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Coffee And Candida Yeast Infections : Benefits vs. Risks

Coffee And Candida

Coffee is one of the most popular and widely consumed beverages worldwide; hence, the popularity of the coffee and candida or yeast infection topic. We have researched this topic closely for the last 3 years. The bottom line: some people can benefit from drinking coffee when they have candida, others may not.

This article summarizes our findings.

Coffee And Candida

Research’s Summary

Coffee Benefits

The main reason coffee is so popular, is due to its stimulating effect on the central nervous system. For many people this means more energy, higher motivation, better productivity, clarity, brain function and an overall state of well-being. Another reason more people drink coffee, is the “coffee is healthy” trend. According to multiple studies, coffee consumption may help to prevent several chronic diseases. Special interest of these benefits goes to the evidence that coffee may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. With millions of US adults that are at high risk for type 2 diabetes, these potential benefits of coffee may be promising.

Coffee And Candida : The Concerns

In general, you may want to give up coffee and caffeinated beverages during the initial candida treatment. Coffee’s stimulant effect causes a fight-or-flight response in the body. Having this response on top of the stress caused by systemic candida overgrowth can intensify the symptoms. So you may feel worse.

Another concern with coffee and candida is fungal contamination. Some studies found that green coffee beans were contaminated with toxigenic fungal species. Since mycotoxins may be resistant to the roasting process, this suggests possible exposure to mycotoxins through consumption of coffee 1.

Mycotoxins are toxins produced by microfungi including the candida yeast fungi. Mycotoxins can cause disease in humans. The last thing you need when you already have candida overgrowth is more toxins.

The bottom line: If you are not a coffee drinker, there is no reason to start to drink coffee during the candida treatment. If you are looking for health natural energy boosters, see: alternatives.

If you enjoy drinking coffee, here’s what you need to know.

Who Can Drink Coffee With Candida?

Some people responds very well to coffee. If you are one of these people, you may find that drinking just one cup of coffee in the morning:

These are all amazing and unique benefits which are very hard to give away. If you are one of these people that coffee agrees with, you may want to keep drinking coffee in the morning, and see how you feel.

Coffee And Candida : Do It Right

Drinking coffee when you have candida or yeast infections however, may be different from drinking coffee at Starbucks. Here are a few important guidelines you should consider:

Tip: If you like to add cream or sugar with your coffee, here are a few healthy alternatives:

Both cinnamon and coconut oil have natural antifungal properties. If you have never combined them with your coffee before, try small amount and see how you feel.

Healthy Alternatives To Coffee

If you suffer from fatigue, low energy and stress symptoms, natural herbs such as ashwagandha, american ginseng and maca have shown to be very helpful. These herbs do not have stimulant effect like caffeine; when used correctly, you may feel long lasting “clean” energy for many hours. To enjoy the benefits and avoid potential reactions from low quality herbs, it is recommended to use organic or wild grown herbs from a trusted source.

Ginseng Fuzion is a good example we use in many of our protocols to promote energy, reduce stress, and support a state of well-being. Especially in these cases where you are highly sensitive and want to avoid stimulants.

Is Coffee A Natural Antifungal?

Coffee does have some natural antifungal properties. Research data however, suggests that coffee is a very weak antifungal 3. This means that coffee can kill candida, although the weak antifungal activity of coffee is not a reason to drink it. Especially considering that there are much stronger natural antifungal sources that were found in research to be very effective against candida.
Mycozil which we use in our natural protocol for candida and yeast infections, is a great example.

To learn more about natural antifungals for candida, see: antifungals.

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