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Chronic Yeast Infections : Causes, Treatment & Prevention

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Chronic yeast infections

Why do I keep getting recurring yeast infections?

Chronic yeast infections are very common, and can be very frustrating. Dealing with many unpleasant symptoms that are keep coming back, despite all the effort made can be devastating.

Recurring yeast infections in many cases however, can be easily avoided. Chronic yeast infections usually occur when the root cause of the infection wasn’t properly addressed during the treatment, or left untreated. This is one of the most common mistakes in chronic yeast infection treatment, especially when antifungals (natural or drugs) are used without first considering the root cause of the infection.

Table of Content

  • 1 – Chronic yeast infections and candida overgrowth.
  • 2 – Chronic yeast infections causes.
  • 3 – Top 4 chronic yeast infections scenarios.
  • 4 – Chronic yeast infection treatment.
  • 5 – FAQ.

Chronic yeast infections and candida overgrowth

How recurring yeast infections start

  • In a healthy state, the good bacteria in the body limits yeast and candida from growing out of control, helping to keep a healthy balance between the good bacteria to candida and yeast.
  • Candida is an opportunistic organism. As such, it thrives in cases where there are imbalances in the body, especially when it comes to the good bacteria.
  • When this balance is being disturbed, candida changes into a more aggressive fungal form that spreads and releases over 80 different toxins. These toxins can get anywhere in the body, suppress the immune system and cause a wide variety of health issues and frequent yeast infections all over the body. A very common symptom of yeast and candida overgrowth many women experience is a vaginal yeast infection.

Chronic yeast infections usually occur when the reason behind the imbalance in the body wasn’t properly addressed during the candida and yeast treatment. And since the imbalance that caused the yeast infection to begin with is still present after the treatment, it is likely that the yeast infection symptoms will keep coming back.

Did you know? It is estimated that 3 out of 4 women will suffer from yeast infection at one point in their lives.

Chronic yeast infections causes

Which ones apply to you?

Below is a list of the most common causes of chronic yeast infections. Each one of these is considered a risk factor for developing a yeast infection, and may be the cause of your  chronic yeast infections. The importance of this section: if any of these apply to you and you are keep getting frequent yeast infections, you may want to address these as a part of your treatment. For some issues such as medication, hormonal imbalances and diabetes you may need to consult with your doctor. Others may require lifestyle changes (sleep, stress) or dietary changes.

Antibiotics use or medication that reduce the levels of good bacteria in the body.
Diet high in sugars, processed foods or that is not suitable for your body.
Low immune system.
Hormonal imbalances.
High estrogen levels due to birth control pills, hormone therapy, during pregnancy or others.
Chronic constipation or digestive issues.
Blood sugar issues or diabetes.
Heavy metals or chemicals toxicity issues.
High levels of stress (ongoing).
Being overweight.
Ongoing lack of sleep or insomnia.
As an opportunistic organism, candida is likely to keep causing issues as long as these imbalances are not resolved. Becoming aware of these in many cases is a big part of the solution.

Did you know? Antibiotics use is one of the most common causes of yeast infection and candida issues.

Frequent yeast infections

Are these common scenarios apply to you?

The following frequent yeast infections scenarios are very common, and usually require special attention. These are usually the cases were critical mistakes are made and the infection become worse. We included links to the relevant experts guides of each of these cases:

1: You started a candida treatment and notice worsening symptoms

You may have a healing crises from the dying candida and its released toxins. This means that the amount of toxins released by the dying candida is more than what your body can safely handle.
To learn more on how to manage and avoid healing crises and die off symptoms see our 
candida die-off symptoms experts guide.

2: Chronic male yeast infections: the yeast infection affects the penis

A complete male yeast infection cure is typically achieved by local treatment with antifungal creams which are widely available over the counter, by prescription or as natural male yeast infection creams.
For more information on natural home remedies for male yeast infection, see the yeast infection in men treatment.

3: Chronic vaginal yeast infections

Vaginal yeast infection symptoms cause many discomforts: vaginal discharge, itching, burning, pain, soreness, rash, yeast infection bleeding and others.
To learn more on the causes, symptoms, treatment and common critical mistakes you must avoid to prevent the infection from becoming worse, see our vaginal yeast infection experts guide.

4: You have multiple yeast infections symptoms in your body

you may have a systemic candida overgrowth. In this case, the yeast infection symptoms will likely reoccur or become worse if the source of the problem (candida overgrowth) will not be addressed. Treatment for systemic candida and yeast infection issues typically include transitioning to the candida diet with anti-candida supplements in order to balance the candida overgrowth in your body.
To learn more, see our
 yeast infection treatment protocol experts guide.

Chronic yeast infection treatment

How to help the body heal itself

Once the root cause of the infections is considered, it is time to treat the actual infection.
Our approach to chronic yeast infections treatment and candida overgrowth issues is holistic. This means that we look at the body as a whole. Rather than trying to “fix” individual chronic yeast infection symptoms, we work with the entire body so it can naturally heal. We do it by removing “obstacles” that prevent your body from healing, as well as providing the body key nutrients that are required to correct the damage caused by the candida overgrowth.

The 5 step protocol for chronic yeast infection treatment

The candida and yeast infection treatment should be tailored to the individual state of health, needs and lifestyle. Our recommended approach is very simple and has proven to be very effective – create an environment in the body where candida can’t overgrow while optimizing the body’s ability to heal.

This is achieved by:
(Notice how antifungals come last, as they are not always needed)

  1. Oxygen colon cleanse to optimize the body’s elimination, cleansing and toxins removal
  2. “Starve the yeast” (but not you…) candida diet avoiding foods that overfeed candida or weaken your immune system; consuming foods & remedies that help your body to heal and naturally balance the overgrowth  
  3. Restore the body’s good bacteria to balance and prevent candida overgrowth by using candida specific probiotics
  4. Ensure the body gets optimal levels of needed nutrients so it can repair the damage done by the overgrowth
  5. Targeted natural antifungal treatment to further control more severe cases of candida if needed.

See the 5-step candida supplements protocol: Candida supplements.

Chronic yeast infections – FAQ

I can’t find the root cause of my chronic yeast infections.

While not typical, some people can’t clearly identify the cause to their yeast infections. This may be a good time to start the 5 step protocol for chronic yeast infection treatment, which is designed to treat the infection holistically, helping your body to naturally heal the infection.

What causes a yeast infection in women?

The most common cause of yeast infection in women is a systemic candida overgrowth in the body, where the vaginal yeast infection is only one of the symptoms. Less common are cases where the vaginal yeast infection occurs as a result of an isolated issue in the vagina, without a systemic yeast problem.
To learn more on the causes, symptoms, treatment and common critical mistakes, and to avoid getting chronic yeast infections, see our vaginal yeast infection experts guide.

What is the best chronic yeast infection diet?

At its core, the candida diet works by avoiding foods that can overfeed yeast and candida or weaken your immune system; The foods to avoid while on the candida diet are typically the ones that are high in sugars or carbs, processed foods, foods that are hard to digest or that your body may be sensitive to. To see the complete list of these foods including alternatives, please see our candida diet experts guide.

In addition the candida diet should include foods & remedies that help your body to heal and naturally balance the overgrowth.
Special consideration should be given in cases of  blood sugar issues or foods allergies, both commonly known to cause candida issues and chronic yeast infections.

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