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Best Colon Cleanse For Weight Loss: Facts vs. Myths

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Best Colon Cleanse For Weight Loss

Before looking for the best colon cleanse for weight loss you may want to ask yourself if a colon cleanse is even a good option for weight loss.

This experts guide summarizes our experience with colon cleansing, detox and weight loss. We looked into traditional remedies, published medical studies as well as the best colon cleanse for weight loss reviews we gathered over our many years of practice.

Average reading time is 5 minutes. We believe this may save you a lot of trouble, mistakes and give you the facts that can help you in achieving your weight loss goals in the most healthy natural and easy way.

Is Colon Cleanse Good For Weight Loss?

The purpose of a natural colon cleanse is to cleanse your colon from toxins and stored waste and NOT to lose weight.
Many of the colon cleanse for weight loss reviews mention instant weight loss with reduced inches from the midsection, hence the increased popularity of using colon cleanse to flatten stomach. This, however, is due to the stored waste being flushed out of the body, along with excess gas and water, and not due to fat loss.

We have seen this in many of our natural protocols that include oxygen colon cleansing. Most people who use Oxygen colon cleanse (Oxy-Powder) reported losing 10-20 pounds and sometimes even more over a 7-14 day cleanse. The majority of this weight however, is stored waste and not fat.

When the body gets rid of so much stored waste, it is common to have more energy. For this reason many people report a sense of “great relief” that often comes with increased energy, higher clarity, a clearer complexion, and significantly better bowel movements and digestion, with many digestion issues such as constipation, bloating, body odor and gas greatly improved.

These may be very beneficial in your weight loss journey, both physically – the increased energy, better digestion, as well as mentally, as you feel more motivated with these fast almost instant results. Many people get encouraged by these improvements, become more active, and make healthier food choices, which typically promote the actual fat loss.

Best Colon Cleanse For Weight Loss

The bottom line

Type Of Colon Cleanse Products For Weight Loss

When it comes to colon cleanse products, you can find many different forms, colon cleanse pills, powders, teas and drinks, over the counter and prescriptions.

Colon cleanse products however, typically fall into one of the following categories:

Best Colon Cleanse For Weight Loss Recipes

Below are a few popular examples taken from our natural cleanses protocol of making instant fast colon cleanse juice or colon cleanse meal recipes at home.

Apple Cider Vinegar Colon Cleanse Drink

Also known as: overnight colon cleanse

The apple cider vinegar colon cleanse is designed to cleanse your intestines and bowels quickly and safely by removing toxins and accumulated waste buildup from your colon as you sleep.

We also added a complete 3-7 days colon cleanse protocol including apple cider vinegar weight loss drink, colon cleansing meal and additional colon cleanse diet guidelines for the best colon cleanse results, helping you to enjoy the many apple cider vinegar colon cleanse benefits. Use this protocol below for up to 7 days, and feel the difference!
Learn More.

Colon Cleanse Meal For Weight Loss

This colon cleanse recipe was developed as a complete meal to compliment most colon cleanse diet and detox plans.
Many colon cleanse drink recipes such as juicing colon cleanse recipes, colon cleanse smoothies, colon cleanse tea recipes, salt water colon cleanse do a great job cleansing the colon. They may not always help however, to make you feel full and satisfied.

That is exactly the purpose of this colon cleanse recipe: provide a healthy colon cleansing meal that is also highly nutritious that will make you feel happy and satisfied. It is also very easy to make, tastes great and like all our recipes offers a safe and all natural gentle cleanse.
Learn More.

Probiotics, Colon Cleanse and Weight Loss

A word about probiotics, colon cleanse and weight loss. When doing a colon cleanse it is often recommend to also take probiotics to encourage the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon to support a healthy gut.

But what about weight loss? According to research there may be a correlation between a healthy gut to healthy weight. A few studies suggested that probiotics may help support weight loss by improving satiety efficiency, eating behaviors, and mood (1). As in many studies however, there is a need for more research and longer studies done on a lager population to fully understand these benefits.
Lifestyle modifications still remain the most effective therapy for weight loss (2).
Something to consider before buying probiotics for the purpose of weight loss. There may be much more effective proven ways.


  1. Effects of a Diet-Based Weight-Reducing Program with Probiotic Supplementation on Satiety Efficiency, Eating Behavior Traits, and Psychosocial Behaviors in Obese Individuals (1).
  2. Probiotics in prevention and treatment of obesity: a critical view (2).
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