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Coconut Oil For Yeast Infection – Benefits vs. Risks Experts Review

coconut oil for yeast infection

Coconut oil for yeast infection

Using coconut oil for yeast infection may offer many benefits but can also cause unpleasant side effects when used incorrectly. This experts guide summarizes our experience working with coconut oil for candida and yeast infections. We looked into traditional remedies, published medical studies as well as the thousands of the coconut oil for yeast infection reviews we gathered over our many years of practice.

We hope this guide will help you enjoy the many coconut oil benefits while minimizing the risks.

In this guide

Is coconut oil good for yeast infections?

coconut oil benefits

Coconut oil is a very good choice for yeast infections and candida overgrowth issues, with many known health benefits and uses. What makes coconut oil especially good for yeast infections is a unique combination of benefits of coconut oil:

Coconut oil kills candida and yeast

Coconut oil antifungal properties are well known and were demonstrated in many studies as effective against candida and yeast infections (source 1, source 2 ,source 3). The fact that coconut oil kills candida and yeast can help with yeast infections and candida issues, but can also cause a healing crises or candida die off when used internally. If you have never used coconut oil internally before, start with a 1 teaspoon (5 grams) and test your body’s response.

Yeast infection on skin home remedy

Using coconut oil for yeast infection on skin is a very popular home remedy. Besides coconut oil antifungal properties, the fats in coconut oil can help to soothe and relieve the irritated skin. On its own however, coconut oil may not be effective enough to relieve cases of yeast infection itch, candida rash, yeast rash and other yeast infection on skin issues. For this reason, it is usually combined with other more potent ingredients such as ozonated olive oil.
See the coconut – ozonated olive oil cream recipe section to learn more.

Coconut oil as carrier oil with other antifungal essential oils

Due to its mild calming effect on the skin, coconut oil is commonly used in combination with other antifungal essential oils as a carrier oil. Most antifungal essential oils such as tea tree oil are too strong to be applied on the skin directly. Using coconut oil to dilute their strength can help making safer skin creams that are more mild and less likely to irritate the (already irritated) skin.

Coconut oil as an energy source while on the candida diet

Coconut oil is one of the most famous candida diet staples. Coconut oil antifungal properties is one reason. The second reason is that coconut oil is one of the best natural sources of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCTs are fatty acids that are easily assimilated by the body, providing a quick non-jittery energy that can last for long hours. This makes coconut oil an excellent choice during the candida diet, as a substitute to high carb foods. Many people that have been on our candida diet plan are surprised to learn how much energy they get from coconut oil or coconut butter, despite going low on carbs while on the candida diet. In fact, replacing carbs with coconut oil or coconut butter is a very popular strategy among athletes that need to lose weight before a competition, but still need to maintain high energy levels. If you are lucky enough and can get a real fresh organic coconut at your local store, you may want to consider getting all these benefits straight from the source. With practice, cracking coconuts may not be  as hard as you may think.

To see examples of recipes for candida diet using coconut oil:

Coconut oil promotes brain health

The MCTs oils in coconut oil are well known to promote brain health and memory function. As research suggests, ketone bodies derived from the MCTs can serve as a good energy source in the brain, even better than glucose for some people (source 1, source 2).

Disadvantages, side effects and negative effects of coconut oil

Coconut oil benefits for yeast infections and candida are very well documented and studied. Coconut does have a few potential side effects and disadvantages you should know before you use it:

Coconut oil die off & detox symptoms

Coconut oil antifungal properties can kill candida and yeast, but can also cause a healing crises or candida die off detox symptoms when used internally. For this reason, if you have never used coconut oil internally before, start with a 1 teaspoon (5 grams) and test your body’s response. Besides the potential coconut oil detox symptoms, consuming coconut oil on an empty stomach is known to cause diarrhea. This laxative coconut oil bowel movement affect may be beneficial however, to relieve constipation for some people.

Coconut oil on its own may not be effective enough for systemic candida overgrowth

On its own, coconut oil is not effective enough to treat a typical systemic candida overgrowth infection, as many other factors need to be considered and addressed during the treatment. Coconut oil does have however, many uses and potential benefits when it is combined as a part of the candida treatment.

Coconut oil on its own may not be effective enough to relieve skin yeast infections

Using coconut oil for yeast infection on skin can help in mild cases, but may not be effective enough for skin issues that cause a higher discomfort level. Issues such as itchy skin, candida rash, yeast rash and others typically requires something stronger in order to get a significant relief. Coconut oil on its own may not be enough to ease these unpleasant symptoms. For this reason, coconut oil is usually combined with other more potent ingredients.
See the coconut – ozonated olive oil cream section to learn more.

