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Yeast Infection Treatment – Top Candida Cleanse Mistakes You Must Know

Yeast Infection Discharge

Yeast Infection Treatment

Yeast infection treatment usually takes more than just a visit to your doctor, health provider or candida specialist. In order for the treatment to be effective, the root cause of the infection must be clearly identified, as the needed treatment may be completely different. In many cases, the key to a complete cure is what you need to stop doing, rather than what you need to take.

Table of Content

1Our approach to candida treatment.
2Critical mistakes when treating candida.
3The 5 steps of candida treatment.
4Find the source of the yeast infection.

Treatment for Yeast Infection – Our Approach 

1 – Treat the cause, Not the symptoms

Our approach to candida and yeast issues is holistic. This means that we take into consideration all the symptoms you may have along with other contributing factors to reveal and treat the root cause of the problem. Rather than trying to “fix” individual candida and yeast infection symptoms, we work with the entire body so it can naturally heal, especially:

  1. Identify the root cause of the infection.
  2. Understand the reason the body can’t naturally balance the candida overgrowth.
  3. Remove “obstacles” that can prevent your body from naturally healing.

2. Safety Comes First

Over the years, we researched thousands of candida programs and yeast infection treatment protocols.
Next to some programs that were very beneficial and healthy, we found many others that had fundamental errors in them. Many of them were unsafe. Even natural ones.

3. Just as nature intended, Proven by Science

Our practice combines time proven natural traditional methods that have been used safely generation after generation, that are also backed up by modern science. So you get the best of both worlds. Very often we see conflicting research data. Studies that are funded by pharmaceuticals companies that propose new drugs that may not be safe, or alternative medicine methods that have no scientific evidence. We focus on the proven research data that combines both.

The Problem with Candida & Yeast Infection Treatment

It is estimated that 7 out of 10 people in north America suffer from candida and yeast infections. According to the medical literature, 3 out of 4 women will suffer from vaginal yeast infection at one point in their lives. More than 40% of affected women will have 2 or more vaginal yeast infections [1].

Being such a common condition, you would expect to quickly get the right diagnosis with the right yeast infection treatment you need. In reality, however, the root cause of the infection is often overlooked and only the symptoms are treated. It is also common to mistakenly confuse candida issues with other medical conditions, giving patients the wrong treatment.

The result: many people find themselves going from one doctor to another, switching between one candida treatment protocol to another only to end up feeling sicker and even more confused.

The good news is that with candida and yeast issues being so common, there is enough data and experience to understand this condition very well, and also the correct yeast infection treatment.

Critical Mistakes in Candida & Yeast infection Treatment

Over the years, our team researched thousands of candida cleanse programs and yeast infection treatment protocols.
Next to some programs that were very safe and effective, we found many plans that had fundamental errors in them. Choosing the wrong program can prevent you from healing, and in many cases cause unnecessary suffering and severe candida die off symptoms.

Here are the most common critical mistakes you should be aware of. We highly encourage to share these with your doctor if you feel they are not addressed in your treatment:

Does The Candida Treatment Support Your Unique Body Needs?

Generic candida treatment are common but they rarely work. The treatment has to be tailored to your own body. What worked for 9 people may make the 10th person condition worse. Some people are so sensitive, that even minor diet changes can cause them severe discomfort and health issues.

The best candida treatment has to take your individual state of health and specific body needs into consideration.
Think about it this way – the dietary needs of active people are completely different than non-active ones. Some people do very well on a low-carb diet while others don’t. Some people only need to avoid certain foods to heal, others may need to fully rebuild their damaged gut flora such in cases of leaky gut. The one plan/diet fits all approach simply do not work.

Educate yourself, understand the reason behind the changes you make, and use common sense. Share your observations and what you are planning to do with your health practitioner.

