to help you get rid of constipation fast at home, naturally, quickly and safely.

Based on the many requests we have been getting, we put the focus in this guide on the most safe quick acting constipation remedies known to get rid of constipation immediately.

1 – Find The Cause Of Your Constipation

Very often people focus more on how to relieve constipation immediately and less on why they have constipation to begin with.

Finding the cause, however, is the most important step to cure constipation permanently.
While we cover the most effective natural ways you can use to get rid of constipation fast at home, you still need to consider the possible reason or reasons you have constipation. Constipation can be caused by different reasons and as such, the ideal treatment you may need can be completely different.

“You can take the strongest medicine for constipation, as long as the cause of the constipation is not fully addressed, you will not be able to completely get rid of constipation.
There’s a good chance it may even get worse since the root cause may evolve and become more severe”.

To help you with this process, below you will find the most common causes of constipation.
In many cases, the awareness of these potential causes turned to be the key to a complete cure.
If any of these apply to you, there’s a good chance you will get rid of constipation once you have them addressed.
This read may take additional 5 minutes of your time, but can save you long weeks of unnecessary suffering.

When to see your doctor: If you have had severe or chronic constipation for over a week, and you can’t figure out the reason, we highly recommend that you should see your doctor, as there may be an underlying medical condition that causes the constipation.

2 – Cleanse Your Colon

You do your best to eat healthy, avoid foods that cause constipation, already saw your doctor and according to the tests, there are no related medical conditions. You still suffer from occasional constipation. Now what?

One of the best natural ways to get rid of constipation fast at home, is to help your body get rid of the waste buildup in your digestive tract and colon.

This is exactly what an oxygen colon cleanse (Oxy-Powder®) is designed to do.
As its name suggests, oxygen colon cleanse releases oxygen in the entire digestive tract and intestines to soften and loosen dry hard waste buildup so it can be flushed out naturally by the body through normal bowel movements. Unlike laxatives and other constipation medicine, oxygen colon cleanse works in a completely natural and safe way. It doesn’t force your body to make a bowel movement or cause laxative dependency. For this reason, oxygen colon cleanse is considered safer and more effective than fiber, herbal laxatives or osmotic laxatives and is the preferred choice of many natural health practitioners.

To use oxygen colon cleanse:

To learn more about using oxy-powder for constipation, see Oxygen colon cleanse for constipation.

3 – Drink Coffee

Drinking coffee has been one of the most popular home remedies for constipation for a very good reason: many people experience a bowel movement minutes after drinking coffee. This reaction can help to maintain regular bowel movements and also provide a quick constipation relief. In fact, according to one study, caffeinated coffee was shown to stimulate colonic activity similar to a 1000 calories meal! This study also showed that caffeinated coffee effect on colonic activity was 60% stronger than water and 23% stronger than decaffeinated coffee (1).

So drinking coffee can be a very effective natural way to get rid of constipation fast at home.
Using coffee for this purpose however, may be different from drinking coffee at Starbucks.
Here are a few important guidelines you may want to consider:

4 – Consider Enemas

Enema is one of the oldest remedies to get rid of constipation fast at home, with a very long history of traditional use. Enemas have been practiced for centuries since the days of the ancient Egyptians and Greeks.
Using enema for constipation works by injecting liquids into the lower part of the colon through the rectum in order to loosen and release trapped stool and waste. This typically triggers one or more bowel movements, helping to flush out the trapped stool and waste.
This entire process of using enema for constipation usually takes 10-40 minutes, making enema one of the quickest ways to get rid of constipation fast at home.

Before you use enemas for constipation, a few important things you need to know.

The Fiber And Constipation Confusion

Fiber is perhaps one of the most common natural home remedies used to get rid of constipation as well as the one known to cause constipation. Does fiber relieve or cause constipation?

The answer surprises a lot of people. Having the right amount of fiber your body needs can prevent constipation or ease the symptoms of constipation by promoting healthy bowel movements. On the other hand, not having enough fiber, consuming too much fiber, or getting fiber from sources (food or supplements) you are sensitive to can lead to constipation or other digestive issues.

The ideal way to use fiber for constipation is to get your fiber from whole foods that agree with your body at the right amount your body needs. This may vary between people, as our digestive system and nutritional needs are different.

Adjusting your fiber consumption may take time and for this reason should be considered more as a general dietary change for overall good health rather than a way to get rid of constipation fast at home.

For the complete guide of using fiber for constipation, see: fiber and constipation.


  1. Is coffee a colonic stimulant? (1).
  2. “The medicine from behind”: The frequent use of enemas in western African traditional medicine (2).
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