Coconut oil is high on saturated fats

A large percentage of the fats in coconut oil are saturated fats. The link between excessive consumption of dietary saturated fats and coronary heart disease has been well documented and suggested by many studies (source). It is debatable however, whether saturated fats from coconut have the same negative effect as the saturated fats from animal sources such as red meat. Most of the studies done on this subject didn’t differentiate between these. Another important factor that was not addressed in these studies was whether the consumption of the saturated fats also coupled with a diet high in carbs, which is a common dietary pattern known to cause many health problems.

On the other hand, some studies suggest that a diet rich in extra virgin coconut oil may improve the good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce the waist circumference (source).

We get many questions on this topic. One of the easiest way to know the affect coconut oil has on your health, is to work with your doctor and check the related factors in a standard blood test. Before using coconut oil, and after. Based on our practice, we have not seen any negative impact of coconut oil, as long coconut oil was not used excessively and that it was used as a part of a low-carb diet.

How to use coconut oil for yeast infection

Before you use coconut oil for yeast infection, a few useful tips about coconut oil:

  • To get the most nutritional value and benefits, use 100% organic unrefined virgin cold pressed coconut oil.
  • We get many questions on the refined vs unrefined coconut oil topic. To get the most nutrients and flavor out of the coconut oil, the general recommendation is to use unrefined coconut oil.
  • Coconut oil naturally solidifies below 75 degrees Fahrenheit (25°C). This can be useful when you use coconut oil topically for skin issues, but may not be ideal when you want to mix coconut oil with your food.
    See the how to liquify coconut oil section below to learn more.

How to use coconut oil for yeast infection on skin

To use coconut oil for yeast infection on skin:

  1. If you have never used coconut oil topically before, apply the coconut oil first on a healthy area of the skin that is not affected by the yeast infection.
  2. Wait for 24 hours and test your body’s response. If everything is ok, proceed with the next steps.
  3. Wash the area of concern before use.
  4. Dry the area well.
  5. Apply a thin layer of coconut oil on the affected area. Start with a small area and wait for 24 hours before using it on larger areas in the body.
  6. You find that using coconut oil on its own isn’t always enough to relieve your discomforts. Using coconut oil for yeast infection itch and similar skin issues usually require stronger ingredients in addition to the coconut oil in order to provide a significant relief. Combining coconut oil with ozonated olive oil has shown to help many with these discomforts. See the exact recipe in the coconut – ozonated olive oil cream section.

How to use coconut oil for for nails and toenails fungus

The protocol shown above may be also useful for nails and toenails fungus, with a few simple modifications.
To use coconut oil for nails and toenails fungus:

  1. Soften the toenails: soak your feet in warm water for 5-10 minutes and dry your feet, toes and toenails with a towel. This makes it easier to trim the toenails.
  2. Trim the toenails and keep them short. This can help the coconut oil to reach deeper.
  3. Thin the toenail if you have thick toenails.
  4. Prepare the coconut oil or the coconut – ozonated olive oil cream.
  5. Apply to the nail or toenail and the surrounding skin using toe nail brush or a cotton swab.
  6. Begin by testing the mixture on a small area first to test your skin and toenail response. If irritation occurs, wipe with a clean paper towel and wash immediately with warm water.
  7. Use twice a day, morning and evening, after washing and drying the toenails and the surrounding skin.

coconut oil for male yeast infection

Using coconut oil for male yeast infection may provide some relief, especially when it is combined with the ozonated olive oil. Many men have found this simple natural home remedy to be very effective for penis yeast infections:

  1. Prepare the coconut oil or the coconut – ozonated olive oil cream.
  2. Wash the penis and the affected skin.
  3. Dry well.
  4. Apply on the penis and the affected skin twice a day.
  5. Begin by testing the cream on a small area first and test your body’s response. If irritation occurs, wipe with a clean paper towel and wash immediately with warm water.

The Coconut – Ozonated Olive Oil Cream

Ozonated olive oil is olive oil that had ozone added into it. Ozonated olive oil is considered one of the best natural remedies for yeast infections and candida issues with a solid record of published human studies on its effectiveness and safety against candida (source), especially in cases of vaginal yeast infections (source), mouth irritation (source), oral thrush (source) and skin issues (source).

The reason Ozonated olive oil works so well for yeast infection is due to the unique combination of the health benefits of both ozone and olive oil:

  1. Ozone is very effective against yeast, candida and fungal infections.
  2. Ozone was shown to be very beneficial for oral infections.
  3. Ozone has the ability to quickly ease skin irritation and promote fast wounds healing.
  4. Olive oil has a known calming effect when applied topically on the skin.