You Start the Yeast Infection Treatment When You Are Constipated

This is the most common mistake we see and the main reason many people feel bad during the yeast infection treatment. Before you start any candida cleanse, yeast infection treatment or in fact any detox plan, we highly recommend that you cleanse your colon from waste buildup. This will make sure you are not constipated. Constipation can cause the toxins released during the cleanse to circulate longer in your body. So you get a healing crises and feel sick. Totally unnecessary and should be avoided.

Oxygen colon cleanse (Oxy-Powder) as its name suggests, releases oxygen in the colon to detoxify and loosen waste buildup, toxins, and undigested food particles so they can be flushed out through normal bowel movements. This is done in a completely natural and gentle way, yet it has shown to be very potent.
If you have never done an oxygen based colon cleanse before, chances are having one will make you feel much better. This is by far the most important step to do before starting any candida cleanse or yeast infection treatment.

Learn more about Oxygen colon cleanse: candida colon cleanse.

Ignoring Digestion Issues

Digestion issues typically lead to fermented and undigested food particles that can feed candida and other harmful organisms. They can also weaken the immune system. This can make it hard for the body to balance the excess yeast overgrowth, and may also cause the candida overgrowth to become worse.

People with digestion issues such as bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea tend to suffer more from candida die off symptoms. It is important to address these and find out the reason, whether it is the diet, especially:

Other reasons can be certain supplements. Many dairy based probiotics or fiber supplements actually cause gas and digestion issues.

Digestive Enzymes

Fine tuning your diet, identify which foods may cause you issues can take time. This is where taking full-spectrum enzymes with your meals can make a difference. Enzymes can significantly improve your digestion, so you avoid the digestion issues and increase the food utilization and absorption, which means you are getting much more nutrients from the food you eat. Other important benefits include breaking down excess yeast, mucus and other toxins in your body as well as improving your overall health and immune system functions. All of these – very important factors when dealing with candida and yeast issues.

Most people that had digestive issues, feel a big difference very quickly after they take enzymes with their meals.

Since different enzymes are required to digest different type of foods, you want to make sure the enzymes included in the formula match the foods you eat. The easiest thing to do is to take multi enzymes formula that contains the most common enzymes.

VeganZyme is our preferred choice for a multi-enzymes supplement during the candida treatment, and it has been a very important part of our protocol, especially for people who have digestion issues or food sensitivities.
The biggest advantage we see in VeganZyme has to do with its versatile formula. With a total of 20 digestive and systemic enzymes , it can support the digestion of a wide variety of foods making it ideal for many different diets, cuisines, and health conditions. VegamZyme systemic enzymes profile is highly diverse as well, and can effectively break down excess yeast, candida, mucus, allergens and other toxins.

Making Drastic Changes Too Fast

Many people are so eager to start with their yeast infection treatment, that they switch from one extreme to another. This often creates such a strong healing crises, that you need to stop the treatment. When you make so many changes at the same time, it is always very hard to know which changes are the ones that caused the issues.

Gradually apply changes as a part of your yeast infection treatment. Evaluate how your body responds to different foods, supplements, and other modifications.

Are Antifungals Needed?

Antifungals are the most confused and misused supplements or medication in the candida and yeast infection treatment. Anti-candida or antifungals contain ingredients that directly or indirectly kill yeast in your body. While this can be very beneficial in certain cases, it can also backfire if not used correctly. One of the biggest problem we see with antifungals is that many of them are too strong, toxic, contain harsh chemicals and act as stimulants. In many cases they are not even needed. This is a very common misconception:

Many people use antifungals in order to artificially “kill the yeast” where what you really want to do is to restore the natural balance in your body, so your body can safely eliminate the excess yeast naturally – two completely different things.

Antifungals usually bring the most benefits in cases of “stubborn” candida and yeast issues that are still not fully resolved. If you consider taking antifungals, we highly recommend to read our Antifungals Protocol. Our protocol may help you to minimize or avoid candida die off symptoms, and includes correct dosing protocol, antifungals rotation, natural vs. synthetics review and more. Most people are not aware of these important factors.