On its own, ozonated olive oil is very effective and safe for yeast infections and candida issues. Combining it with coconut oil creates a richer cream that has the coconut oil scent and feel many people like, as well as the pleasant coconut oil flavor if you plan to use it for mouth irritation and oral thrush.

To make the coconut – ozonated olive oil cream:

  1. Mix equal parts of coconut oil and ozonated olive oil.
  2. If you need to liquify the coconut oil, see the how to liquify coconut oil section.
  3. Wash the skin and keep it dry it.
  4. Apply a thin layer on the affected areas before bedtime.

To use the cream for specific yeast infection concerns:

Coconut oil for vaginal yeast infection

common uses: coconut oil suppository, coconut oil tampon, douching with coconut oil

Using coconut oil for vaginal yeast infection is based on the idea that coconut oil antifungal properties may be effective for the yeast infection in the vagina. The evidence however, is quite limited, especially when it comes to human studies on the effectiveness and safety of coconut oil for vaginal yeast infections.

Based on our many years of practice of working with thousands of different cases of vaginal yeast infections, we believe that coconut oil may not be the best solution for vaginal yeast infections. Using coconut oil either as coconut oil suppository, coconut oil tampon or by douching with coconut oil has worked for some cases, but wasn’t strong enough to help in the majority of the cases. In addition, many women that used coconut oil for their vaginal yeast infection experienced increased irritation and burning.

A better option based on our experience that is also backed up by published human studies is ozonated olive oil (source), which was shown to be both safe and effective for vaginal yeast infections.
See the Ozonated olive oil tampon home remedy for a step by step instructions.

douching with coconut oil – irritation alert

We get many questions on douching with coconut oil and douching in general. Douching is a very popular home remedy for vaginal yeast infection, although based on our practice it may cause many problems. When done excessively, douching can disrupt the the good bacteria in the vagina which may cause the yeast infection to become worse with more irritation and discomforts. Many studies that evaluated the effectiveness and safety of douching for yeast infections concluded that the risks outweigh the benefits. The recommendations of these studies was that douching may be harmful and should not be considered as a common practice (source).

If you have vaginal yeast infection, a few things you should know:

  • It is very important to identify and address the root cause of your yeast infections as a part of the treatment.
  • If you have a systemic candida overgrowth, the vaginal yeast infection is usually one symptom of a larger systemic problem of excess candida and yeast in your body.
  • If only the vaginal infection symptoms are treated, the infections are likely to come back. In many cases they become worse as the candida infection spreads and continue to grow. To see if you have a systemic candida overgrowth, see the self candida test.

Coconut oil for thrush

coconut oil pulling

Coconut oil pulling is one of the best ways to use coconut oil for oral thrush as well as to maintain a good oral hygiene and health. Coconut oil pulling is a natural remedy that has a very long history of traditional use with its benefits also backed up by science (source 1, source 2).

Oil pulling comes from Ayurvedic medicine (Ayurveda), one of the world’s oldest medical systems that originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. Oil Pulling (also known oil pull) is an oral therapy that uses oil to promote oral health and oral detoxification.

The idea behind oil pulling is that certain oils have the ability to draw and pull toxins, bacteria and other pathogens from the mouth and saliva, so by swishing it in your mouth for as long as 10-20 minutes, these toxins are attracted and mixed with the oil. When you spit that oil mixture, you are actually cleansing and detoxifying your entire mouth by removing these toxins.

How to oil pull with coconut oil for thrush

To oil pull with coconut oil for thrush:

  1. Coconut oil pulling should be done first thing in the morning, before you drink, rinse your mouth, brush your teeth, etc.
  2. Use 100% organic unrefined virgin cold pressed coconut oil.
  3. Swish 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil in your mouth for 10-20 minutes (do not swallow).
  4. Spit out and rinse the mouth with clean water.
  5. Start with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil for 5 minutes and gradually increase the serving size and the swishing time and up to 20 minutes.
  6. For additional antifungal support and to enhance the healing of gum and other tissues in your mouth, mix ozonated olive oil with the coconut oil.
  7. For gums or tongue infections, apply the ozonated olive oil directly on the affected areas before you swish with the coconut oil.
  8. Do not eat or drink within an hour after the oil pulling.

Coconut oil pulling benefits for thrush

Does coconut oil pulling really work?

Coconut oil pulling is a perfect example of a natural remedy that combines the best of both worlds: natural medicine time proven traditional methods and modern science. Based on the available research data and our practice, we have found coconut oil pulling to be an effective and safe home remedy to maintain good oral hygiene and health. It is also very easy to use and doesn’t require a lot of effort.