Fancy Yeast Infection Treatment 

This is very common. Complicated diet plans, sophisticated meals that take forever to make, too many supplements, pills and powders. Do you really need all of these to cure candida?

The answer is simple. No you don’t. The best yeast infection treatment should be simple, sustainable and above all, should make sense. Always consult with your doctor, and make sure the treatment plan is something you can easily do.
Ideally, your plan should not consume your entire time. It may take a while in the beginning to make healthy meals or to become efficient, but things should be easier as you get used to the plan.

Blindly Follow The GURU

Similar to the previous section, another important observation to consider: are you going to take responsibility for your health, or let someone else do it for you.

This is very common. Many people ignore what their body is telling them. They spend their entire time and follow the wrong yeast infection treatment. Nature has given all of us a gift of self healing. We just need to learn how to read the signs, and modify the treatment when needed.

Listen to your body and common sense, educate yourself and learn as much as you can so you can take responsibility for your health. Become aware of how your body responds and different changes make you feel. This will also help you to share your doctor with important information and feedback that may be useful in your treatment.

The 5 Steps of Yeast Infection Treatment

Our recommended approach for the yeast infection treatment is very simple and has proven to be very effective. Create an environment in the body where candida can’t overgrow while optimizing the body’s ability to naturally heal at the same time.

This is achieved by:

Notice how antifungals come last, as they are not always needed.

Find The Source Of  The Yeast Infection

Before you start the candida treatment, it is very important to identify the source or possible causes of the candida overgrowth and yeast infection. We can’t stress this enough. The root cause must be clearly identified in order to know how to cure candida overgrowth in your body. The treatment you may need can be completely different. The one treatment plan fits all doesn’t work for candida treatment. There are many different causes of candida overgrowth. Each case may be different.

To see the complete list of the most common causes of candida and yeast infection, see: most common causes.


What is a yeast infection?

Yeast Infection is a fungal infection caused by the overgrowth of a naturally occurring yeast found in the human body known as candida, usually by the candida albicans species. This condition is also referred to as candida overgrowth, yeast overgrowth, candida or yeast infection. The medical term of this infection is called Candidiasis.
The symptoms of a yeast infection can occur anywhere in the body. It is important to recognize these symptoms, as the needed candida albicans treatment may be completely different. Learn more.

Do probiotics help with yeast infections?

Yeast infections issues are usually a result of gut flora imbalances between candida and the friendly organisms that normally control candida from over growing. Probiotics supplements work by populating the intestines with beneficial organisms that can help to restore these imbalances.

Using probiotics supplements for systemic candida issues is one of the most important steps during the yeast infection and systemic candida treatment, although most probiotics on the market are not specifically designed to treat candida or yeast infection. If you consider taking probiotics for yeast infections, it is highly recommended to focus on probiotic strains that their main characteristic is yeast and candida elimination. Learn more.

Can you get a yeast infection after taking antibiotics?

Getting yeast infections after taking antibiotics is very common. Antibiotics can also kill the friendly bacteria that normally control candida from over growing, hence contribute to candida overgrowth and yeast infections.
It is highly recommended to consult with your health provider prior to the antibiotics use to confirm they are indeed necessary, and in case antibiotics are required, take probiotics supplements after the antibiotics use to encourage the friendly bacteria growth.

What are the drugs used to treat candidiasis? Are over the counter (OTC) antifungals or prescription yeast infection medication needed for candida and yeast infection treatment?

Over the counter antifungal pills or prescription yeast infection medication drugs such as oral Fluconazole (brand name Diflucan), Itraconazole (brand name Sporanox) and others are often prescribed to treat fungal infections. In many cases however, they are not required. This is also true for antifungal creams such as Miconazole (brand name Monistat) or vaginal suppositories that are commonly used for vaginal yeast infections.

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