The reason coconut oil is a perfect fit and one of the best oils to use for oil pulling is due to coconut antifungal properties as well as its flavor. Coconut oil is one of the better tasting oils to swish in your mouth.

When it comes to using coconut oil for thrush, it is one of the best natural remedies that may provide relief and calm down the mouth irritation and infection, especially when it is combined with the ozonated olive oil. It is important however, to address the root cause behind the oral thrush as in most cases it is not in the mouth but in the gut. See the candida overgrowth causes expert guide to learn more about potential causes of oral thrush or other common yeast infections.

To wrap up, here is a brief summary of potential coconut oil pulling benefits:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene and health (source).
  • May relieve oral thrush discomforts in the mouth, gums and tongue.
  • May promote gum health.
  • Decrease plaque formation and plaque induced gingivitis (source).
  • Ongoing use may be helpful for teeth whitening.

How to liquify coconut oil

Coconut oil naturally solidifies below 75 degrees Fahrenheit (25°C), so it is common and normal for the coconut oil to become solid at room temperature. When using coconut oil for yeast infection and candida issues, it is usually easier to work with the coconut oil when it is in its liquid state, especially if you planning to mix it with other ingredients. To liquefy coconut oil:

  1. Put the coconut oil container inside a bowl with warm water (a little above 75 degrees Fahrenheit will do).
  2. Wait 5-10 minutes. This should be enough for the coconut oil to liquify.
  3. You can heat the coconut oil on the stove for quicker results, but it is not needed and also not recommended since we want to keep its nutrients intact and “live” (Unless you are planning to use the coconut oil for cooking).

Coconut oil for yeast infection reviews

Here is a quick summary of the coconut oil for yeast infection reviews we gathered over the years. These reviews are based on cases where coconut oil was used on its own.

Coconut oil for yeast infection use Reviews
Systemic candida overgrowth.
  • Great for candida diet – energy and flavor.
  • Coconut oil detox symptoms occurred in some people.
  • Caused diarrhea when consumed on empty stomach.
Coconut oil for yeast infection: skin.
  • Feels great on skin.
  • Not effective for more severe cases of yeast infection itch.
Coconut oil for yeast infection: mouth, oral thrush.
  • Provided relief when used as coconut oil pulling.
  • Not effective enough for more severe cases of oral thrush.
Coconut oil for yeast infection: nails, toenails.
  • Provided relief in mild cases.
  • Not effective enough for more severe cases of nail and toenail fungus.
Coconut oil for yeast infection: women, vaginal yeast infections.
  • Not effective for the majority of the cases.
  • Coconut oil tampon caused irritation in many cases.
  • Caused irritation and burning in many cases.
Coconut oil for yeast infection: men, male yeast infections.
  • Provided relief in mild cases.
  • Not effective enough for more severe cases of male yeast infections.
How did you use coconut oil for yeast infection?
Systemic candida overgrowth.
Coconut oil for yeast infection: Skin.
Coconut oil for yeast infection: Mouth, oral thrush.
Coconut oil for yeast infection: Nails, toenails.
Coconut oil for yeast infection: Women, vaginal yeast infections.
 Coconut oil for yeast infection: Men, male yeast infections.
Based on your experience, coconut oil for yeast infection was…
Very helpful.
Somewhat helpful.
Not helpful.
Caused mild side effects.
Caused many side effects.
  • If you have any additional comments – contact us – we would love to get your feedback!

Can coconut oil cause yeast infections?

Coconut oil can cause yeast infections in the following cases:

  • Coconut oil is eaten with a meal or a diet that is high in carbs. This is true for other oils as well. Different foods such as fats and carbs often need different conditions in the stomach and the digestive tract in order to be properly digested. Eat the wrong foods together at the same time, and you may get a recipe for a complete digestion disaster. This can also affect your blood sugar levels. These issues often create an environment in your body that can promote candida overgrowth and lead to yeast infections. See the food combination section in our candida diet lesson to learn more.
  • Using coconut oil for vaginal yeast infections, either as coconut oil suppository, coconut oil tampon or by douching with coconut oil can disrupt the good bacteria in the vagina, which can cause an existing yeast infection become worse.
  • You have an allergy to coconuts. Ongoing consumption of food you are sensitive to may cause a problematic environment in the body where candida-yeast can grow and cause yeast infections.

With that said, when used properly, coconut oil antifungal properties can be very beneficial for yeast infections and for overall health. See the coconut oil benefits for yeast infection section to learn more.

Wisdom of the Crowd: What is your preferred way of using coconut oil? Share your wisdom and comment!

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